Can We Show Off Our Crafts?

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Ms. Mod
Jul 10, 2006
I am doing a drawing for a friend's daughter who was recently married. I did the drawing from this engagement photo of her daughter and her fiancé:
I'm happy with the drawing, but I was toying with the idea of adding some color to the picture, kind of like the technique of adding color to a black and white photograph (see example). Maybe using colored pencils to make the background in greens, yellows and blues? What do you guys think? Should I leave it as is, or add the color?
Oh, and here it is with a little more detail added in, and framed.
Really nice job, Danie! My suggestion would be to take a photocopy of the drawing, or several, and use those to try out different options with the colors to see if it's what you want and that way you'll still have the original intact if you don't like it. I can't tell how big the drawing is but if it's bigger than 8-1/2 x 11, you could take a couple passes and tape them together to get the full image.
Mar 12, 2010
I am doing a drawing for a friend's daughter who was recently married. I did the drawing from this engagement photo of her daughter and her fiancé:
I'm happy with the drawing, but I was toying with the idea of adding some color to the picture, kind of like the technique of adding color to a black and white photograph (see example). Maybe using colored pencils to make the background in greens, yellows and blues? What do you guys think? Should I leave it as is, or add the color?
Oh, and here it is with a little more detail added in, and framed.

I didn't know you were an artist... You are really really good! :) You aced the likenesses and even got the sweater to look like a sweater :)

I agree with do1 - I don't think I'd add any color, the sketch looks good as is :) Maybe you could photocopy the sketch and play with colors but don't alter the original.

(Ms Mod snuck a post in while I was typing and said what I said, except better lol.)


Ms. Mod
Jul 10, 2006
I didn't know you were an artist... You are really really good! :) You aced the likenesses and even got the sweater to look like a sweater :)

I agree with do1 - I don't think I'd add any color, the sketch looks good as is :) Maybe you could photocopy the sketch and play with colors but don't alter the original.

(Ms Mod snuck a post in while I was typing and said what I said, except better lol.)
Great minds. ;)

Hill lover35

Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2017
Alberta canada


I am whatever you say I am.
Feb 26, 2008
Beautiful work.

Very nice job, danie!

As for the color question, I've done that before but it really works best when you have a focal point for the color, like the lake in your example. If she had a bow in her hair, or a flower in her hand, you'd have a good spot to add a pop of color, but this pose really doesn't have that and anything you added would be a distraction. Leave it just like it is. Lovely! :love_heart:

Really nice job, Danie! My suggestion would be to take a photocopy of the drawing, or several, and use those to try out different options with the colors to see if it's what you want and that way you'll still have the original intact if you don't like it. I can't tell how big the drawing is but if it's bigger than 8-1/2 x 11, you could take a couple passes and tape them together to get the full image.

I didn't know you were an artist... You are really really good! :) You aced the likenesses and even got the sweater to look like a sweater :)

I agree with do1 - I don't think I'd add any color, the sketch looks good as is :) Maybe you could photocopy the sketch and play with colors but don't alter the original.

(Ms Mod snuck a post in while I was typing and said what I said, except better lol.)

Great work!

...nice work Danie, and I say opt for some color....says he who can't even color inside the lines....
Thanks, everyone, for your compliments and suggestions! I think I will try the photocopy suggestion, Moderator and no bounce no play. That's a great idea! I knew you guys would help me. :)


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas


Keep On Floatin' On
Aug 2, 2006
wow- beautiful work!

...holy crap!...gotta get me one of these!!!.....

I love these so much!!

WOW! They're horrifically adorable! Stuff by Stacy is a great name :)

Those are amazing Stacy.

Love these! Great work, Stacy.

These are fantastically adorable!

Thanks you guys! Since veering off the "King" characters I have started eyeballing the people around me! Nobody is safe when the crochet hurricane is in effect;;D