What did you learn today?

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The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
...for Char...



#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Let me spare ya'll some trouble with my lesson:
You can't sleep in flannel pajamas under flannel sheets - I was like a real life felt board story. Don't try it, it's not worth the struggle to get back out of bed and out of those jammies!

Really?- I wore flannel PJs to bed and was sleeping between flannel sheets as well. So that would explain the clammy feeling I had this morning! Too much heat. (and here I thought it was a hot flash or something silly like that!)


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2013
Heart of the South
Really?- I wore flannel PJs to bed and was sleeping between flannel sheets as well. So that would explain the clammy feeling I had this morning! Too much heat. (and here I thought it was a hot flash or something silly like that!)
You must be a "still sleeper" - I move a lot and flannel on flannel made it ridiculous.


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
I learnt to bite my tongue.Told the hubby it felt good to have family time. then the phone rang and he got called into work. Overtime but still. Zip my lip.

Well the extra money will come in handy, so that is one positive thing! I hope he gets a chance to rest up tomorrow at least.

I learned how to make our new deep fryer work by reading the instructions. I know - terrible to buy one of those! (but we only plan to use it a bit, not all the time!)


Prolific member
Jan 8, 2009
I am so sorry to hear that Char.

I learned today that do not ever trust a security guards. Funny those are people you should trust in most after the police I think. Anyway I came to
work this morning and when I'd been in work for 20 min, suddenly a guy is standing and look right into the kitchen and I asked him where he came
from and he said that door was open I was like WHAT??? Yes he says the door was open and he was right about the door. I said to him that I can't let you
stay here cause we are opening 7 am, he understood that well and went out. The security guard who was on duty Saturday evening had forgot to check if the door was locked, so it had been open all night. Someone just could have walk inside middle of the night and steel something. Thankful we have a burglar alarm in work, so would have been difficult for them to get out unnoticed, but anyway. Can you believe how careless a security guard can be.

I also learned today when I have my 27 birthday to use woolly hat when it's cold outside. Feels much warmer when you use it instead
of being without.


Aw poor Jojo,that must have been a real frightening shock to see someone like that,where they shouldn't be,when you think you are secure.The problem with security,or police,or anyone,is they are people,and make mistakes,and so it is good to remain vigilant when out in public,or even home,cause you never know what folks will do..
Wanted to thank the good folks here,on this thread,for their words of comfort..am trying to work through the idea,of a death of friend,younger than I..and find myself having tears at unexpected moments..usually a pretty stoic person,but I seem to be having difficulty with this..well,life is a mystery,that is sure,and hopefully we will see our lost ones in the clearing,at the end of the path..as the years go by,it seems,the clearing sure is going to be crowded..:grinning: