What Kind Of Cravings Do You Get?

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Happy to be here!
Feb 18, 2012
Snacktime.... :hmm: :hmm::idea: Probably in front of a hockeygame or, most often, in bed with a book- You just reach out your hand and something delicious will slide down your throat. :big_grin:


Excuse me for having a dirty mind Kurben!:a11:


We think alike, Neesy! I was about to quote KRF with a "TWSS"!!!


The Fool on the Hill
Apr 12, 2014
Do you guys in Sweden really eat pickled fish for breakfast?

When we had some visitors from Holland back in the 70s they said they could not eat bacon for breakfast as it was too greasy, but they like to have pickled herring on toast instead.

I realize Sweden and Holland are far apart, but I was just curious if this is common these days over there?
Not really. Milk or sour Milk (is that correct? It is thicker than milk but not really sour) with some kind of Musli. Or perhaps a sandwich with a glass of juice. Toast is usual though. And most people have coffee.... Not i, I just to be sour milk with musli and orangejuice but then i got lactos intolerant and had to ditch the sour milk so now it is a sandwich (but lately i have been having croissants, don't tell anyone..:shh:) Herring is, as far as i know, unusual but i think it is more common in the UK.


And Crazy Housewife
Dec 3, 2014
Fernley, NV.
Recipe? (I know that sounds bad - but I like butter tarts, too - I just limit myself to one).
Recipe? (I know that sounds bad - but I like butter tarts, too - I just limit myself to one).

Of course! I've been making these since I was a "tweenager", and they've always been a hit. They're super easy to make, but the secret is getting them out of the oven on time! I pull them when they look raw still, but by the time they've cooled they're perfect. (For some reason they get pretty hard by the next day, but they still taste great.) Anyway, when I have the ability to sit down and type out both the normal and the vegan recipes, I will!


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Of course! I've been making these since I was a "tweenager", and they've always been a hit. They're super easy to make, but the secret is getting them out of the oven on time! I pull them when they look raw still, but by the time they've cooled they're perfect. (For some reason they get pretty hard by the next day, but they still taste great.) Anyway, when I have the ability to sit down and type out both the normal and the vegan recipes, I will!


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Not really. Milk or sour Milk (is that correct? It is thicker than milk but not really sour) with some kind of Musli. Or perhaps a sandwich with a glass of juice. Toast is usual though. And most people have coffee.... Not i, I just to be sour milk with musli and orangejuice but then i got lactos intolerant and had to ditch the sour milk so now it is a sandwich (but lately i have been having croissants, don't tell anyone..:shh:) Herring is, as far as i know, unusual but i think it is more common in the UK.
What you are describing to me (the "sour" milk) sounds like Greek yogurt.


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
There is a difference, we do have Greek yughurt here, but it lies in what kind of bacteria that goes into the mix. But they are very similar but i always preferred the Sour Milk (which experts now tend to agree is not quite as healthy as the other)
By the way TWSS means "that's what she said".


Just ask kingricefan


In the flesh.
Sep 1, 2014
I agree with you completely. I know a woman who gave up her "chocolate addiction" (her words) by keeping loads of chocolate in her house and eating it whenever the heck she wanted it. She said after almost 2 weeks, she no longer wanted it at all.

This reminded me of something I learned on The Walking Dead tour. The scene of Carl indulging in a gallon can of pudding on a roof was real. He was supposed to spit it out but didn't. He ate so much he got sick on it and can't stand the sight of pudding now. Unfortunately his fans all remember the episode and bring him pudding cups as tribute.

I did the same thing with a can of cake frosting when I was a kid. Never been a fan of cake since.


Waiting in Uber.
Jan 3, 2010
In your mirror.

Nice thread.

I usually crave salty foods. I love salt. Best fast food salt in the whole wide world?? The salt from Church's Fried Chicken. (Salt is bad for me and my high blood pressure.)

I crave chocolate. (If I stay away from it for...30 days? My craving will go away.)

I was hungry when I got home from work and I made a double decker turkey breast, bacon, tomato, avocado, chopped Serrano pepper, with Miracle Whip (Yes, I know. Miracle Whip is not mayo and it's made in he!!. I like it's creamy, sweet goodness.) sandwich on lightly toasted bread. A kosher pickle spear, Ruffles potato chips and sweet iced tea completed the meal. It was awesome!!! But I kinda lost my appetite after making it. It's in the fridge. I'll eat it later. :lemo:


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2014

Nice thread.

I usually crave salty foods. I love salt. Best fast food salt in the whole wide world?? The salt from Church's Fried Chicken. (Salt is bad for me and my high blood pressure.)

I crave chocolate. (If I stay away from it for...30 days? My craving will go away.)

I was hungry when I got home from work and I made a double decker turkey breast, bacon, tomato, avocado, chopped Serrano pepper, with Miracle Whip (Yes, I know. Miracle Whip is not mayo and it's made in he!!. I like it's creamy, sweet goodness.) sandwich on lightly toasted bread. A kosher pickle spear, Ruffles potato chips and sweet iced tea completed the meal. It was awesome!!! But I kinda lost my appetite after making it. It's in the fridge. I'll eat it later. :lemo:

You had me at turkey, bacon, tomato, and avocado.

We don't do burgers much, but I did the other night. Chopped sirloin with cheddar/bacon. Layered on top of that was cheese (cheddar for the honey, pepper jack for me), nicely melted, grilled and browned onions, grilled mushrooms, big fresh tomato slice, fresh avocado slices, pickles, mayo and yaller mustard for her, spicy brown mustard for me, whole wheat buns for her, deli flats for me, and it was impossible to get the mouth around. Needed: napkins and fork. It was wonderful. Got the burger craving out of the way for another few months.


Waiting in Uber.
Jan 3, 2010
In your mirror.
You had me at turkey, bacon, tomato, and avocado.

We don't do burgers much, but I did the other night. Chopped sirloin with cheddar/bacon. Layered on top of that was cheese (cheddar for the honey, pepper jack for me), nicely melted, grilled and browned onions, grilled mushrooms, big fresh tomato slice, fresh avocado slices, pickles, mayo and yaller mustard for her, spicy brown mustard for me, whole wheat buns for her, deli flats for me, and it was impossible to get the mouth around. Needed: napkins and fork. It was wonderful. Got the burger craving out of the way for another few months.

Hi, sir!

I have food issues. :confused: I love to cook and bake. I LOVE to make vast quantities of dishes, plate/arrange and serve my dishes but...seeing/looking at a lot of food in front of me? That I'm supposed eat? Nuh uh. It scares me and I won't eat. Can't make me and if you TRY to make me eat (Momma) I'll throw it up. TMI.

(When I diet or during Lent when I give up all animal flesh and flour tortillas I will be a maniac cook. Cook all kinds of goodie-roonie food and serve the masses. I stand back and watch everyone throw a mighty munch but I won't eat. Like I said, food issues. Ha!)


(I think I will go take a look at my awesome sandwich. That one look will probably tide me over until lunch tomorrow. ;;D)


Waiting in Uber.
Jan 3, 2010
In your mirror.
You had me at turkey, bacon, tomato, and avocado.

We don't do burgers much, but I did the other night. Chopped sirloin with cheddar/bacon. Layered on top of that was cheese (cheddar for the honey, pepper jack for me), nicely melted, grilled and browned onions, grilled mushrooms, big fresh tomato slice, fresh avocado slices, pickles, mayo and yaller mustard for her, spicy brown mustard for me, whole wheat buns for her, deli flats for me, and it was impossible to get the mouth around. Needed: napkins and fork. It was wonderful. Got the burger craving out of the way for another few months.


Yes, please. Two of each. Please. (Except for the cheese. Nasty booger.)

Hugs, Grandpa


And Crazy Housewife
Dec 3, 2014
Fernley, NV.
Super-Special, Diabetes-In-A-Spoon Holiday Cookies:

2 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup butter
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon real vanilla extract
2 eggs
Semi sweet mini morsels
M&M's of your choosing
Vanilla (or white chocolate) baking chips
Butterscotch baking chips
(You can also add nuts, raisins, or whatever you like to these. I simply prefer the chocolate mix.)

In a large bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, and salt. Set aside. In a medium saucepan, melt butter on high. As soon as it is melted, remove from heat. Add sugar, brown sugar, and vanilla extract. Whisk until creamy, then whisk in the eggs. Slowly whisk this into the flour, blending well. (I use my hands to sort of knead the mixture into a soft dough.) Blend in desired amounts of baking chips. (Again, I use my hands. It works better than anything else I've tried.)

Lightly grease cookie sheets with olive oil. Do this only once. I use an ice teaspoon, or just my hands, to scoop out enough dough to roll into a small ball. Excess will fall back into the mixing bowl. I then gently flatten them, then place them on the cookie sheet. These don't grow much, so don't worry about space. I'm paranoid, so I always gap them further than necessary, but they never seem to actually need the space.

Have the oven pre-heated to 375 degrees (FH). Depending on your altitude, and your oven, these could go in anywhere between seven and twelve minutes. My elevation is around 5,000 and my husband's stove is pretty good, so I bake them for eight minutes exactly. I always use a timer, as even thirty seconds too long can wreck them. I also have hot pads set on the counter, so that air can get under the tray as the cookies cool.

And there you are! My slightly tweaked version of a recipe I got out of Aunt Bee's Mayberry Cookbook. It's the only recipe I've ever used out of that book! :laugh:

2 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup vegan baking butter
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon real vanilla extract
1 banana (regular-ish size.)
Carob baking chips
Raisins and/or cranberries
Nuts of your choosing

The only difference to this recipe is when you add the banana to the butter mix. You have to mash it up as good as you can, so that it blends well with the flour. The cookies will have a banana-bread quality to them, but it's not terrible. The rest of the recipe is virtually the same. It is also very important that you use the vegan butter imitation; I've tried using applesauce instead, and the cookies come out as mudpies.