Nate Watkins

  • This message board permanently closed on June 30th, 2020 at 4PM EDT and is no longer accepting new members.


Don't worry. I have a permit!!!
Feb 5, 2010
Wonderland Avenue
I didn't even want to come here today after hearing this news. Nate and I met (in person) at the Kon in Bangor and stayed in touch outside the SKMB. Mostly through the current communication mediums (texting, social media). I wish I had something perfect to say. I don't. I instantly welled up when I read that awful message. He was just a great guy that would give you everything he had to help you out. He was a man of few words, but they were always interesting. His dry wit was hard to catch, but belied a cleverness that didn't show itself right away as he was just an "everyday regular guy" in appearance. The last time I saw him was in a FaceTime call with the 2016 Kon group.

I am extremely heartbroken for his family and fiancee.

Bye man, gonna miss ya something terrible. :teary: