Weekly Survey

  • This message board permanently closed on June 30th, 2020 at 4PM EDT and is no longer accepting new members.


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
May 22 2016

1. What was the last picture you took with your cell phone?
2. Complete the sentence--- I wish_____________.
3. Have you ever eaten a crayon? Glue?
4. What is your favorite word ?
5. What "labeling" word do you dislike the most?
6. Favorite cartoon character?
7. What is the worst injury you had?
8. Smart or happy?
9. Favorite free time activity?
10. What was the last thing you ate?


Eternal Members
Jun 20, 2013
1. What was the last picture you took with your cell phone?
Kat, and Kaden.

2. Complete the sentence--- I wish_____________.
I was rich.

3. Have you ever eaten a crayon? Glue?

4. What is your favorite word ?

5. What "labeling" word do you dislike the most?
I don't know what you mean.

6. Favorite cartoon character?
Foghorn Leghorn.

7. What is the worst injury you had?
A door fell on my head.

8. Smart or happy?

9. Favorite free time activity?
Watching westerns.

10. What was the last thing you ate?
Some blueberry cobbler.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
1. What was the last picture you took with your cell phone?-my Jeep with it's axles nekkid.....
2. Complete the sentence--- I wish_____________.-"that was Stevie Wonder on 96 FM, time now to check you weather forecast!.....
3. Have you ever eaten a crayon? Glue?-a glue stick makes a mighty yummy after-dinner snack.....
4. What is your favorite word ?@#$%!....
5. What "labeling" word do you dislike the most?-"gay"....
6. Favorite cartoon character?-Bugs Bunny....
7. What is the worst injury you had?-trauma to my low back....
8. Smart or happy?-wealthy.....
9. Favorite free time activity?....aside from muddling about on here?.....back-roading in the Jeep with Tracy.....
10. What was the last thing you ate?-a cheese stick....cookies later.....

Walter Oobleck

keeps coming back...or going, and going, and going
Mar 6, 2013
May 22 2016

1. What was the last picture you took with your cell phone? not sure what it is...looks like a nostril...back in February was shoveling a trailer roof off and a mosquito was buzzing me...with five feet of snow on the roof and then later there was one (mosquito) in the cab of the truck, break, engine running, staying warm. so...a mosquito that looks like a nostril. I was trying to get a picture of it but he kept moving, the little bastid.
2. Complete the sentence--- I wish_____________. I were an Oscar Meyer Wiener!
3. Have you ever eaten a crayon? Glue? just part of one, minute man blue I think...and no glue but paste, yeah, some of that, too.
4. What is your favorite word ? Sheboygan...Muncie is a good one, too. Somebody calls, I tell the wife, it's (fill-in-the-blank) from Sheboygan...say it out loud a couple times. Sheboygan.
5. What "labeling" word do you dislike the most? Open Other End...or, maybe "extremist"
6. Favorite cartoon character? Bugs
7. What is the worst injury you had? words...took forever and a day to get over them...the symptoms hit once and a while, still.
8. Smart or happy? happy
9. Favorite free time activity? sitting and listening to the world
10. What was the last thing you ate? chicken on the grill, potatoes cut up diced w/onions same place home-made applesauce...saw this neat idea will put to use this fall...poke the apple onto a thing like a stick or...dowel, stick that in the cordless drill and then spin the apple with the drill as you peel it by holding a knife or something close. we have a corer-peeler but that idea seems like it'd be worth a try...applesauce is easy, nothing added, throw em in the crock and cook them down to sauce, freeze, remove a container at a time. yum.


Comfortably Roont
Nov 19, 2011
Behind you
1. What was the last picture you took with your cell phone?

Puppy Maggie

2. Complete the sentence--- I wish_____________.

I was a an Oscar Mayer Weiner.

3. Have you ever eaten a crayon? Glue?

Yes. Purple Crayons were the best, and dried Elmers off the fingers were to die for.

4. What is your favorite word ?

Tranquil. I like it, and because I just can't pronounce it . Twankweeeel I try.

5. What "labeling" word do you dislike the most?


6. Favorite cartoon character?

Tough one. Fred?

7. What is the worst injury you had?

Ooo, the face got hurt bad. Hospital bad. The healing bruises were spectacular Many colors

8. Smart or happy?

Smarty happy.

9. Favorite free time activity?

Still looking to find one. Want to garden again.

10. What was the last thing you ate?

eggo waffle. Hi!


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
May 22 2016

1. What was the last picture you took with your cell phone? Chet, the newest rescue kitten .
2. Complete the sentence--- I wish_____________. for a calm tropical season.
3. Have you ever eaten a crayon? Glue? Crayon
4. What is your favorite word ? Serenity
5. What "labeling" word do you dislike the most? stupid
6. Favorite cartoon character? Scooby Doo
7. What is the worst injury you had? Slipped and hurt knee
8. Smart or happy? Happy
9. Favorite free time activity? Crafting
10. What was the last thing you ate? Frozen waffle


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
May 22 2016

1. What was the last picture you took with your cell phone? Chet, the newest rescue kitten .
2. Complete the sentence--- I wish_____________. for a calm tropical season.
3. Have you ever eaten a crayon? Glue? Crayon
4. What is your favorite word ? Serenity
5. What "labeling" word do you dislike the most? stupid
6. Favorite cartoon character? Scooby Doo
7. What is the worst injury you had? Slipped and hurt knee
8. Smart or happy? Happy
9. Favorite free time activity? Crafting
10. What was the last thing you ate? Frozen waffle
...honey, you CAN heat those damn things up!.....

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
1. What was the last picture you took with your cell phone? I took a picture, of a picture. My son wanted to see a group shot of me him and his brother at a school function when they were in grade school.
2. Complete the sentence--- I wish____there was no cancer_________.
3. Have you ever eaten a crayon? Glue? Neither
4. What is your favorite word ? creative
5. What "labeling" word do you dislike the most? c**t
6. Favorite cartoon character? Pinky and The Brain
7. What is the worst injury you had? Broken arm, broken collar bone
8. Smart or happy? Smart. If I was smart enough, I could smart myself right into happy.
9. Favorite free time activity? napping, crafting, quilting, gardening
10. What was the last thing you ate? Kentucky Fried Chicken