God Bomb--a Place For Prayers/positive Vibes

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Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2006
Atlanta GA
I just found out that and old friend died. Billy.

My best friend called me and told me. He was her ex husband. Not nice to her at all. Not at all. Billy died.

I was shocked. and dismayed. And babbled on. Oh no shells, what about your daughter? My Godchild? She did not want to see her father after she was 10 years old. he was just not there. either high or drunk. We accepted her decision even at that young age.

She lives in New Zealand now.

Then she went on to tell me that they are going to find me the same way, days later, just like him.

Oh Shelly, I know you care.

Oh no. I am really trying here.
(((((n_n and friends and lived ones of Billy)))))


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2006
Atlanta GA
Been a while since I posted here or have even been on SKMB. My wife finally got a job after being unemployed for about a year, then broke her arm three days later, and should be back to work next week. Please pray for her arm to mend correctly (surgery was required) and for her pain to be minimal.
(((((Dave, wife and family)))))


This is my favorite place
Mar 26, 2008
The woods are lovely dark and deep
May I ask for prayers for someone close to me who was in a car accident last week. The impact was so bad his air bag exploded and he may have a hematoma in his chest as a result. He is in great pain and is waiting for a CT tomorrow. Thank you.

Three broken ribs!! I am so grateful for all of your prayers and kind thoughts.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2006
Atlanta GA
H, kids. I just wanted to thank God you and for answered prayers. I appreciate this tet and this thread. The new case I started has gone very well indeed, though I found out the staffer told me something which turned out to be false, which is that I'm not scheduled there routinely. My hours were only for this past weekend. However, the family wants a nurse for nightshift and the staffer has scheduled only days. So, mom is requesting I be allowed to return to work some nightshifts. I'll keep you posted, and thank you so much again for your thoughts, prayers, and vibes. :love:


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
Prayer request from Pets and Tower-
I rec'd a message from Pets today.

" our mother is suspected to be in the late stages of lung cancer which has metastasized to her brain. The past few months have been pretty awful. She weeps uncontrollably and has terrible episodes of rage. Her primary care dr has been telling us she had a mental problem and set up appointments for her with psychiatrist. We've had many meetings with him begging for neurological and physical tests but it a has taken us taking her to emergency room finally to get somewhere with her diagnosis. She needs 24 hr care at this time. I don't see her lasting too much longer but will know more after some tests this week.

I have no energy left to go on the board but if you would let everyone know and pray for her it would help ease my mind some.'

Let us all gather as one and keep their mom in prayers and positive thoughts. Let us also hold Pets and Tower in our prayer. They need our strength.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
....(((Pets & Tower)))...and much love....

...also, I very seldom come here as I don't wish to be a burden-but my mom is also quite ill and in CCU at this time...rampant kidney infection, sepsis and now drains in both kidneys, lots of other co-morbidities that just cropped up due to the wildfire infection...it's hard when it's your mom, and worse I think when you're a nurse and can't fix it...dammit, I just need your shoulders right now...and thank you...