Is This A Hypocrite?

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Mar 12, 2010
I know someone who drinks a lot, and got caught watching porn twice by his wife within the last month. Then has the nerve to go to church!
What do you all think of this?
I can't tell if you're criticizing the dude for drinking and watching porn or if you're criticizing him for going to church. Do you think he should quit going to church?

If he's going to church falling down drunk and saying "Amen brother" when the preacher denounces alcohol as being the devil's drink, I think he might be a hypocrite.


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Speaking of hypocrites (and I will make this a hypothetical situation):

My pet peeve are those people who act nice to your face and then stab you in the back when you are not there - sort of gossipy, small minded types who are so polite when you are around but then you see them making fun of others who they then act all sweet and nice to when in the company of that person.

Did that last sentence make sense? It was a bit of a run-on sentence I admit!

I guess that is not technically a hypocrite is it? :dejection:


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2013
Heart of the South
Speaking of hypocrites (and I will make this a hypothetical situation):

My pet peeve are those people who act nice to your face and then stab you in the back when you are not there - sort of gossipy, small minded types who are so polite when you are around but then you see them making fun of others who they then act all sweet and nice to when in the company of that person.

Did that last sentence make sense? It was a bit of a run-on sentence I admit!

I guess that is not technically a hypocrite is it? :dejection:
Mean girls! I don't have time for that nonsense anymore - I am astounded and appalled by the grown women who still act this way. Who wants to make life harder for anyone else?


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Mean girls! I don't have time for that nonsense anymore - I am astounded and appalled by the grown women who still act this way. Who wants to make life harder for anyone else?
Hi Holly - yes I guess that is the more accurate description - just plain old "mean girls".

The only definite hypocritical thing I have seen is that they describe a program like "Dragon's Den" and say they don't like how the Dragons are mean and yet they do the same thing, only not upfront or blatantly.

(Dragon's Den is a Canadian show similar to the American "Shark Tank") :adoration:


Waiting in Uber.
Jan 3, 2010
In your mirror.
I didn't say anything to that person, just his wife. She is ready to pack it all in, and move to Kentucky.

I agree with many people here.

I would pray for him and his wife. That they be able to reach a compromise with which they are both comfortable. (Personally, I don't think there is anything particularly wrong or *sinful* to watch porn. NOT kiddie porn! Or to drink alcohol unless, like someone posted, he behaves badly when drinking.)

In addition, if he has problems then church might help him get his poop in a group.

Until I get me, mine and our house/home in order (which will never happen because people are fallible) I prefer not to meddle in others peoples lives. Or judge.

I bolded and italicized your post above. May I ask...what did you say to the wife?



M e m b e r
Apr 11, 2006
UnParked, UnParked U.S.A.
I didn't say anything to that person, just his wife. She is ready to pack it all in, and move to Kentucky.

I honestly think you have enough worries of your own with your health problems of late.

. . .sometimes it's best to just stay out of other folk's business and remember, there are two sides to each story.

I'm not trying to offend you but it is how I feel and I'm very sorry that their problems are upsetting you.


M e m b e r
Apr 11, 2006
UnParked, UnParked U.S.A.
Speaking of hypocrites (and I will make this a hypothetical situation):

My pet peeve are those people who act nice to your face and then stab you in the back when you are not there - sort of gossipy, small minded types who are so polite when you are around but then you see them making fun of others who they then act all sweet and nice to when in the company of that person.

Did that last sentence make sense? It was a bit of a run-on sentence I admit!

I guess that is not technically a hypocrite is it? :dejection:

Yes and I call them back-stabbing-bitches. I think when we're young we want to be with the 'in' crowd --a desire to be liked. I'm glad I got over that crap.

In my profession I've seen men do this as well. Just plain 'ol dirty azz greed.

Agincourt Concierge

Far and Away Member
Sep 10, 2008
the Wastelands
Hi Aggie, hows things,

Gotta say, Just because its viewed, doesn't mean its an addiction. "I am sorry but I can't help it" is a lame excuse for "i really enjoy it - and don't want to give it up"

I agree its everywhere, the female body unfortunately is used to sell everything from spanners to milk-( i'll dig out that advert with pam anderson!!!) We are supposed to ogle and stare at the adverts of the lady shaving her legs, or the push up bras. An object of desire isn't far from our gaze. And yeh "most men cant seem to get through life until they have seen every pair of mammary glands..." Wowza theirs the statement right there. I cant believe the amount of exposed flesh on view as i walk down my high street- i sure as heck cannot help staring at the beautiful women fluffing themselves up. so is it me who needs the slap in the chops for craning my neck- or the buxom beauty who seems try and leave more out than in, for the public to admire. (Not a complaint)

Its a strange world we live in. Do I look, do I turn away? Do I switch off. Because it seems to be everywhere.

Gotta go Baywatch reruns on channel 10.

(Didnt mean to offend about the 'getting any' reference- cry pardon)
Hi SR .... I'm doing fine and you ? .... I'm not talking about the media blitz around us ...

I'm talking about th guys that sit in front of computer every single day and watch porn to the detriment of their own sex lives .. they got problems .... addiction is addiction ... whether you're smoking it, drinking it or whacking off to it ... if you can't stop doing it and it impacts your life and those around you ... it's a problem ....


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2006
Atlanta GA
Speaking of hypocrites (and I will make this a hypothetical situation):

My pet peeve are those people who act nice to your face and then stab you in the back when you are not there - sort of gossipy, small minded types who are so polite when you are around but then you see them making fun of others who they then act all sweet and nice to when in the company of that person.

Did that last sentence make sense? It was a bit of a run-on sentence I admit!

I guess that is not technically a hypocrite is it? :dejection:
Yes, that is a species of hypocrite.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2006
Atlanta GA
Hi SR .... I'm doing fine and you ? .... I'm not talking about the media blitz around us ...

I'm talking about th guys that sit in front of computer every single day and watch porn to the detriment of their own sex lives .. they got problems .... addiction is addiction ... whether you're smoking it, drinking it or whacking off to it ... if you can't stop doing it and it impacts your life and those around you ... it's a problem ....
This is the type of behavior I was referring to earlier, and a kind of behavior most others - non-addicts - cannot understand.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2012
This thread is an example of why I had a really hard time returning to an organized church. Am so thankful I have found one that accepts people as we are, not perfect, forgiven. It is focused on personal growth and outward mission.

The man and his wife will manage their problems. He will have to grow. It isn't my place to interfere or judge. Sundrop thank you for that song.
"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." ...Eleanor Roosevelt


I am whatever you say I am.
Feb 26, 2008
I didn't say anything to that person, just his wife. She is ready to pack it all in, and move to Kentucky.
We ain't got no porn, nary alcohol, here in Kaintuck. (Just trying to lighten things up; no offense, Pegasus.)
Seriously, if she gives up on him, any new one she finds may have those same problems, and worse.
If she's getting it every night, doesn't sound as if the porn is a substitute for anything.
If the alcohol causes problems, or it's in excess every day, then that's another story.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2006
Atlanta GA
Hi SR .... I'm doing fine and you ? .... I'm not talking about the media blitz around us ...

I'm talking about th guys that sit in front of computer every single day and watch porn to the detriment of their own sex lives .. they got problems .... addiction is addiction ... whether you're smoking it, drinking it or whacking off to it ... if you can't stop doing it and it impacts your life and those around you ... it's a problem ....
There's a term for a certain brand of sex-life detriment caused by watching porn, Porn Creep...

A condition that results from the constant or excessive watching of pornographic material.It is characterised by an inability to get an erection under circumstances that do not involve the watching of pornographic material, due to the lack of psychologial connection between other human contact and sex. One treatment involves watchin porn until the erection is achieved then having sex, this re-establishes the connection between other people and sex. This condition is more frequent in virgins as the initial connection has not been made.

Urban Dictionary: porn creep