Post your own ghost stories - I dare you!

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Holly Gibney

Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2016
Ahoy hoy! :)

I have started this thread for members to tell of their own encounters with our friends from the other side, their own ghost stories or UFO sightings or anything of that nature. I only have one of my own to contribute, and I’m not even certain that it was an encounter with a ghost, but I’ll tell it here, and perhaps this group of horror-lovers will feel a little bit of that chill we all love so much trickling down their spines…

First, a bit of scene setting. When I was a child, there was a field behind our house and a forest on the other side of the field. Standing on the edge of that forest, barely obscured by the trees, was an abandoned, tumble-down old cottage known to everyone in the area as “the haunted house”. As far as I know, there were no ghost stories connected with the haunted house; people just called it that because it was a spooky old place, standing alone with its roof collapsing and the windows smashed, the garden overgrown.

It had not been inhabited in the era of car ownership and there was no road to the house, just a muddy footpath through a dark and steep forest where the sun never seemed to penetrate. Even at the height of summer, you only had to go a few feet into the forest and the temperature would drop and you would be in a dark grey gloom, your only companions rabbits and foxes and owls. I used to take a shortcut through the forest sometimes going to and from the bus stop to work, and it always gave me a quiet and lovely thrill, as though I was briefly in the company of elves or fairies. A magical place…

The garden of this house was full of apple trees and straggling bramble bushes. In the summer, the scent of rotting apples and the gently soporific sound of bees would fill the air, and the overgrown thorny bushes would grab at your ankles as you picked your way along the path, snagging on your clothes and not letting you go…

Naturally, the local children all used to go into the haunted house to play - mostly just creeping around, daring each other to explore a little bit further and then suddenly losing their nerve and coming running out with lots of squeals and nervous laughter. Older kids used to go there too, to drink and smoke and spray the walls. You know the type of place, I’m sure. Most neighbourhoods have one.

Anyway, we are finally getting to the story of my one and only possible brush with the supernatural. When I was about 13 or so, me and my friends discovered the ouija board. We used to go to various places to hold seances - friends’ houses when their parents were out, and even on one occasion a local hotel where one of us had a part-time job. (The hotel itself is a whole other story - an ancient Scottish castle which boasted several ghosts, and was full of tiny little corridors and neglected rooms where curious children could creep in with their ouija boards… :) ) And - you’ve guessed it - one day, somebody suggested that we take our ouija board up to the haunted house and see what friendly spirits might be lurking, waiting to meet us.

We placed our fingers on the glass and the usual thing happened. The glass began flying around the board wildly, bashing at the letters in no apparent order. We were scared, we were giggling, all a little bit hyper with fear. Then, suddenly, the glass slowed down and a name was spelled out. I forget the name now, but one of the girls in the group was shocked and upset. “That’s someone in my family,” she said. Alive or dead?, we asked her. Dead. We asked this person a few questions, and they answered - I can’t remember what the questions were now, but I don’t think they were important. What was important was that this girl was growing sadder and sadder, and began to cry. She was getting seriously upset, and what had begun as a giggle was turning into quite a disturbing experience. Some members of the group (they were only young children) started getting scared and asked us to stop the seance, crying and saying that they wanted to go home. A few seconds later, the whole group of children were running out of the haunted house faster than we had ever run out of it before, and we didn’t stop running (or crying) until we got beyond that overgrown garden with its thorny bushes grabbing at your ankles and trying to hold you back…

In our rush to get out of there, we had left the ouija board and the glass behind. The girl who they belonged to was desperate to get them back (“My brother’ll kill me!”), but we were all too scared to set foot in that house to go and get them. The next day, myself and a couple of friends went back in to collect them, and we found... the ouija board had been burned. It was still there and still recognisable, but it was as black as charcoal all over… Good grief - I have never been so scared in all my life!

Obviously this is far from being a definite encounter with the paranormal. Some other kids might have been in there overnight and they might have burned it for a prank, or just because they were bored. But I still remember that charred and blackened board after that terrifying seance, and, if I’m lying in bed at night and it comes to mind, the darkness of the room starts to feel a whole lot more threatening and a lot more uncomfortable…

Does anybody here have any ghost stories of their own they would like to share? I love hearing a good real-life ghost story, the uncannier the better!


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
Ahoy hoy! :)

I have started this thread for members to tell of their own encounters with our friends from the other side, their own ghost stories or UFO sightings or anything of that nature. I only have one of my own to contribute, and I’m not even certain that it was an encounter with a ghost, but I’ll tell it here, and perhaps this group of horror-lovers will feel a little bit of that chill we all love so much trickling down their spines…

First, a bit of scene setting. When I was a child, there was a field behind our house and a forest on the other side of the field. Standing on the edge of that forest, barely obscured by the trees, was an abandoned, tumble-down old cottage known to everyone in the area as “the haunted house”. As far as I know, there were no ghost stories connected with the haunted house; people just called it that because it was a spooky old place, standing alone with its roof collapsing and the windows smashed, the garden overgrown.

It had not been inhabited in the era of car ownership and there was no road to the house, just a muddy footpath through a dark and steep forest where the sun never seemed to penetrate. Even at the height of summer, you only had to go a few feet into the forest and the temperature would drop and you would be in a dark grey gloom, your only companions rabbits and foxes and owls. I used to take a shortcut through the forest sometimes going to and from the bus stop to work, and it always gave me a quiet and lovely thrill, as though I was briefly in the company of elves or fairies. A magical place…

The garden of this house was full of apple trees and straggling bramble bushes. In the summer, the scent of rotting apples and the gently soporific sound of bees would fill the air, and the overgrown thorny bushes would grab at your ankles as you picked your way along the path, snagging on your clothes and not letting you go…

Naturally, the local children all used to go into the haunted house to play - mostly just creeping around, daring each other to explore a little bit further and then suddenly losing their nerve and coming running out with lots of squeals and nervous laughter. Older kids used to go there too, to drink and smoke and spray the walls. You know the type of place, I’m sure. Most neighbourhoods have one.

Anyway, we are finally getting to the story of my one and only possible brush with the supernatural. When I was about 13 or so, me and my friends discovered the ouija board. We used to go to various places to hold seances - friends’ houses when their parents were out, and even on one occasion a local hotel where one of us had a part-time job. (The hotel itself is a whole other story - an ancient Scottish castle which boasted several ghosts, and was full of tiny little corridors and neglected rooms where curious children could creep in with their ouija boards… :) ) And - you’ve guessed it - one day, somebody suggested that we take our ouija board up to the haunted house and see what friendly spirits might be lurking, waiting to meet us.

We placed our fingers on the glass and the usual thing happened. The glass began flying around the board wildly, bashing at the letters in no apparent order. We were scared, we were giggling, all a little bit hyper with fear. Then, suddenly, the glass slowed down and a name was spelled out. I forget the name now, but one of the girls in the group was shocked and upset. “That’s someone in my family,” she said. Alive or dead?, we asked her. Dead. We asked this person a few questions, and they answered - I can’t remember what the questions were now, but I don’t think they were important. What was important was that this girl was growing sadder and sadder, and began to cry. She was getting seriously upset, and what had begun as a giggle was turning into quite a disturbing experience. Some members of the group (they were only young children) started getting scared and asked us to stop the seance, crying and saying that they wanted to go home. A few seconds later, the whole group of children were running out of the haunted house faster than we had ever run out of it before, and we didn’t stop running (or crying) until we got beyond that overgrown garden with its thorny bushes grabbing at your ankles and trying to hold you back…

In our rush to get out of there, we had left the ouija board and the glass behind. The girl who they belonged to was desperate to get them back (“My brother’ll kill me!”), but we were all too scared to set foot in that house to go and get them. The next day, myself and a couple of friends went back in to collect them, and we found... the ouija board had been burned. It was still there and still recognisable, but it was as black as charcoal all over… Good grief - I have never been so scared in all my life!

