BOLO for a Red Mazda RX-8....please. :)

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I am whatever you say I am.
Feb 26, 2008
If you like the performance of a Porsche but not the expense, try a VW GTI. Made by the very same factory. Gets up and goes. Cheaper to care for. My ex-roomie had one and would let me drive it now and then. I'd get on the freeway and... vrooom!!! :D
Oh my. I looked at a picture. Oh my. :0:
Gots to have my sporty car look.
No boxy for me. ;-D


Say hello to my fishy buddy
Apr 12, 2006
Bremerton, Washington, United States
Oh my. I looked at a picture. Oh my. :0:
Gots to have my sporty car look.
No boxy for me. ;-D

It might look boxy but that engine was anything but!

When I first started dating B, he had a Porsche 914. I used to love driving that bad boy! Into a corner, it would almost hunker down and grip the road. Of course, we had Pirelli tires on it, so that may have helped. ;)


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
Swifty, we finally agree on something! I don't like the Boxster either.
I prefer a Cayman (she looks a lot like my RX-8, eh?)
Or a 911 Carrera
Carrera+4+Coupe+-+Red+_2_.JPG about a Lil Red Corvette?....


Ms. Mod
Jul 10, 2006
I can't figure out how to fix the title. But you're burying the lede! Thank the gods that you're okay! Much as you love it, the car is just a thing. Replaceable, You are not. (((danie)))
I've fixed it but for next time:
Under Thread Tools (top of page), click Edit Title
You'll see the title but below that is the area where you can edit the title
Save changes

cat in a bag

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2010
Well, at that price you can hardly afford not to buy one.
Even if I could afford a Porsche, I couldn't afford the repairs if something brokalated. Parts are in the 1000s of dollarations.
You know what I love? I love that you are a teacher and talk like this! Always makes me smile!

I am glad you are ok, danie. Big hugs and good luck finding a new car.
Mar 12, 2010
You guys know how I love my car, a red Mazda RX-8. Well, I think it's totaled.

This morning, the rain was coming down pretty hard, but no harder than usual in the last year that I've lived back here in the country.

I drive about 12 miles on back roads to work, and set off this morning at 7 A.M. The first few miles, I was going through some good-sized puddles, but nothing major. However, when I got about halfway to work, I crossed a little overpass bridge, and went right into some very deep water over the road. Before you tell me I was not too smart to have driven into the water, please know that I was not trying to 'make it though.' There simply was no indication that it was that deep. It looked like a perfectly normal-sized puddle, just like the others I'd driven through. I just didn't know it was that deep.

My car (being the good little car he is) didn't stall. The water was about 2 feet deep at that point, and the rain had started to come down more heavily. I called 911 and they said they'd send someone. Every few minutes, I kept trying to back out to the little bridge I'd just crossed. The water wasn't as deep there. After about 15 minutes I was able to back, inch by inch, onto the bridge. I couldn't back any further, because there was water on the other side of the bridge that wasn't quite as deep, but still too much for my low-riding car.

I saw the emergency vehicles arrive on the other side of the deep expanse of water. After a while, when I had finally decided that I was going to have to think about swimming once my car was under, an emergency truck finally started across the water. At that point, it was about four feet deep, and I thought surely the truck would stall or not be able to get to me. It took about 5 minutes for them to travel to me. Right when they got on the bridge, water started pouring into my car on the passenger side. The water on the bridge had increased to about one foot. I grabbed my purse and got in the emergency truck.

We then had to traverse back across the four-feet-deep lake of water they had just come through to get to dry road. The guy then took me on to work and called a towing service to go get my car. They had to wait until the waters receded and, by that time, the water had covered my car over the hood. Inside was about a foot of water. The mechanic there said it would probably be totaled because once water gets in the engine, even if they're able to 'fix' it now, there are always problems with lights or the computer or how it runs, etc.

I am very happy to not be drowned, but I'm very sick about my car. I looked for that particular car for over a year before I found it. If you guys think about it, keep an eye out for an RX-8 that has the following description. I'm kind of picky about my cars, so it pretty much has to have all these things for me to want to buy it. Also, I'm in Kentucky, so wouldn't want to drive to say, Montana, to get it. :)
Mazda RX-8
Red exterior
Manual transmission (deal breaker)
Red/black leather interior
Fewer than 75,000 miles would be nice

Here's a picture someone took and posted on Facebook. You can see how deep the water is on the emergency truck. The water doesn't look that deep on the bridge, but it's deceptive. About two minutes after this pic was taken is when the water started pouring into my car.

View attachment 17015
If I can't get another RX-8, guess it's time for a Porsche!

Ohmygosh, watching that water rise would have scared me horribly :( I'm glad the emergency vehicle got to you soon. I'm glad you had a cell phone. How did we survive without cell phones?

I'm sorry about your car :( I had an old VW Bug for 20 years and I loved it like it was family. I cried when it caught on fire (fule line slipped off while I was driving).


Not completely obtuse
Nov 14, 2013
Poconos, PA
Firstly my condolences about your car.

Secondly hats off and admiration for this. One thing I have never understood about the U.S. is the love of the automatic gearbox. I would get so bored driving a car without gears to change!
Most of the ladies here need their right hand free in order to text, shuffle through their purses, and apply makeup at 75 mph.



Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
Most of the ladies here need their right hand free in order to text, shuffle through their purses, and apply makeup at 75 mph.


Took drivers ed back in HS (1960's). New HS, car did not have dual controls for the instructor. Stick shift, ice, snow of dead winter. Learned how to shift by corner eyeing the instructor footing the clutch!


Not completely obtuse
Nov 14, 2013
Poconos, PA
Took drivers ed back in HS (1960's). New HS, car did not have dual controls for the instructor. Stick shift, ice, snow of dead winter. Learned how to shift by corner eyeing the instructor footing the clutch!
I leaned to use stick when I was 16 on a VW convertible Bug. At 17 I learned to use a manual stick on the steering wheel of an old Impala. Anybody remember manual sticks on the steering wheel?



Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2014
I leaned to use stick when I was 16 on a VW convertible Bug. At 17 I learned to use a manual stick on the steering wheel of an old Impala. Anybody remember manual sticks on the steering wheel?


Yup I remember them on old Vauxhalls in the UK. I also had an old Renault that had a stick shift which came out of the middle of the dashboard (is that the same word in the US?)

Edit - like this it was:



Not completely obtuse
Nov 14, 2013
Poconos, PA
Yup I remember them on old Vauxhalls in the UK. I also had an old Renault that had a stick shift which came out of the middle of the dashboard (is that the same word in the US?)

Edit - like this it was:

Dashboard is the word here, also. Can't remember any vehicle here having anything like that. My 1960 Corvair was an automatic and the little transmission lever was on the dashboard.

Similar, but mine was a little different with the lever on the side of the gear display. No "P" either. You put it in 'N,' pulled the emergency brake, and placed a brick in back of a tire. You also didn't need a key to operate the car.



Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2014
Dashboard is the word here, also. Can't remember any vehicle here having anything like that. My 1960 Corvair was an automatic and the little transmission lever was on the dashboard.

Similar, but mine was a little different with the lever on the side of the gear display. No "P" either. You put it in 'N,' pulled the emergency brake, and placed a brick in back of a tire. You also didn't need a key to operate the car.


Ha my day to day car these days is a very boring 2 year old Puegeot, but I still drive my old 1971 Triumph when it is sunny and that needs a brick behind the wheel if left on a slope:
