Casting News Crazy

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Robert Gray

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2010
The casting of so many characters who in the book have animal heads as actors who will probably not have animals heads is bleh.

Yeh it's a bit like knowing who each of the stormtroopers are - did anyone say bond ??

But maybe the taheen are mutant in this version and don't have animal heads- hmmm-


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Mr Nobody

Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2008
Walsall, England
It's a bet I wouldn't take, champ1966. Switching the character's race would step around the 'problem' with casting Idris Elba. She could even still have a racist alter-ego. Probably wouldn't make people as sympathetic as they were to the book's version, though.

Robert Gray

Well-Known Member
It's a bet I wouldn't take, champ1966. Switching the character's race would step around the 'problem' with casting Idris Elba. She could even still have a racist alter-ego. Probably wouldn't make people as sympathetic as they were to the book's version, though.

This is Hollywood though, and a more likely (at least I hope and pray) is that this beautiful woman has been tapped to play Ally. I've seen her acting and it is very good. With the right make up they could take the edge off her and make her look like Ally in the book. Or who knows, perhaps she is Jake's mom, or yet another Low Woman who is strikingly beautiful rather than monstrous.
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Apr 14, 2016
Wondering if they are having trouble deciding who will be Eddie and Susanna? Could be a difficult job to place. We don't know what is really going on. They may have offered and been turned down due to other projects. Who knows but the insiders.
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Robert Gray

Well-Known Member
Wondering if they are having trouble deciding who will be Eddie and Susanna? Could be a difficult job to place. We don't know what is really going on. They may have offered and been turned down due to other projects. Who knows but the insiders.

I get the general impression those characters either do not appear or at best will appear as a cameo at the end. Of course, who knows with this project. For all I know, characters from the Wind Through the Keyhole will show up next in the casting news.
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Robert Gray

Well-Known Member
Hrm. The rumors (and rumors are all they are) is that the new actress is yet another Low Woman (apparently all devastatingly beautiful) bad guy, i.e. one who doesn't appear in the books but has been specifically created for the film. Sheesh. I could have handled her as a tough Ally with the right make up. I really hope this turns out to be an unsubstantiated rumor because the idea of Roland and Jake shooting up a Tull full of Low Men/Low Women, all the women straight from the pages of Vogue, really leaves me cold. Pictures leaked from the shooting area seem to indicate there will be a monstrous Nun too, probably a variation of the Little Sisters slipped in on top of everything else. Feh.
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New Member
Apr 29, 2016
I would think that after the success of 11.23.63, it would be obvious on how successful a tv/cable adaptation would be over a movie. I am hoping that if/when the movie fizzles, the powers that be will see that and put this on the smaller screen where it should have been all along.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2006
I would think that after the success of 11.23.63, it would be obvious on how successful a tv/cable adaptation would be over a movie. I am hoping that if/when the movie fizzles, the powers that be will see that and put this on the smaller screen where it should have been all along.

There are still plans to do a TV series covering Roland's earlier years from Wizard & Glass.

The DT is an interesting nut to crack because some components would work well on TV but other sections require the big screen treatment/budget.

Hopefully, when it is all said and done, we'll end up with both and combined they go together to do the DT story justice.
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New Member
Mar 24, 2016
Too many weird crackhead changes goin on.

I am new around here, and admit, my frustration with this issue stems from the fact, I just finished re-reading the series. I tend to be a bit of a purist.

I can understand how the numerous pop culture/baby boomer references will be lost on younger audiences so bringing the characters to a current age, kind of makes sense. Especially if there are "other world's then these." This creating an alternate Gunslinger time line (or story line) just seems too weird. I agree with muskrat. Too many weird changes.