Obviously this is far from being a definite encounter with the paranormal. Some other kids might have been in there overnight and they might have burned it for a prank, or just because they were bored. But I still remember that charred and blackened board after that terrifying seance, and, if I’m lying in bed at night and it comes to mind, the darkness of the room starts to feel a whole lot more threatening and a lot more uncomfortable…

Does anybody here have any ghost stories of their own they would like to share? I love hearing a good real-life ghost story, the uncannier the better!
....that was a damned fine piece of writing there ma'am!....I have had some success with EVP's over the last few years in various venues....and intelligent ones, not just sounds....had a small child speak to me during a tour of the Ohio State Reformatory, and an older lady wish me a friendly "hello" during some time at The Stanley Hotel among others.....

Holly Gibney

Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2016
Vielen dank, kind sir! I would LOVE to hear some of your EVPs, if you ever think of putting them online! The Stanley Hotel... I shudder to think what you might find there! Your description of EVPs makes them sound so gentle and friendly, which is very, very nice. The only thing better than a terrifying ghost story is a wonderful, peaceful ghost story. :)
Mar 12, 2010
Ahoy hoy! :)

I have started this thread for members to tell of their own encounters with our friends from the other side, their own ghost stories or UFO sightings or anything of that nature. I only have one of my own to contribute, and I’m not even certain that it was an encounter with a ghost, but I’ll tell it here, and perhaps this group of horror-lovers will feel a little bit of that chill we all love so much trickling down their spines…

First, a bit of scene setting. When I was a child, there was a field behind our house and a forest on the other side of the field. Standing on the edge of that forest, barely obscured by the trees, was an abandoned, tumble-down old cottage known to everyone in the area as “the haunted house”. As far as I know, there were no ghost stories connected with the haunted house; people just called it that because it was a spooky old place, standing alone with its roof collapsing and the windows smashed, the garden overgrown.

It had not been inhabited in the era of car ownership and there was no road to the house, just a muddy footpath through a dark and steep forest where the sun never seemed to penetrate. Even at the height of summer, you only had to go a few feet into the forest and the temperature would drop and you would be in a dark grey gloom, your only companions rabbits and foxes and owls. I used to take a shortcut through the forest sometimes going to and from the bus stop to work, and it always gave me a quiet and lovely thrill, as though I was briefly in the company of elves or fairies. A magical place…

The garden of this house was full of apple trees and straggling bramble bushes. In the summer, the scent of rotting apples and the gently soporific sound of bees would fill the air, and the overgrown thorny bushes would grab at your ankles as you picked your way along the path, snagging on your clothes and not letting you go…

Naturally, the local children all used to go into the haunted house to play - mostly just creeping around, daring each other to explore a little bit further and then suddenly losing their nerve and coming running out with lots of squeals and nervous laughter. Older kids used to go there too, to drink and smoke and spray the walls. You know the type of place, I’m sure. Most neighbourhoods have one.

Anyway, we are finally getting to the story of my one and only possible brush with the supernatural. When I was about 13 or so, me and my friends discovered the ouija board. We used to go to various places to hold seances - friends’ houses when their parents were out, and even on one occasion a local hotel where one of us had a part-time job. (The hotel itself is a whole other story - an ancient Scottish castle which boasted several ghosts, and was full of tiny little corridors and neglected rooms where curious children could creep in with their ouija boards… :) ) And - you’ve guessed it - one day, somebody suggested that we take our ouija board up to the haunted house and see what friendly spirits might be lurking, waiting to meet us.

We placed our fingers on the glass and the usual thing happened. The glass began flying around the board wildly, bashing at the letters in no apparent order. We were scared, we were giggling, all a little bit hyper with fear. Then, suddenly, the glass slowed down and a name was spelled out. I forget the name now, but one of the girls in the group was shocked and upset. “That’s someone in my family,” she said. Alive or dead?, we asked her. Dead. We asked this person a few questions, and they answered - I can’t remember what the questions were now, but I don’t think they were important. What was important was that this girl was growing sadder and sadder, and began to cry. She was getting seriously upset, and what had begun as a giggle was turning into quite a disturbing experience. Some members of the group (they were only young children) started getting scared and asked us to stop the seance, crying and saying that they wanted to go home. A few seconds later, the whole group of children were running out of the haunted house faster than we had ever run out of it before, and we didn’t stop running (or crying) until we got beyond that overgrown garden with its thorny bushes grabbing at your ankles and trying to hold you back…

