Constant Reader's Block

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very avid fan
Aug 7, 2009
dublin ireland
I read every day and if I don't I get cranky. I'm reading Mr Mercedes at a snails pace, not because I'm not enjoying it, but exactly the opposite. I'm just revelling in it, afraid to turn the page at times because of the feeling of dread Mr King always places me in. I do have times when I don't know what to read so I will have every kind of material close at hand. It sometimes takes a day or two, but it usually works.
It's like we are twins. I get cranky if I don't read. Anything, something even if I have to stay up too late. I took my time with Mr. Mercedes because I just didn't want it to end.


M e m b e r
Apr 11, 2006
UnParked, UnParked U.S.A.
Hello, everyone! It has been a while since I've posted something...and there's a reason for that! I officially have Constant Reader's Block. This has never happened before. It occurred while I was reading Doctor Sleep (shortly after it was released). I don't know why, but I could not get through it. I've had this problem with other SK books, but I've plowed through & I have always been glad that I did. There are still so many SK books that I haven't read, but I just can't make myself pick up anything (any book, for that matter). I didn't even run to the nearest bookstore to buy Mr. Mercedes! My friends, I hope you can help me with this! I have always been a reader and now I feel like I lost my love for it. Any suggestions to jump start my love for SK (or fiction books in general) again?! Please help!

It'll pass . . .I've had it happen to me. Don't try to make yourself read.


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2006
Sorry what is this Constant Reader's block.....never heard of such a thing. Not suffered from it myself but then I am a book worm and it is my escape from reality and all things that stress me out, so sorry can't offer any wise words just hope you get over it very soon.
Hello, everyone! It has been a while since I've posted something...and there's a reason for that! I officially have Constant Reader's Block. This has never happened before. It occurred while I was reading Doctor Sleep (shortly after it was released). I don't know why, but I could not get through it. I've had this problem with other SK books, but I've plowed through & I have always been glad that I did. There are still so many SK books that I haven't read, but I just can't make myself pick up anything (any book, for that matter). I didn't even run to the nearest bookstore to buy Mr. Mercedes! My friends, I hope you can help me with this! I have always been a reader and now I feel like I lost my love for it. Any suggestions to jump start my love for SK (or fiction books in general) again?! Please help!

I do crosswords or play guitar until I feel like reading again. Sometimes for months. :) Do something you enjoy until reading is what you enjoy again!


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2006
Atlanta GA
I think your malady is temporary. All good advice found above. Take a break, your brain and imagination are probably tired. It won't take long before you'll be ready. Perhaps part of the problem might be the relative large number of new sK releases?

carrie's younger brother

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2012
Sorry what is this Constant Reader's block.....never heard of such a thing. Not suffered from it myself but then I am a book worm and it is my escape from reality and all things that stress me out, so sorry can't offer any wise words just hope you get over it very soon.
It's not at all uncommon among readers, even "bookworms." I have been a reader all my life and it happens to me once in a while. I just cannot focus on a book and nothing is appealing. It's just the brain's way of saying you need a little rest from reading. That's all.
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Bryan James

Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2009
South Cackalacky
Marsha, please tell me (or lie convincingly) that The Writin' Man hasn't been pulling a Patterson.

King seems to be chumming out the tree these days. I can't keep up, nor do I really at this point have the want, desire, or means, but I last saw him on a Today Show interview for "that Kennedy book with numbers," and he seemed much happier than in some previous TV spots. He wasn't exactly pulling a Tom Cruise sofa dance with Matt Lauer, (good on you for your escape, Katie), but I could tell the book was a good 'un, because he was sparking a bit. I liked that book.

I stay mostly away from multimedia stuff...even the normal mundane stuff is such a constant bombardment. And this website...I don't know where to click or what rabbit hole I will find (Jordan, we do need a vanilla live chat).

What have I missed, Fellow Semi-Constants? Last substantial King I read was that Kennedy thing.
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Original Kiwi© SKMB®
Apr 11, 2006
New Zealand
Marsha, please tell me (or lie convincingly) that The Writin' Man hasn't been pulling a Patterson.

King seems to be chumming out the tree these days. I can't keep up, nor do I really at this point have the want, desire, or means, but I last saw him on a Today Show interview for "that Kennedy book with numbers," and he seemed much happier than in some previous TV spots. He wasn't exactly pulling a Tom Cruise sofa dance with Matt Lauer, (good on you for your escape, Katie), but I could tell the book was a good 'un, because he was sparking a bit. I liked that book.

