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Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2008
Great addition to the story, Tery. I like the way Nebiros talks, I can see this superior-like being and can feel the disdain it has for the humans. "She cares not." "They are of no concern." I really liked this. Very well done. :okay:


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Tery - inside that "cream puff" exterior is a tough detective sort of guy - your alter ego so to speak :m_adore:

Well - that is the impression I got, at least

Now I have never met you in person so excuse the 'cream puff' analogy- I just liked your style of writing - that was quite good - thanks! :cool2::encouragement:

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
Absolutely fine writing Flakers! I am so happy you were able to write this year with everything you have on your plate. Just tickled me beyond words.

And I am so sorry I slept in, but Spidey and Marsha were there to make sure your piece went up!
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Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2007
FlakeNoir's chapter was fun to read! It was a pure adrenaline-action sort of piece. The Wesson character is one of those tough-to-nail-down kind of literary individuals -- he's an antihero that seems brusque and rude, but in the end, maybe his practical mind is indeed of value in the post-apocalyptic world of the spatial-shifting dead.

The song from the cell was cool. It's always tough to figure out a weakness to assign an evil paranormal potentate, but I believe this was a good way to go.

My favorite line: "He took down a backpack and filled it with army–issue hand grenades, a pistol for each of them and enough cartridges to sink Titanic’s sister." I really liked the Titanic's-sister illustration of how many cartridges must have been present.

Thanks, FlakeNoir, for your chapter.


Original Kiwi© SKMB®
Apr 11, 2006
New Zealand
Absolutely fine writing Flakers! I am so happy you were able to write this year with everything you have on your plate. Just tickled me beyond words.

And I am so sorry I slept in, but Spidey and Marsha were there to make sure your piece went up!

Thanks for your words, Deejers... and please don't apologise, I am so pleased that you had a sleep-in, you should do it more often... it's good for you!


Original Kiwi© SKMB®
Apr 11, 2006
New Zealand
...Flake, I told you prior to the story going "live"-and I will tell you again that was Tu Meke!!! had so much pressure and so many distractions and it seemed to roll out like magic.....chocka good stuff.....
Thank you, Scott... I appreciate that very much. It has been years since I've written anything and I was afraid when I sat down in front of the keyboard that nothing would come.

FlakeNoir - I have enjoyed reading your parts over the years, but you have outdone yourself with this masterpiece. Know how difficult it was fitting it into your life happenings, but you did, and did it magnificently. Three cheers!!!
Thank you my Spidey-Mama, I am so glad that you liked it. :love:

Flakenoir -It was interesting and good to read your passage. It was done well. Thank you
Thanks arista, really happy that you found it interesting, it's nerve-racking when your turn comes... that people will like it is our biggest hope!

FlakeNoir - Wonderful addition! This feels like such a natural progression, it's hard to believe that you guys didn't collaborate. Just a seamless transition! Love it!

Now to wait impatiently for Monday's next chapter!:wait::big_smile:
Thanks so much DYL, very happy the story is coming across smoothly... it's very exciting writing 'blind' like this. Waiting to see what the next writer brings is like waking up on Christmas morning. (on those rare holidays when you haven't gone looking for presents in mum and dad's wardrobe :blush: )

Gosh Guys, Did you all take magic pills or are all of you already writers? All of you are great!!!
Thank you Mary. S... :laugh: no magic pills, unless.... hmm, did I forget to check my email again?

Great job Flake.
Thanks, Lin! :smile2:

Awesome job Flake. I could see the scene unfold as I read your part. I enjoyed it. Great dialogue too! Very lively.
Thank you Leif! That was very important to me... that folks would be able to 'see' what was happening as it unfolded. (and actually, was the only way I could get something from my head to the screen. I had NO idea what to write when my turn came... that first sentence ("Jesus Lucy, you shot me!") opened a kind of scene in front of me.. and I just wrote what happened next.
I've never actually had that happen before in writing. It was a relief because I knew my time was very limited (things happening on this side of the computer) and I was really thankful that words fell out of my fingers like that. (I'd had a vision of having to go back to Deej and say sorry girl, I've got nothin'...)

FlakeNoir's chapter was fun to read! It was a pure adrenaline-action sort of piece. The Wesson character is one of those tough-to-nail-down kind of literary individuals -- he's an antihero that seems brusque and rude, but in the end, maybe his practical mind is indeed of value in the post-apocalyptic world of the spatial-shifting dead.

The song from the cell was cool. It's always tough to figure out a weakness to assign an evil paranormal potentate, but I believe this was a good way to go.

My favorite line: "He took down a backpack and filled it with army–issue hand grenades, a pistol for each of them and enough cartridges to sink Titanic’s sister." I really liked the Titanic's-sister illustration of how many cartridges must have been present.

Thanks, FlakeNoir, for your chapter.
Thanks Rrty, I'm really pleased that you had fun reading it... I like very much to read your responses to everybody's story parts because you put much thought into each one and it's great reading it broken-down like that... gives new perspective sometimes too. Thank you for that. :)

Flakes-Flakes (sorry, couldn't resist the Zappa reference): Dirty-looking old fool .... and of course your seeking out and utilizing the lyrics of the song Dead By Dawn ... perfect... I hate being poleaxed ... :p
:biggrin2: And you should have seen my face when I was listening to that Dead by Dawn song for inspiration... it was awful! :laugh:
Oh yeah... sucks so bad to be poleaxed. :O_O:

Whoop whoop, Flake!!!!! Very enjoyable, very smooth read!
So glad you liked it, Shoes... I wanted so much for it to be a smooth ride. :smile:


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
Quoting you FlakeNoir :
"I had NO idea what to write when my turn came... that first sentence ("Jesus Lucy, you shot me!") opened a kind of scene in front of me.. and I just wrote what happened next.
I've never actually had that happen before in writing. It was a relief because I knew my time was very limited (things happening on this side of the computer) and I was really thankful that words fell out of my fingers like that. (I'd had a vision of having to go back to Deej and say sorry girl, I've got nothin'...)"

You have experience your muse speaking to you. The open "path" from minds-eye to fingers to words. You listened well!!