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Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2012
Do you believe in Karma?

Merriam-Webster definition:

Simple Definition of karma
  • : the force created by a person's actions that is believed in Hinduism and Buddhism to determine what that person's next life will be like

  • : the force created by a person's actions that some people believe causes good or bad things to happen to that person



Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2012
I don't actually believe in Karma.....but sometimes......

On the weekend we were shopping. As we loaded the groceries into the van, DH saw an item not in a bag. It was something that costs about $16. We forgot to put it on the conveyor belt, it was small and nobody noticed. At that point, we could have just left. But, I took it back into the store, lined up and paid.

As we were walking back to the van again I laughed and pointed out we are probably the only people that would do that....maybe one day Karma will give us some pay back.

Tuesday, we got a letter. Well, not a letter exactly. Just a cheque. Last week I got a call from someone wanting to verify our mailing address. Apparently over 10 years ago this business we dealt with over charged us taxes on a service, and they wanted to send us a cheque. We assumed it would be about 20-30 dollars. It was over 400.


I am whatever you say I am.
Feb 26, 2008
I don't actually believe in Karma.....but sometimes......

On the weekend we were shopping. As we loaded the groceries into the van, DH saw an item not in a bag. It was something that costs about $16. We forgot to put it on the conveyor belt, it was small and nobody noticed. At that point, we could have just left. But, I took it back into the store, lined up and paid.

As we were walking back to the van again I laughed and pointed out we are probably the only people that would do that....maybe one day Karma will give us some pay back.

Tuesday, we got a letter. Well, not a letter exactly. Just a cheque. Last week I got a call from someone wanting to verify our mailing address. Apparently over 10 years ago this business we dealt with over charged us taxes on a service, and they wanted to send us a cheque. We assumed it would be about 20-30 dollars. It was over 400.
I do believe that sometimes, if we're 'good,' that good will be returned to us, because people like you better when you're good to them. I don't believe there's some force that rewards us for doing the 'right' thing, nor punishes us for doing the 'wrong' thing.

I think you would have received the cheque in the mail regardless of whether you had paid for your forgotten item. Humans tend to want to make connections between events, related or not; it's just in our nature. Correlation does not imply causation. Since we would like to think that bad people get punished, or that when we do something good, it will make good things happen to us, we will make a connection where there is none. For as many good things as you do, there are bad things that happen to you too; we just don't relate those because it makes no sense to relate bad happening to us when we're good.

Everyone has good and bad things happen to them in this life; some have more good; some have more bad. It's random, for the most part. I'm sure you know 'good' people who have lots of bad stuff happen to them, and vice versa. Just life.


very avid fan
Aug 7, 2009
dublin ireland
I do believe that sometimes, if we're 'good,' that good will be returned to us, because people like you better when you're good to them. I don't believe there's some force that rewards us for doing the 'right' thing, nor punishes us for doing the 'wrong' thing.

I think you would have received the cheque in the mail regardless of whether you had paid for your forgotten item. Humans tend to want to make connections between events, related or not; it's just in our nature. Correlation does not imply causation. Since we would like to think that bad people get punished, or that when we do something good, it will make good things happen to us, we will make a connection where there is none. For as many good things as you do, there are bad things that happen to you too; we just don't relate those because it makes no sense to relate bad happening to us when we're good.

Everyone has good and bad things happen to them in this life; some have more good; some have more bad. It's random, for the most part. I'm sure you know 'good' people who have lots of bad stuff happen to them, and vice versa. Just life.
While I believe more in the second definition of Karma, I also think there is no such thing as normal life. There is just life. The stuff that happens is just life.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2012
I do believe that sometimes, if we're 'good,' that good will be returned to us, because people like you better when you're good to them. I don't believe there's some force that rewards us for doing the 'right' thing, nor punishes us for doing the 'wrong' thing.

I think you would have received the cheque in the mail regardless of whether you had paid for your forgotten item. Humans tend to want to make connections between events, related or not; it's just in our nature. Correlation does not imply causation. Since we would like to think that bad people get punished, or that when we do something good, it will make good things happen to us, we will make a connection where there is none. For as many good things as you do, there are bad things that happen to you too; we just don't relate those because it makes no sense to relate bad happening to us when we're good.

Everyone has good and bad things happen to them in this life; some have more good; some have more bad. It's random, for the most part. I'm sure you know 'good' people who have lots of bad stuff happen to them, and vice versa. Just life.

I do not believe in Karma, though sometimes I wish for it. Lol. This was just funny because of the way it happened.

I am one of the few people who does believe in Heaven and Hell, though I would not presume to define them. And they would equal karma....in a way.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2013
Heart of the South
Everyone has good and bad things happen to them in this life; some have more good; some have more bad. It's random, for the most part. I'm sure you know 'good' people who have lots of bad stuff happen to them, and vice versa. Just life.
I totally agree.

Yay on the $400 AnnaMarie! I wonder why it took them 10 years to get it back to you.

Doing the right thing is always the good thing to do. Good for the soul.


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
We have a tenet in Wicca called The Law of Threefold Return. It states that whatever you send out -- good or bad -- will return to you three times over. Whether three times as much or three actual times is unclear. I've seen it go both ways.
Just recently I heard a Carole King song (on the weather channel of all things - the one that shows the temperature and plays background music).

The lyrics were:

You've got to get up every morning
With a smile on your face
And show the world
All the love in your heart
Then people gonna treat you better
You're gonna find (yes you will)
That you're beautiful as you feel.

I am probably paraphrasing and mixing up a few words, but the general message really hit home for me.

Karma? Perhaps there is something to it.

I'm sort of on the fence about that one, but I hope that good things come back to those who do good.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
Just recently I heard a Carole King song (on the weather channel of all things - the one that shows the temperature and plays background music).

The lyrics were:

You've got to get up every morning
With a smile on your face
And show the world
All the love in your heart
Then people gonna treat you better
You're gonna find (yes you will)
That you're beautiful as you feel.

I am probably paraphrasing and mixing up a few words, but the general message really hit home for me.

Karma? Perhaps there is something to it.

I'm sort of on the fence about that one, but I hope that good things come back to those who do good.