Any fellow horror writers on this forum?

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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2014
Hi Joann. I am a writer but haven't been published (yet). Given my inexperience in the agent and publishing arena, I'll leave your questions for our many members who have been published. Welcome.
Awesome what are you working on? I can tell you who to stay away I am up in the air as far as getting an agent and going for the bigger companies...I have a lot of friends who are doing amazing as indie authors. I have thought about going indie all the way but I like to have a good editor on my side. I don't want to put something out that is horrible for lack of editing. I'm pretty snarky with my own work and will literally write a first draft, then start from scratch on the second draft before I even head to rewrite and edits. I think for me it really does bring the story out better.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2012
Awesome what are you working on? I can tell you who to stay away I am up in the air as far as getting an agent and going for the bigger companies...I have a lot of friends who are doing amazing as indie authors. I have thought about going indie all the way but I like to have a good editor on my side. I don't want to put something out that is horrible for lack of editing. I'm pretty snarky with my own work and will literally write a first draft, then start from scratch on the second draft before I even head to rewrite and edits. I think for me it really does bring the story out better.
Several 'little things'; I enjoy short stories and 'ponderables'. Will chat a little more tomorrow...hubby would like a little attention.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
Aside from being a Stephen King fan, I joined this sight hoping to find some advice. See I recently switched companies and now I am second guessing on whether or not that was a good idea. The company I was with decided to take more of a romance turn and I don't write romance...someone always So I thought by changing companies that was more horror oriented things would be better...the problem I am having is I feel like none of what they are telling me is true. Most of it feels like a pack of lies or I am just being lead on. I wanted to see if anyone had this same experience and how they handled it. I had an agent that screwed me over, I now have a new publishing company and I honestly thing that I am still going in the wrong direction...f anyone and I do mean anyone has any experience in this, I would sooooo appreciate any advice. Anyways, that's one of the things I want to talk about with people here along with so many other things. I tried to start a book club here in this small town but I was under the impression all any one wanted to read was 50 shades of So that was a bust. Who ever is reading this, what is the latest King book you've read?


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Is this your book?

Did you notice the resemblance of the hero on the cover to Stephen King? (that's your hint).

Hint # 2 - have you heard of Annie Wilkes?

Plot: Well known author has a car crash in a deserted snowy area, quite remote - is rescued (i.e. kidnapped) by a fanatic fan who holds him captive and makes him write more books while she nurses him back to health.

(Dang! - I feel like rereading this one next, once I am done with The Wastelands).



Well-Known Member
May 20, 2014
Did you notice the resemblance of the hero on the cover to Stephen King? (that's your hint).

Hint # 2 - have you heard of Annie Wilkes?

Plot: Well known author has a car crash in a deserted snowy area, quite remote - is rescued (i.e. kidnapped) by a fanatic fan who holds him captive and makes him write more books while she nurses him back to health.

(Dang! - I feel like rereading this one next, once I am done with The Wastelands).


OMG Talk about a DUH This was an awesome book, but the movie didn't come as close to creeping me out as the Still Kathy Bates, AWESOME job...I believed she would do all that stuff and more!


Apr 19, 2014
Hood River, Oregon
Joann Welcome. My first book went further into horror than I intended I guess. My daughter sent me a 'Thanks Dad, you gave me nightmares' text after reading it. It was my first book, I got picked up by a new publishing company and have only had that experience. But I agree with Di'O bolic, if it feels wrong, better safe than sorry. I just got my second book out, it is a more user friendly tale of Dragons and Elfs. I am working on a follow up on the first one though. I love scary and Mr. King does it well, been reading him since I was 16 that was 37 short ears ago. Looking into the steam punk genre myself actually. Love to chat Horror any time. Best to you.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2014
LOL I had a similar experience with my dad when he read my first published novella. He asked my sister if I needed mental help. I took it as a compliment. I'm up to my fifth book, still waiting for the first four to be re released. The new company has them and my fifth book under contract but I won't be signing anymore. I'm going to put them out on my own. I have been screwed over by an agent, now a company I tell ya, I'm tired of it all. I love to write, that will never change, but I don't want to deal with any of it any more. If I sucked I would move on, but my reviews are amazing and I do have a fan base all be it, smaller than King's, but still they are loyal.

I'm already intrigued by your writing and I haven't even read Send me a private message, I believe they call it a conversation on this forum, for the titles. I'll check them out. :D
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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2012
LOL I had a similar experience with my dad when he read my first published novella. He asked my sister if I needed mental help. I took it as a compliment. I'm up to my fifth book, still waiting for the first four to be re released. The new company has them and my fifth book under contract but I won't be signing anymore. I'm going to put them out on my own. I have been screwed over by an agent, now a company I tell ya, I'm tired of it all. I love to write, that will never change, but I don't want to deal with any of it any more. If I sucked I would move on, but my reviews are amazing and I do have a fan base all be it, smaller than King's, but still they are loyal.

I'm already intrigued by your writing and I haven't even read Send me a private message, I believe they call it a conversation on this forum, for the titles. I'll check them out. :D

Joann...Who is this directed to? Maybe AB Smith? GG or KFF? Several people have been conversing with you. images-253.jpeg Oh, Here is a yummy for you today.
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