Halloween Story 2018 sign ups!!!

  • This message board permanently closed on June 30th, 2020 at 4PM EDT and is no longer accepting new members.


Carry on
Jun 19, 2016
Derry, NH
:announce::big_smile:::PI know it seems a wee bit early to start thinking about ghosts and ghoolish things, but the time has come to start the next legendary Halloween story! For those of you who hayou unfamiliar with this epic project, let me explain: Members sign up to write one chapter of a scary story. It’s kind of like the old playground game “telephone”; one person starts and gives it to the next person. That person must continue the story using the premises given so far. There are a few rules though:
No profanity
No references to any Stephen king works
You will have three days to write and the deadline will be solid. If you don’t have your portion in by your deadline, your chapter will be passed to the next writer.
This is not your chance to be discovered; Stephen King will not be reading this!
The word count will be predetermined and you can’t go over.
Now please don’t be scared to do this. You don’t need to be a great writer to take part...this is just for fun! The fact that different people contribute gives the story a unique mixture of voice and flow. We roll out the story a chapter at a time with the last chapter to be posted Halloween day.
If you are interested, please use this thread to sign up!:bat::bat::bat::bat:


Carry on
Jun 19, 2016
Derry, NH

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas

Mr Nobody

Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2008
Walsall, England
Pencil me in for now.
Do you already have a theme in mind for this one? Ghost, zombie, werewolf, vampire, apocalypse/post-apocalypse, aliens?
(I'd say demonic possession but that was only just done.)

As for SK not reading the stories...well, not overtly, no, but I'll bet he has the occasional peek. ;)


Carry on
Jun 19, 2016
Derry, NH
Pencil me in for now.
Do you already have a theme in mind for this one? Ghost, zombie, werewolf, vampire, apocalypse/post-apocalypse, aliens?
(I'd say demonic possession but that was only just done.)

As for SK not reading the stories...well, not overtly, no, but I'll bet he has the occasional peek. ;)
The person who starts the story sort of picks the genre.... but it can change direction! I agree that he probably does have a gander at it.


The Fool on the Hill
Apr 12, 2014
I'm in!!! It was fun last year (and the years before too) so i'll willingly give of my very limited talent.
But, Nomik, Oughtn't we at least to have a kind of prestory discussion (just the writers i mean)where we decide some sketchy details to be there (like ghost. vampire etc.. And perhaps a hint of a setting, big town, small town, lone house by the lake..... Not limiting the artists but giving them a frame to work in.


Carry on
Jun 19, 2016
Derry, NH
I'm in!!! It was fun last year (and the years before too) so i'll willingly give of my very limited talent.
But, Nomik, Oughtn't we at least to have a kind of prestory discussion (just the writers i mean)where we decide some sketchy details to be there (like ghost. vampire etc.. And perhaps a hint of a setting, big town, small town, lone house by the lake..... Not limiting the artists but giving them a frame to work in.
I’ll leave that up to sort of a consensus of the writers signing up. I don’t think we did that the past two years, but I’m happy to change things up depending on what people want. I think part of the fun is that it starts in one person’s mind and grows organically as each writer puts their unique spin on the story. That’s just opinion though...

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
I’ll leave that up to sort of a consensus of the writers signing up. I don’t think we did that the past two years, but I’m happy to change things up depending on what people want. I think part of the fun is that it starts in one person’s mind and grows organically as each writer puts their unique spin on the story. That’s just opinion though...
I agree, so much more fun!