King Kon 2016

  • This message board permanently closed on June 30th, 2020 at 4PM EDT and is no longer accepting new members.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
Alrighty folks, it's Friday and you know what the means! Well, not much really but what I want is a list!
I've lost track way back ;-D
Who's in for SURE?
Who are the MAYBE'S so far?
Count me as a maybe. I wanted to say a high maybe but that might be interpreted wrong ;;D
-Tracy and I
are certains, not sure about the "maybes"....


The Fool on the Hill
Apr 12, 2014
Alrighty folks, it's Friday and you know what the means! Well, not much really but what I want is a list!
I've lost track way back ;-D
Who's in for SURE?
Who are the MAYBE'S so far?
Count me as a maybe. I wanted to say a high maybe but that might be interpreted wrong ;;D
I'm almost positive i'll be in the states during summer. Not sure if it will be thast part of the summer so i am a maybe.


Sunny the Great & Wonderful
Jun 12, 2008
Alrighty folks, it's Friday and you know what the means! Well, not much really but what I want is a list!
I've lost track way back ;-D
Who's in for SURE?
Who are the MAYBE'S so far?
Count me as a maybe. I wanted to say a high maybe but that might be interpreted wrong ;;D
Unless I get a new fairy godmother, I'm a highly doubtful. *sigh* :down:

At least I'll get to see it all through the eyes of those who attend.....looking forward to postings and pics!!! ♥

misery chastain loves co.

MORE Count Chocula please.....
Jul 31, 2011
Unless I get a new fairy godmother, I'm a highly doubtful. *sigh* :down:

At least I'll get to see it all through the eyes of those who attend.....looking forward to postings and pics!!! ♥
That was sad Sunny :down: If I win the lottery between now and then everyone that can't go but wants to WILL go. Got that?