In our rush to get out of there, we had left the ouija board and the glass behind. The girl who they belonged to was desperate to get them back (“My brother’ll kill me!”), but we were all too scared to set foot in that house to go and get them. The next day, myself and a couple of friends went back in to collect them, and we found... the ouija board had been burned. It was still there and still recognisable, but it was as black as charcoal all over… Good grief - I have never been so scared in all my life!

Obviously this is far from being a definite encounter with the paranormal. Some other kids might have been in there overnight and they might have burned it for a prank, or just because they were bored. But I still remember that charred and blackened board after that terrifying seance, and, if I’m lying in bed at night and it comes to mind, the darkness of the room starts to feel a whole lot more threatening and a lot more uncomfortable…

Does anybody here have any ghost stories of their own they would like to share? I love hearing a good real-life ghost story, the uncannier the better!

GNT is right. You definitely have a knack for telling stories and making them interesting :)

I've never seen a ghost. I'm open to the idea that there might be ghosts and that some people can see them... I'm just not one of them. The last time I used my Ouija Board, it was to pick lottery numbers. If anyone on the other side was assisting, they had no more idea as to which numbers would be picked than I did cause none of the numbers matched *sigh*


Eternal Members
Jun 20, 2013
Karen says there is a ghost where she works. They have seen it on tape right above the boss' head. Also going down one of the isles, the things on the shelve behind them has all fallen in the floor.
I don't believe in them myself, and until I see it for myself, I will continue not to believe.


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2014
I like to think of myself as a reasonable, rational, analytic guy, except for those times when I’m not, which generally have to do with food consumption and sometimes alcohol, or maybe starting projects without a clear plan to finish them. But anyway, yes, reasonable, rational, analytic. Sometimes that gets shaken.

Long ago, my own Granny died. She was a very cool lady, getting her bachelor’s in the early 20th Century, long before it was fashionable for women to do so. She raised two kids, one of them somewhat disabled, on her own. I was her only grandkid. She doted on me, and I now wish that as I turned to adult years that I had properly reciprocated that level of affection, but sadly I can’t say that. But we always had a great relationship.

As has happened with much of my family, tobacco killed her, slowly, painfully, inexorably. She finally went for what turned out to be her final trip to the hospital. She was there several days and ended up with needing surgery. She knew it may not go well, and she went over her will with me before the procedure. It turned out I was the administrator, which ultimately didn’t settle comfortably with her two adult children, but that’s a different story, to be told, or not, someplace else. Probably not.

Indeed, the surgery did not go well. We were given the unhappy prognosis. It wouldn't be much longer. We visited with her as she slipped in and out of consciousness. When visiting hours were over, we went to her house, which was the communal family house when we were all in town.

None of us could sleep. We poured coffee at that late hour and sat around the table, talking in sorrowful, sober tones.

About 2:00 a.m., my Granny’s dog, Churchill, started howling. “Howling” doesn’t quite cover it. He gave vent, loudly, to steady, mournful dog-shrieks, thrown upward to the unheeding sky. Our conversation stopped. We sat there and looked at our coffeecups. On and on Churchill continued, out of our sight in the darkened backyard, and time stretched out with us frozen there in pained but unacknowledged understanding. Finally, the howling quieted. Conversation continued, but scattered and hesitant.

About 15 or so minutes later, the phone rang. It was the hospital with the news that Granny had passed. After the call, we all returned quietly and temporarily to the conversation, talking about the morning arrangements, before going to bed.

In the morning, Granny’s neighbors from next door and from across her backyard came to the house. She had been close with them, and they had watched out for her. But all that was now forever part of their past. They both had the same things to say:

“We heard Churchill last night. We’ve never, ever heard him howl like that. We knew. We just knew. We’re so sorry.”

