What happened to Ellie Creed next?

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New Member
Aug 30, 2018
Doesn't need to be a reheated version of Pet sematary, like Doctor Sleep it can just be an adventure Ellie has as an adult, where like Danny she's still haunted by the spirits from a bad time in her childhood (Ie Victor Pascow instead of 217 woman). This way we can get to see how the events of Pet Sematary will effect her later in life. Especially since she doesn't get as nearly a happy ending as Danny did and even he got stuck in a bad spot with his adult life (i.e. Alcholholism). I imagine her in middle/high school being really seclusive and often bullied, causing her to become an even more miserable individual in adult life.
We could also learn what happened with Louis and Rachel later via old newspaper clippings or news coverage.
I hope he does write a sequel to it. Ellie Creed needs closure. Believe it or not, she actually shows up in my dreams. lol

Doc Creed

Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2015
United States
Was hoping poor Ellie would show up as a crazed adult inmate at a mental asylum on the Castle Rock show. Let's face it, there' no upside for that kid after the events of the novel.
Interesting. Hmm, I'm not so sure. Other than her premonitions, the reader is not told what else Ellie knows. How could anyone really know, even the police. I'm guessing she, as with Dan Torrance, figures out the missing pieces on her own and in her own time. One thing is sure...children in a King novel are not often spared life's harsh realities, LOL. As I speculated previously in this thread, I think she eventually comes back to Ludlow.


Flaming Wonder Telepath
May 15, 2018
Not knowing makes the dread more acute for me.
Yeah, but what happened to Louis? Did the town find them? Or did it just look like Lou and Rachel dissapeared off the map (which I'm sure the folk of Ludlow would speculate to be caused by the guilt and shame of Gage's death). How was the info passed onto Lou's in-laws (I assume Ellie had some form of premonition of it)? Maybe Rache kills Louis and drags him up to the Micmac burial grounds, where they happily continue their marriage as undead ghouls (Maybe they renew their vows with the Wendigo there to bless them). Who knows? King probably.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2008
I recently suggested something along these lines. Becoming a veterinarian is a little too on the nose for my tastes but I would be interested to know if she returned to Ludlow. Did Ludlow stay rural and a small college town? Did other people move into the Creed's old house? What happened to Rachel? I imagine her limping up Route 15 at dawn, her dark shape barely discernible to motorists, and a guy in an Orinco truck getting out to help her. As he begins to see her face and hear her voice his skin on his arms tightens and his scalp tingles, stunned in horror.
Missy Dandridge would be the only person left who Ellie might remember. Although I am curious about these things, I hope he doesn't write a sequel. It'd be too tempting to write a warmed up, reheated version of the original. (Technically, the events in Pet Sematary are essentially an endless cycle of the same story. Jud telling Louis about his dog, Spot, and the tragedy of Timmy Baterman were both events that eventually happened in a similar way to Louis and did little to discourage him from repeating previous follies.)
In regards to Doctor Sleep, King managed to write a sequel that was fresh and not a retelling of The Shining, while at the same time answering some of our pressing questions. So then, it isn't a question of King's capabilities but whether or not the story is begging to be told. Perhaps the best advice on this matter is given by Pascow to Louis: "The barrier is not meant to be crossed. The ground is sour."

I recently listened to the audio version of Pet Sematary, which is fantastic BTW, and got thinking that another interesting take on a squeal could be that someone finally acquires the land where the Micmac burial ground is and possibly begins to develop that land reigniting the power of that area. Things could go in all kinds of directions from there. Thoughts?

Doc Creed

Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2015
United States
I recently listened to the audio version of Pet Sematary, which is fantastic BTW, and got thinking that another interesting take on a squeal could be that someone finally acquires the land where the Micmac burial ground is and possibly begins to develop that land reigniting the power of that area. Things could go in all kinds of directions from there. Thoughts?
I listened to the radio drama that BBC did but I haven't yet listened to the new audio book. I bet Hall did a great job. Yes, I like your idea but I would rather not see a sequel to this novel unless it had something new and interesting to say. When I was a kid I lived for horror sequels..."oh, look, that evil thing is back...AGAIN!". Now, not so much.
However, if King released a sequel tomorrow, would I read it? Yeah, I'd be happier than a Slinky on an escalator. ;)

Joseph Burdette

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2018
West Virginia
In the book they talked about several people, including the Micmac's themselves, fighting over ownership of land. Maybe some of the land actually becomes commercially available and Ellie, who is now lawyer like her grandfather or a doctor like her father, owns shares in the company that wants to build on it. She comes back to face her demons and becomes involved someway when the land grows in power again.

Who knows, maybe Rachel has been wandering those woods for the last few decades....


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
I listened to the radio drama that BBC did but I haven't yet listened to the new audio book. I bet Hall did a great job. Yes, I like your idea but I would rather not see a sequel to this novel unless it had something new and interesting to say. When I was a kid I lived for horror sequels..."oh, look, that evil thing is back...AGAIN!". Now, not so much.
However, if King released a sequel tomorrow, would I read it? Yeah, I'd be happier than a Slinky on an escalator. ;)
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