Fred Phelps Dead

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Free spirit. Curly girl. Cookie eater. Proud SJW.
Aug 19, 2006
Kansas City
This was George Takei's quote on FB: "Today, Mr. Phelps may have learned that God, in fact, hates no one. Vicious and hate-filled as he was, may his soul find the kind of peace through death that was so plainly elusive during his life." And something a friend who belongs to the LGBT community posted a few days ago when it became clear Phelps's death was iminent: "... I think if any public response is warranted, it would be hundreds, thousands of LGBT+ people descending upon Topeka carrying signs saying 'Thank you, Fred.' He is a despicable person who lived a hateful life, but it can honestly be said that, ultimately, he helped us much more than he harmed us." I have to applaud both these sentiments.

I hope at the end he had a change of heart. I know, I know. But people DO change, sometimes. They do.


M e m b e r
Apr 11, 2006
UnParked, UnParked U.S.A.
This was George Takei's quote on FB: "Today, Mr. Phelps may have learned that God, in fact, hates no one. Vicious and hate-filled as he was, may his soul find the kind of peace through death that was so plainly elusive during his life."

And something a friend who belongs to the LGBT community posted a few days ago when it became clear Phelps's death was iminent: "... I think if any public response is warranted, it would be hundreds, thousands of LGBT+ people descending upon Topeka carrying signs saying 'Thank you, Fred.' He is a despicable person who lived a hateful life, but it can honestly be said that, ultimately, he helped us much more than he harmed us." I have to applaud both these sentiments.

Turn the other cheek.


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2014
Personally I hope no one shows up to the funeral except for his family. No protests, no media, no nothing. Let this man go down as merely a footnote to when one thinks of contempt. Show the family the respect and privacy he never gave other grieving families.
I agree. I even have trouble writing this, because I don't want such a wreck of the psyche to occupy more than a few seconds of my time. Like a jerk who cuts you off in traffic, best forgotten and don't let the malicious ones in the world run your mood for you.

I will admit that the first thought I had upon seeing the news was, "Well, if there is a Hell, welcome to it, Fred."

I'm done now.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2012
Shakespeare comes to mind: Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage:and then is heard no more: It is a tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Good riddance, and to members of his cult (and estranged children) may you heal and know love.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
...I know it shouldn't, am well aware of the fact that hate should not begat hate...but in the instance of this piece of shi*t and his followers, I will make an pervert a funeral-especially of the honored military, is the lowest of the low and to spew the type of hatred they did, I find darkly humorous-which God were they serving?????...enjoy stoking the furnace you SOB....

Agincourt Concierge

Far and Away Member
Sep 10, 2008
the Wastelands
"Rev. Phelps said he first began anti-gay demonstrations in 1991 after one of his grandsons was propositioned at Topeka’s Gage Park"

Why is it ... scary things happen at Gage Park ???
and be a happy choo choo train until the day I die ....

Well ... the train is still there, but Mr. Phelps won't be spewing any more venom ...
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