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Edward John

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2019
Pandemics of the past all have fancy nicknames like "The Black Death" or "The Great Flu" and we're still calling this virus by its scientific name. Of course people are going to keep naysaying unless it gets a fancy title that hits home the message
I got a good name. The Virus Which Proved Just How Utterly Inept the World Governments are at Controlling Pandemic Viruses. A bit wordy but I like it.


Original Kiwi© SKMB®
Apr 11, 2006
New Zealand
I ate my sister's birthday cake this week. My sister's birthday was a couple of weeks ago and she was going to come down but of course things went sideways and she didn't. I was at my mom's a few days ago and she told me she had made a cake for my sister and had frozen it. So I took it and ate it. :)

I should have one of those shaming signs around my neck like the dogs wear, "I ate my sister's birthday cake"

A few years ago (I can't believe how many, actually) my kid was turning 16. We made him a delicious birthday cake. My Grandma had an horrific stroke, we were all told to gather at the hospital as she wasn't expected to survive. The adults all gathered, and on my way out the door, I scooped up the kids' birthday cake (his birthday was the next morning) so people would have something to eat, we were keeping vigil throughout the night.

Grandma rallied (a little... for 2 months anyway :sad: ) and the kid has rubbed my nose in it ever since... :biggrin2: which is funny now, with time and distance between then and now. (we did try and spoil the shiit out of him the following year)


All-being, keeper of Space, Time & Dimension.
Jul 11, 2006
Spokane, WA
I had to pick my son up from work. Very close to his place of business is a sex shop. It's disguised as a nicer store, but it's a sex shop. While waiting for him, I watched people go in there and purchase stuff. So, I guess that's essential too.:laugh:
Hey, they need 'protection'! Gonna be a huge upswing in births come November and December.......... Time to buy stock in diaper companies!!!


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio's a pissed off are people that just got off house arrest?.....

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
I had a shop next to one of those places and the trash that used to blow into our parking lot from the sex shop was always amusing. I would find the discarded packaging from various items and always wonder why people had to open that in their car. :)
Now I'm curious what that "various item" was. bwhaohaohaoha! Because yes, why would you feel an urgent need to open it before you got home?:laugh:
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All-being, keeper of Space, Time & Dimension.
Jul 11, 2006
Spokane, WA
The press isn’t talking much now about something but on February 6, scientists from the South China University of Technology uploaded a paper on the origins of the Coronavirus. They noted the virus mostly likely came from an animal known as the Intermediate Horseshoe Bat and there are no known colonies of this bat within 900 kilometers of Wuhan. The scientists went on to report “We screened the area around the market and identified two laboratories conducting research on bat coronavirus.” Both of the laboratories conducted research on Intermediate Horseshoe Bats and are in Wuhan. The South China University scientists concluded that the Coronavirus pandemic likely came from one of those two labs. It was noted in the paper that a scientist at the Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention had been exposed to the blood and urine of bats. They also suggested that infected tissue samples from research animals may have wound up in the Wuhan wet market. Their paper ended with this "The killer coronavirus probably originated from a laboratory in Wuhan. Safety levels may need to be reinforced in high risk, bio-hazardous laboratories. Regulations may be taken to relocate these laboratories far away from city center and other densely populated places.”
I've never seen anything related to this in print or heard anything on the news about this.


The Fool on the Hill
Apr 12, 2014
I was watching a quiz show this evening and there was a question about how many persons sat in the swedish parlament (Riksdag as we call it). ¤ people, well known personas, two tv celebs, one comic and one director and none knew!!! I mean if one had miss that i could understand but all four???


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
I was watching a quiz show this evening and there was a question about how many persons sat in the swedish parlament (Riksdag as we call it). ¤ people, well known personas, two tv celebs, one comic and one director and none knew!!! I mean if one had miss that i could understand but all four???
So how many people DO sit in the Swedish Parliament?


Okay - never mind - I looked it up and it's 349

I found this too (just to keep on topic about COVID-19
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