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Edward John

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2019
Got a question for you, Marsha, notice I'm in the right place? :)
Has Steve ever been in contact with any of the members of the band Blue Oyster Cult? The Stand was greatly influenced by thier music and they are massive science fiction fans, thought they might have tried to reach Steve, has he ever talked to any of the guys in the band?


Ms. Mod
Jul 10, 2006
Got a question for you, Marsha, notice I'm in the right place? :)
Has Steve ever been in contact with any of the members of the band Blue Oyster Cult? The Stand was greatly influenced by thier music and they are massive science fiction fans, thought they might have tried to reach Steve, has he ever talked to any of the guys in the band?
Not that I'm aware of and it would have been the music director's (W.G. "Snuffy" Walden) job, I think, to reach out to them to use Don't Fear the Reaper for the miniseries.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2009
I feel bad for anyone reading the stand for the first time right know with everything that's going on in the world right now.

Well, I am re-reading it for that very reason...that, and just the fact that it's my favorite King book. Some might question why I'd want to read such a shelf-bender multiple times, but I always get something new out of each reading.

For example, I've picked up a new word from the Judge: "botheration".

Edward John

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2019
I've been thinking a lot about The Stand myself during this pandemic. The only thing I really worry about in reference to the story, is the military turning on innocent and unarmed civilians and shooting them like how it was in the book. That's probably the scariest part of the story for me.
The greatest dishonour for a soldier is to be used against his native population.


She-Wolf finally Risen and Strapping On.
Apr 24, 2019
It is totally unreasonable to compare COVID19 to Captain Trips. The worst plague this earth has seen is the Black death, and wiped out about 1/3 of the population, and COVID19 cannot do that. The super flu in The Stand killed everyone in it's path, except the immune, and it was engineered by the government. The military in The Stand, a work of fiction, knew exactly what they were dealing with, and that there was no hope for the infected to recover. They were doomed to die horrible painful deaths, the soldiers in the story we're doing what that had to try and put a complete stop to total destruction, by cleaning out the infected. At the same time saving them from long drug out painful death.
Sparing them from prolonged suffering. It was urgent and imperative that they act immediately, with no hesitation, they knew they were facing the extinction of the species if they did not. Again, talking about a work of fiction. The Stand just isn't a book that is scary to me. The super flu cannot and will not happen.