Merry Christmas SKMB staff..........

  • This message board permanently closed on June 30th, 2020 at 4PM EDT and is no longer accepting new members.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio ALL the "Executive Staff" of the Board, Tracy and I wish you much joy and unending happiness, both now and in your those I'm closest too, so to speak..i.e. DJ, Flake and Char...ladies you are both beauty and grace personified...I cannot thank any of you enough for the sometimes rancorous chore of keeping us kids playing nice reward is big enough..

...then there's Marsha...this past Summer I had the honor of meeting and embracing this lady of grace, wit, warmth and dignity...we laughed, talked and by the time our time together was at an end-Tracy and I felt like old friends and family....that is a gift, and a friendship she and I look forward to renewing in person as soon as possible...


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2006
Atlanta GA
I wish all the moderators and the inimitable Ms. Mod much health and happiness during the holiday season. And, if Ka-tet wills it, there will be more of Stephen King in the New Year.View attachment 549
Ha! Great card, prufrock! :) I'm failing at this time to find the Christmas card I'd like to send, but I've got time.
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Lisey Landon

Well-Known Member
May 20, 2009
Merry Christmas to the most wonderful mods in the world. <3


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
The SKMB has become my home away from home. Lifetime friendships have been forged. Addicted- oh yes. This playground is the best one in the world. A special thank you to all involved with the MB. Marsha- you are the motherator of us all. Delete finger, wood chipper, zipper face too. You bring the smiles and serenity to the MB. Thank you!!
Flake, DanaJean-- thank you for the time you give to us. Time away from your own life and family. May this be a very Merry Christmas. Santa knows how good you have been.
Brian-- your Daily X brings joy and tears. Mornings would not be the same without it. And Jake-- oh so much I could say, you and your crazy pixels! Thank you!!
Jordan-- extra cans of gremlin spray in your stocking. The new MB is awesome. Thank you!!
To all the Beta Testers-- thank you for all the hours you spent working out the 'bugs" so the playground would be bug free. It warms to heart to see your avatars and posts.

And to Uncle Steve-- thank you for the best SKMB staff ever.

So my wish for all is a Merry Christmas filled with LOVE and GREEN LIGHTS!



Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2010
The Last Frontier
Merry Christmas to all who keep the asylum running and the inmates in line (kinda sorta; some of us are just incorrigible). Thanks for all you do.

To Ms. Mod - it was a real pleasure meeting you this summer, and I look forward to seeing you again someday!

To the rest of the mods - you ladies rock! Thanks for taking on the challenge!


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2013
Heart of the South
Ya'll are the best! I am in awe that such a board exists for us - it's too amazing for words - and those of you who keep it all going and participate in a personal way just lends a special magic to it. I wish you all could come to my house for Christmas breakfast - Flake's got the bacon honors. Peace, love, joy, hope, bacon and fancy coffee to you all!

king family fan

Prolific member
Jul 19, 2010
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to each of our dear staff here. Brian-The pixel man,Jordan- the guy we give headaches trying to keep the board running smoothly,Ms. Mod- keeping us in line, Dana Jean and Flake-all the posting and chatting yous do for each and everyone of us. Our love and appreciation for everything you all do and put up with. thank-yous!