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Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2014
Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives on one of the food channels.

I'm usually as averse to cooking shows as reality shows. I simply don't want to listen to an angry chef bellow. I don't want to see intimidated people in a competition. I don't watch TV to witness people venting angst and drama with one another.

But I caught this show accidentally recently, and I'm a convert. Apparently, there's been 19 seasons? I have some catching up to do.

The host, whose name I forget, has such a happy way about him. He enjoys people, he enjoys food, and the bonhomie in the places he visits just doesn't stop. And the food... oh, my. Sometimes you can pretty much tell what they're doing, sometimes you know that they're holding their secrets back, but I'm always inspired by the stuff they're putting together in these places.

One show, they didn't even discuss the food but talked about the place itself. I suspect that the food was nothing special, so the host focused on other aspects to be cheerful about.

This is one show I can stop and watch at any time. It always leaves me smiling. Salivating, but smiling.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2013
Heart of the South
I love this show - it always makes me hungry. I don't think all the food can be as good as he says. There was a hot dog place in Georgia that he raved about. So while we were making the college tours with our daughter a few years ago, we gave it a try. Yuck. Not good at all, not even close to the atmosphere you saw on the show. I will say, though, that the Rendezvous here in Memphis that he was at is just as good and cool as portrayed. My ogre and I would like to have a show that is the truthful version. We'd be like "Yuck, this is the grossest food I've ever had. Is that hair in the gravy? Wash your hands dude!" That would be a show I could get into. Not to mention our ravishing good looks and southern sass. (tongue in cheek).

But I still like DDD.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2006
Atlanta GA
Here, allow me...

noun \ˌbä-nə-ˈmē, ˌbō-\ a feeling of friendliness among a group of people

I'm in yer camp, Grandpa. I don't enjoy most competition shows (I dug The Apprentice, however), and have watched a number of DDD. You've described the host very well, imho. The episode you watched was probably due to a decision by management to include focusing on restaurants deemed special in some way (it seems unlikely to me that they'd schedule the place without knowing in advance about the food).

I used to watch Man vs Food, which incorporated a similar format; was potentially, culinarily educational. But it had a major additional feature which I found endearing: grotesque self-abuse. I'm easily pleased.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2006
Atlanta GA
Food Porn :love:

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
I have a friend who owns a restaurant in my neck of the woods. Apparently Guy was at their restaurant and was very rude and full of himself. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find their episode, even when I search by state. It's just not there and I know it aired. I need to ask my friend which episode it was.


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2014
I have a friend who owns a restaurant in my neck of the woods. Apparently Guy was at their restaurant and was very rude and full of himself. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find their episode, even when I search by state. It's just not there and I know it aired. I need to ask my friend which episode it was.

Well, that would be disappointing. One thing I like about the show is his joyous manner that rather belies his self-absorbed presentation (we call him Barry the Money Launderer's First Cousin, from now-defunct Burn Notice). If it's a sham, that would take away some of the fun.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2006
Atlanta GA
I have a friend who owns a restaurant in my neck of the woods. Apparently Guy was at their restaurant and was very rude and full of himself. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find their episode, even when I search by state. It's just not there and I know it aired. I need to ask my friend which episode it was.
It's a real bummer isn't it when we find out one of these people are less than they appeared? I'm glad as many of my favorite celebs turn out to be good people in real life.