I like to think of myself as a reasonable, rational, analytic guy. But that was one of Those Moments. I can’t explain what happened rationally. I’ve tried, and it just doesn’t come. But it happened, and I accept that. I have to. I was there.

grin willard

"Keep the change, you filthy animal!"
Feb 21, 2017
This place is a damn cornucopia! I KEEP FINDING SH-T! Sorry. Forgive my boyish enthusiasm. Anyhoo. Here's my one experience with the supernatural. My first serious gf lived in Adams Tennessee, Near all the Bell Witch stuff. To the unindoctrinated, the Bell Witch was a ghost more than a witch, who screwed around with a family named Bell, who's patriarch may or may not have been guilty of some misdeeds. Who knows? Anyway, there was the Bell Witch graveyard, and the Bell Witch cave. A group still visits the cave every year to try & raise her spirit! The cave was off limits, but we use used to try & walk the fence that circled the graveyard. Rumor had it you could not circle the whole way without getting shoved off. I was never able to circle it, but I wasn't ever shoved off either!

Anyway, one night several of us had gone there in my Dodger Aries K (yes, it had previously been my mom's car!) and running to the car after one of them freak southern rainstorms, I tried to put the car in in gear, and it would not budge! I tried & tried. It was an automatic. But not that night! Not wanting to call anyone -- I think it was close to midnight -- we just sat there & talked. Calling still meant phone booths back then. It must all sound very Mesozoic to you millennials. LOL. Anyways, after 30 minutes or so I tried again and it went right into gear! We left in haste. Funny, the car never did that again, and I had it for like 5 more years. Was that a very passive ghosting, or just lazy Detroit auto industry workmanship? I suppose I'll never know for sure. But it was a little creepy at the time.

Holly Gibney

Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2016
Long ago, my own Granny died. She was a very cool lady, getting her bachelor’s in the early 20th Century, long before it was fashionable for women to do so. She raised two kids, one of them somewhat disabled, on her own. I was her only grandkid. She doted on me, and I now wish that as I turned to adult years that I had properly reciprocated that level of affection, but sadly I can’t say that. But we always had a great relationship.

Your grandmother sounds like an incredible woman, Grandpa! She also sounds very wise, and I'm sure she would have understood that young children often take their parents and grandparents for granted and do not realise how much they owe them (and how much they love them) until later in life, when it is sometimes too late to say so. But she'll understand that you love her, I'm sure. :biglove:

Very peculiar about Churchill too! Funnily enough, I have heard other stories of dogs doing the exact same thing. It is enough to make you wonder, and no easy answers come to mind. Your words ("But it happened, and I accept that. I have to. I was there.") make a lot of sense.


And Crazy Housewife
Dec 3, 2014
Fernley, NV.
I've had a number of unexplained occurrences in my life, but I've already told my tales and don't want to bore people again.

But since moving to Fernley, NV my husband and I have each seen a UFO. We've barely been in this town a year, and already two UFO's! Da F they have goin on out here?!


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2017
AWESOME thread idea :)

Many years ago, when I was still a kid, we saw 5 or 6 lights in a vertical, slightly up-curved pattern in the sky. One by one the lights went out. The same thing was later seen in a nearby city and reported all over the media. Most claim it was a UFO, but who knows? I think I was about 7 at the time and was really more obsessed with Nicktoons than anything else.
All my life I've been completely amazed and obsessed with dreams, and all my life my subconscious has had a nasty habit of burying the newly deceased in the back of my mind. I never dream about anyone who has died for at least 6 months, with two notable exceptions, both being people I loved dearly and who died unexpectedly. The night after one passed, I dreamt she was walking along ahead of me and I was trying to get her attention. She saw me, waved happily but kept walking as if she had places to go. What got me is she was in her 50's when I was born and in the dream she looked to be about 30 years old. That next year on Christmas Eve, I found a study Bible and opened it and found $100 tucked in the inset with a handwritten note from her she had given me a few years back.
Another person, a very close (best) friend dropped dead and I was unable to save her life. That night I had a dream she called me (on the phone) and was shouting something, but the connection was so bad I couldn't understand. Later in the dream, she came to my house. She kept smiling and telling me she was fine, she was safe and in no pain and I had nothing to worry about. In the dream, it was as though her eyes were unable to be seen by me; they were physically THERE somehow but I couldn't look at them and I couldn't see them no matter how much I tried (if that makes sense.) A few days later, at her funeral, I learned from the preacher that my friend had been an organ donor and donated her eye/eye tissue. That freaked me out, but in a good way.
Many years ago I had a very vivid, very creepy dream about a house. Most notably I remember the walls (they were stucco style, slightly yellowed), the windows (very tall, very old fashioned, and pointed at the top), and the bath sink (a blueish glass bowl). The dream was very much like something you'd read about in a SK novel, but back then I brushed it off as totally weird and went on with my life. Fast forward several years later, we were looking to buy a new house and saw a place in the country for sale. We went to the open house. I shih-Tzu not, the moment I walked into the house I felt a very heavy, "sad" feeling but figured "whatever" and continued looking around. When I climbed the stairs to the second floor, I was IN the house I dreamt about so many years earlier. The walls, the windows, the lay out, even that damn bathroom sink. I told my family they could do as they wished but I would NOT be moving with them if they bought that house. I researched the crap out of the history of the house and figured I'd see it was the site of several grisly murders but there's nothing. Who knows. Maybe it's more of a what will happen some day vs. what has already happened.
And something just plain downright weird...I had a dream where I got shut in a building I frequent for certain classes. I'm there 1-2 times a week. I couldn't get out of the building and was getting panicky when I realized I could just break the window and crawl out. The front of the building is lined with old, square windows that are up towards the ceiling. I vividly remember choosing the window in the northeast corner, smashing it, and crawling out. That very next night, I arrived to my class and brushed the dream off. About 5 minutes in, a random wind came through and blew the window in the northeast corner open. I ignored it. Another student volunteered to close it. She gently pulled the window shut and the sucker shattered.
Maybe all this is coincidence, but still, it's fun! I've got stuff not related to dreams, but I've found a lot of times the weird stuff happens when I start dreaming about weird stuff in the first place. What's frustrating is when we notice this pattern emerging, and have a dream we SWEAR has significance and nothing comes of it. It's like Halloran said; he'd smell them damn oranges and sometimes something would happen, and other times not a thing.
(Oh, I've also had visits from deceased pets, which is SUPER cool!!!)


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2017
About 2:00 a.m., my Granny’s dog, Churchill, started howling. “Howling” doesn’t quite cover it. He gave vent, loudly, to steady, mournful dog-shrieks, thrown upward to the unheeding sky. Our conversation stopped. We sat there and looked at our coffeecups. On and on Churchill continued, out of our sight in the darkened backyard, and time stretched out with us frozen there in pained but unacknowledged understanding. Finally, the howling quieted. Conversation continued, but scattered and hesitant.

About 15 or so minutes later, the phone rang. It was the hospital with the news that Granny had passed. After the call, we all returned quietly and temporarily to the conversation, talking about the morning arrangements, before going to bed.

In the morning, Granny’s neighbors from next door and from across her backyard came to the house. She had been close with them, and they had watched out for her. But all that was now forever part of their past. They both had the same things to say:

“We heard Churchill last night. We’ve never, ever heard him howl like that. We knew. We just knew. We’re so sorry.”

I like to think of myself as a reasonable, rational, analytic guy. But that was one of Those Moments. I can’t explain what happened rationally. I’ve tried, and it just doesn’t come. But it happened, and I accept that. I have to. I was there.

That's amazing, freaky, weird, and other emotions...sometimes I think animals are very attuned to the other side.
I read a tale of a woman who had several retired sled dogs, and when one of the dogs was rushed to the vet with acute renal crisis from which he never returned, the other dogs howled all night. Exactly one year later, they did it again.
Amazing stuff. Your Granny sounds like she was one amazing person.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2017
Another one then I have to go get something else accomplished =D

Another dream! Imagine that! In this one, I was at a cemetery where a friend is buried. In real life, I could find her plot blindfolded, but in this dream I was visiting, but her plot was in the wrong place so I was sitting in a different location than normal. A storm blew up and I ran back to my truck, but couldn't get it unlocked and a giant gust of wind took me about 15 feet into the air. I remember that feeling of lost control and panic, it was how I imagine being caught up in a tornado would initially feel. After it set me down I hightailed it out of there. "Stupid dream, typical dream of mine," I thought.
A few days later I became a bit curious, so I drove out there, left some flowers for my friend, and decided to go see who was buried in the spot I was at in my dream/nightmare. Our family is divided neatly down the center, one side does not speak to the other...when I got to the spot I was at in my dream, I realized the tombstones I had been "at" in my dream were those of the side of the family that I don't speak to. I had no prior knowledge of this. These people died in the 1800's and early 1900's, so it's not like we knew one another and actively fought or disliked one another, but it was a creepy feeling.
Upon further research, we realized that the family members buried in the spot had married into the family of my friend I had originally gone to visit in the first place.
No lie, I feel creeped out whenever I go there now.

grin willard

"Keep the change, you filthy animal!"
Feb 21, 2017
I've had a number of unexplained occurrences in my life, but I've already told my tales and don't want to bore people again.

But since moving to Fernley, NV my husband and I have each seen a UFO. We've barely been in this town a year, and already two UFO's! Da F they have goin on out here?!

No bore me, I didn't get to see them! I've wanted one decent ghost story/sighting my whole life. My father & stepmother have a 150 yr old house in Illinois. Surely I though, there's a damn ghost here someplace. It looks very spooky from the outside. But nothing! And I've been there a lot. A bouncy-house is spookier!


I visited my oldest friend in Tennessee last year, and his house had me jumping at shadows! It's not even very old. Maybe it's over an old Native American burial mound! But still no ghosts. Just a really disgusting bathroom.


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2014
I had a childhood friend who died tragically when he was 16. It's documented in a thread that starts here.

After he was gone, I did dream about him. In the dream, he had both legs, and it was like he was coming back as an offhanded observer to tell me things were okay. It was comforting.

I was close to him and his sister, and his sister and I compared notes. She'd had similar dreams.

I really don't know if his sister and I had both been "visited" or if we had experiences that matched up to our wishes. And there's no scientific method to resolve it. Either way, it was pretty nice.


And Crazy Housewife
Dec 3, 2014
Fernley, NV.
No bore me, I didn't get to see them! I've wanted one decent ghost story/sighting my whole life. My father & stepmother have a 150 yr old house in Illinois. Surely I though, there's a damn ghost here someplace. It looks very spooky from the outside. But nothing! And I've been there a lot. A bouncy-house is spookier!


I visited my oldest friend in Tennessee last year, and his house had me jumping at shadows! It's not even very old. Maybe it's over an old Native American burial mound! But still no ghosts. Just a really disgusting bathroom.

Oh, fine:

I used to hike quite a bit. My childhood home was, quite literally, nestled up against the foothills of some mountains. It wasn't as grand as it sounds, though to ME it was; I was in love with the wilds of my youth the way Frodo loved the Shire. And I grew up in Doyle, CA for goodness' sake! It's a tiny little town that hardly anyone seems to really know about, and maybe that's half the problem.
Back to my hiking days.
One of the trails I was fond of taking led up into a deep canyon. We called it Robinson's Canyon because of the guy that owned it. Original, right? Some dude owns an entire canyon in the middle of F nowhere, ya name it after him for all eternity.
Robinson's Canyon went on for a few miles, maybe, before branching off into private property and continuing into the mountains. I took the road less traveled one day, hopped some idiot's fence, and kept going.
The only difference about this day was that I was hiking without my .357, which was typically glued to my side when I left the house. I had a Buck knife, but no gun.
I started seeing relatively fresh signs of bear in this defenseless state. I'd never seen an actual bear, but I knew what their tracks and their sh* looked like.
I got a little freaked. I know I did. I decided to turn around and go home rather than risk a mad bear sans gun, and it was in this heightened state of awareness that I saw...well, something.
I was looking down the trail, paying attention to everything that twitched. And one of the things was a small, gray, humanoid figure. It darted behind a tree and disappeared.
Once I finally worked up the courage to go up to the tree, with my knife out, of course, I saw nothing.
No broken branches.
No tracks of any kind.
Nothing standing behind the tree.
Nothing at all.
So, now, I'm REALLY freaked out. Not sixty seconds later, as I'm blasting back down the path as fast as my legs can carry me while still walking, a gigantic black shadow passed over, thereandgone.
There was nothing in the sky to explain it. No clouds, no birds, no nothing.
Still don't know what the hell I saw, but I told my older brother about it recently, and he claims to have had "experiences" of his own...


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2017
I had a childhood friend who died tragically when he was 16. It's documented in a thread that starts here.

After he was gone, I did dream about him. In the dream, he had both legs, and it was like he was coming back as an offhanded observer to tell me things were okay. It was comforting.

I was close to him and his sister, and his sister and I compared notes. She'd had similar dreams.

I really don't know if his sister and I had both been "visited" or if we had experiences that matched up to our wishes. And there's no scientific method to resolve it. Either way, it was pretty nice.

Pretty cool stuff. It is indeed very comforting, and I consider it a very special and important gift. I'm glad you got to experience this :)


The Fool on the Hill
Apr 12, 2014
Ok. I only have one story of that kind but its yours...
Many years ago, i might have been 23 or so i was spending the summer with my parents on their summerhouse in southern Sweden. loved that place. It was situated in the middle of a big forest. The only road that lead there was a gravel road and perhaps 2-3 carsdrove past each day. Otherwise you were alone with nature and the farm close by where a farmer and his wife lived year round. I used to take long walks in the woods, it was mainly fur and spruce with some leaf trees thrown in for variation, mainly birch. When you walked there you sometimes came across deserted houses, ruins really, because only a few stones remained of the house but you could see remains of a garden in some apple trees that had managed to survive even they never bore any fruit worth mentioning.
This beautiful summer day was slowly starting to fade and i turned homewards through the woods when i came across a ruin i hadn't noticed earlier. Nothing special about it looked like other small houses/ruins i had seen. Soon afterwards i reached the gravelroad and intended to follow that road to our summerhouse. Suddenly i became aware of movement among the trees and saw a man, an elderly man, in oldfashioned clothes look out between the trees. He didn't made a threatening impression on me but rather a curious one. As if he never had seen me before. I wondered who he was. I knew that noone lived there, heck it didn't even exist a house to live in but there he was. I turned a bend in the road and lost sight of him. Now evening started to fall. It wasn't dark but dusk was rapidly approaching. I had walked a little bit when i, for some reason, throw a glance behind and saw the man following me, not trying to catch up but following me. And whats more, he wasn't alone. He had company of an elderly lady in similar oldfashioned clothes. And when i say oldfashioned my guess is 19,th century. The type of clothes that you never wear nowadays except on special occasions. The lady looked and behaved as if she was the mans wife where they were walking hand in hand behind me.
Now i became curious. For some reason i never became afraid. I turned around and started walking against them! They reacted by doing the same thing and i soon gave it up and turned homewards again. But soon there they were walking behind me. I could make out details in their dress and i could see wrinkled faces but i never really came close. Soon before i arrived home they turned into the woods and disappeared. I never saw them again. I don't really believe in ghosts but i admit that i cant explain what i saw that evening. The day afterwards i talked to the farmer about the ruin and he knew it. Said that long before his time there had lived a couple there once long ago. I continued to walk in the woods at all times but never saw anything strange again.


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2014
A few weeks ago I went on holiday to Canberra and went to the War Memorial. I was outside taking photos, on the right was a really nice statue and on the left I saw a man kneeling down looking at another statue. I took a picture of the right then looked to the left and the man had gone, I didn't see anyone walking away as it was quite open there. I actually looked around confused as I didn't know where he had gone. I remember that he had a checked shirt on.
It wasn't until much later that I realised where I had been and maybe that I had seen a ghost of a former soldier.