I stay mostly away from multimedia stuff...even the normal mundane stuff is such a constant bombardment. And this website...I don't know where to click or what rabbit hole I will find (Jordan, we do need a vanilla live chat).

What have I missed, Fellow Semi-Constants? Last substantial King I read was that Kennedy thing.
Check out the list in The Library from 11/22/63 upward. (they're listed in their publishing order)

The Nameless

M-O-O-N - That spells Nameless
Jul 10, 2011
The Darkside of the Moon (England really)
I had a 6 week or so readers block last year, one time I was bored, picked up the last book I was reading and boom, block gone. Just like that. You just got to let it run it's course, just keep trying every now and then - pick up a book and see if you stick to it. One day, you probably will.

Right now, over the past week or 2, tiredness at reading time, the world cup, and one video game have conspired to only get me through 40 pages of misery.


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2011
New Orleans, LA
Okay, I noticed that I can read my books about tennis, but no SK books. I absolutely hate feeling like this. Jim, I will try to read 5-10 pages an evening. That seems like the best idea. I feel like my love for SK is fading...I don't know. Although I haven't been motivated to read Nic Sparks or Jodi Picoult (two other authors I really like).


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2014

I cannot decipher what you want from this discussion. Are you sad you lost your interest in Stephen King? Do you feel obligated to maintain an interest in Stephen King?

Although some members have posted comments that suggest your malady is likely temporary; that is not necessarily the truth. Your loss of interest might last one year or ten, but it doesn't have to be a forever loss unless you decide it is.

What SK are you having a hard time reading. Is it some of his recent stories. Perhaps your malady is more accurately stated as “I am not interested in Stephen Kings recent releases”; maybe you still love what he has written in the past and you might love something he writes in the future.

Maybe literature is boring to you right now.


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2014
If I've lost interest in a book, I put it away. Life's too short for me to spend time reading something I've lost interest in.

It's happened to me several times. My dad was a Tom Clancy fan, and indeed I rather enjoyed The Hunt for Red October and Red Storm Rising. But my dad highly recommended Cardinal of the Kremlin, and halfway through, I lost interest in the characters, put it down, and never went back. Dad was shocked. But years later, he gave me Rainbow Six, and I didn't even make it a quarter of the way through that one.

The other was a Scott Turow work. I thought Presumed Innocent was an absolutely terrific yarn. He followed it up with Burden of Proof, which was not so terrific but readable enough. And then I picked up Pleading Guilty, and by the time the character picks up a bottle and starts downing it, I was so fed up with his tiresome whining that I simply couldn't take it anymore. He'd taken a Woody Allen pill or something. And the downward sequence of readability was sort of like a M. Night Shyamalan progression: Terrific, then okay, then thud, who told this guy he could tell a story?

(If I'd only taken my own advice when reading Clive Cussler. I picked up one, finished it, and couldn't believe I got through it. A couple decades later, I picked up another thinking, "No way could he have been as bad as I remember," finished that one, and those are hours out of my life that I'll never get back. However, he is inspiring in his own way. It makes me think, "If he can make money writing that hack crap, there's hope for me yet.")

I'd suggest picking up something else to read that you know could hold your interest, maybe something you've read and enjoyed before. If you're tired of reading, you'll know that soon enough. But if the Stephen King story just doesn't appeal to you, that's okay. You're allowed to not waste your time when a story doesn't grab your interest. Move on to something that does.

Casey Gonzales

New Member
Jan 29, 2013
Just wanted to let everyone know, I think the reader's block has ended. I have read 3 books over the last month (no SK books...Revival is preordered to start next week) and I am so happy! Reading Jodi Picoult's new book Leaving Time, & it is excellent. Thanks for your advice & listening to me!

BTW...the is aintshesweet...not sure why it is posting my full name.
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Original Kiwi© SKMB®
Apr 11, 2006
New Zealand
Just wanted to let everyone know, I think the reader's block has ended. I have read 3 books over the last month (no SK books...Revival is preordered to start next week) and I am so happy! Reading Jodi Picoult's new book Leaving Time, & it is excellent. Thanks for your advice & listening to me!

BTW...the is aintshesweet...not sure why it is posting my full name.

You must have signed up with another account at some point? I'm not sure... perhaps you should ask Jordan?