Tufted Titmouse

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Out of Order

Sign of the Times
Feb 9, 2011
New Hampster
Funny thing is, we've mostly only seen the males. Only 2 females and upto 5 males at once. And they are LOVING the black sunflower seeds. Maybe they are full by the time they get up your way and letting the ladies catch up.

And nope, haven't see the evenings. but I will keep an eye out.

You'll know if the Evening Grobeaks are about. They usually travel in a hoard so be prepared to fill up the feeder....LOL

Out of Order

Sign of the Times
Feb 9, 2011
New Hampster
Try a suet cage feeder with a berry mix. We put ours on the washline posts.

Yes, I have one. We get the Hairy, Downy and Pileated varieties, but not those you pictured. The top one looks almost like a Flicker.



Not completely obtuse
Nov 14, 2013
Poconos, PA
That top one is technically a red-bellied woodpecker. We have a few of them, several downys, a few yellow-bellies and an occasional pileated. Hardly ever see a red-headed at our feeders though. Go figure.
But it doesn't have a red belly. :umm: We get downy's also (does the male have the tiny tuft of red, and the female no tuft of red, as I've seen them both ways?). Never saw the yellow-bellies here, unless you consider OoO, that is. :)


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
...I love House Wrens, noisy but cute little boogers...sadly, I haven't seen a quail around the home place since I was a kid.....
There is a bird sanctuary just up the main HWY 19 to my north, so many fly here as most of l my land remains wooded. Many quail, morning doves, etc. All protected from hunting. New generation of Bald Eagles are being seen almost daily as they make their run to the gulf and back. My fav are the Whooping Cranes.


Jun 23, 2007
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
I once saw a sparrow pick up a piece of cigarette package tinfoil in he back alley and start waving it around to get a crows attention who was zeroing in on it's nest. It worked, the crow saw the flash of foil and the sparrow flew away with it...the crow followed, forgetting about the nest. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I would not believe this story. Humans know crows like shiny things, but how would sparrows know that?


Sunny the Great & Wonderful
Jun 12, 2008
I love the chickadees, one of the few species that are a year round visitor. We do get the yellow finches, but haven't seen any yet. And the woodpeckers are so much fun to watch. Do you mean that big Pileated kind when you say redheaded, Sunny? Their call is like Woody?


Lately, I've just seen the regular red headed ones.
A few years ago, there was a Pileated one that hung out here every day. I think it liked the hemlock tree in the yard.
That was one huge bird.......and beautiful, too. He was camera shy, though, and every time I went to take his picture, he would fly away.


Sunny the Great & Wonderful
Jun 12, 2008
I’ve seen both of these red-headed woodpeckers at our suet feeder this spring.



We do get the pileated woodpecker on occasion in the yard digging in old stumps looking for grubs. You can walk up to about 10 feet away from them and they don't spook.
I have two of each of these......and unlike the Pileated one, they're not shy at all. They don't even fly away when I let the dog out to play. They don't flog her or anything, they just finish their meal before leaving the table.


Sunny the Great & Wonderful
Jun 12, 2008
So many of the northern birds that winter here are leaving now. Have a pair of Pileated Woodpeckers that have lived here for years. they enjoy feasting on bugs in the pines.
My Wren is back. She lives in a thorn bush in the back yard. I hate that thorn bush, and would cut it down if it wasn't for the wren.


Not completely obtuse
Nov 14, 2013
Poconos, PA
My Wren is back. She lives in a thorn bush in the back yard. I hate that thorn bush, and would cut it down if it wasn't for the wren.
I hate wrens. They are very aggressive and overtake my bluebird boxes. If there are bluebird eggs in the nest they destroy them and throw the shells out. If there are bluebird chicks in the boxes they kill them and throw them out of the box. Then make their own nests. I’ve even made special boxes just for wrens so they don’t kill my bluebirds, but they still do it anyway. I’ve had it with them. If bluebirds set up house in my boxes this year I’m really tempted to use the BB gun on any wrens with ulterior motives. :(


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2014
I hate wrens. They are very aggressive and overtake my bluebird boxes. If there are bluebird eggs in the nest they destroy them and throw the shells out. If there are bluebird chicks in the boxes they kill them and throw them out of the box. Then make their own nests. I’ve even made special boxes just for wrens so they don’t kill my bluebirds, but they still do it anyway. I’ve had it with them. If bluebirds set up house in my boxes this year I’m really tempted to use the BB gun on any wrens with ulterior motives. :(

If you think Wrens are agressive take a look at this Great Tit dining on a Sparrow - BE FOREWARNED GRAPHIC VIOLENCE SO NOT FOR THE SQUEAMISH!