Official Dark Tower trailer

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Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2006
No pitchforks here. Looks fantastic and Elba as Roland is even more badass than I imagined.

Trailer does an excellent job of breaking down the story for the average movie goer and hearing Elba recite the gunslinger's creed gave me goosebumps. IT will undoubtedly be the bigger and better received movie but I'm far more eager to see this one.

Very interesting watching reactions to the IT trailer and this one. Everyone knows who Pennywise is but hardly anyone has a clue what the Dark Tower is or even that King wrote it! :icon_eek:
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Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2011
The Netherlands
It looks fantastic, every bit as good as the leaked trailer promised. It's not really the world as I imagined it, or as it is in the Marvel comics, but I really love the style.

It's also stuffed, if you study it there's loads of interesting things you missed the first time. Most people miss the Pennywise reference and only catch the Overlook photo.

I just really hope it does well, because I have my doubts about that. It won't be everyone's cup of tea, and there's done little in the way of advertisement.

If it doesn't get a sequel I hope at least there's enough closure to it on its own.


"Have I run too far to get home?"
Sep 25, 2011
OMG, what a mess. It's worse than I imagined. I thought we were done with "bullet time" when the Matrix Triology ended. It's like watching a cut-scene from the Max Payne video game.
Yeah, that one didn't interest me, the scene right before that where he's basically "throwing" the rounds into the cylinder at a high rate of speed, thought that was pretty decent.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
My Opinion---this Book is not Screenable.
Ok, many People said this about Lord of the Rings too.

Idris Elba is a great Actor, no Doubt about that.
But he looks to young, he isn`t the Gunslinger i imaginate (Clint Eastwood, Morgan Freeman)

No thanks, if i want to watch a CGI rigged Movie i watch Avatar Part2 (I didn`t like Part 1)


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2015
Having kept an open mind since King's "Last Time Around" tweet and knowing that this served as closure to the books, I have mixed feelings now that I've seen the trailer. If I hadn't read the books, I would definitely be interested in watching this film. It looks like a really well-made action flick with a fantasy element.

As someone who is heavily invested in the books though, it appears my worst fear has come true: the producers took the lazy way out and totally dumbed-down the mythology of the books to make an action film. Even friends of mine who didn't read the books (but know of the story from listening to us King fans talk about it) were disappointed by the trailer: they expected something better. This plays like yet another run-of-the-mill apocalypse film with a kid sidekick. I'm still interested in it because of the two lead actors and yes, Roland's tricks with his guns look just as amazing as described in the stories. As excited as I was to finally hear The Gunslinger's Creed spoken aloud, I need one more trailer to convince me.

Robert Gray

Well-Known Member
I'm just glad there are so many of you looking forward to see it. That way I don't have to unless it actually turns out to be worth seeing. There will be ample people with good knowledge of the books to give their reviews and thoughts. For my own part, the previews have not gotten my engines running. They made it look like just another action film with the ultimate black hat going against the white hat and ultimate destruction hanging in the balance.

Weirdly enough, it looked almost like a re-imagination (but at least a good one) of that horrible Last Action Hero movie with Arnold in it. A boy from our world travels to another world which should just be fiction. There he meets and recruits the last action hero of that setting, and of course they travel back to our world where fun and games follow. I don't know the movie is like this. The preview just makes it feel that way, sort of a Goth version of the same concept.

I've now seen the first three episodes of American Gods on STARZ, and I've been utterly blown away by the faithfulness to the book, tone, feel, pacing, and casting. I know now, for a FACT, that Stephen King's opus could be adapted and done right. I also know it would appeal. American Gods is just as challenging and complex a set of subject matter and it is blowing people away. So I will NOT accept the excuse that they have to change things to make "regular" people able to get it. I will NOT accept that they don't have the technical ability to shoot it. My joy at seeing American Gods done so well (and being received so well) isn't just because I enjoyed that book. It is because success for that series means there should be some real muscle and will behind doing some of King's works the same way, i.e. a faithful adaptation to the books.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
looking forward to seeing this!

Mr. Chips

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2017
I've been lurking around this site for over a year now. So, I figured I might as well join in on all the fun. I have enjoyed reading all the correspondence and cant believe it's taken me this long to join. I didn't start reading much SK until about three years ago, but in that time I have read (and some books, re-read multiple times) about 25+ of his books. Audible and my time spent on the road for work has helped me burn through a lot of this! Anyway, it's a big year for King film and tv adaptations, and apart from IT I was most excited for this one. I'm saddened that it won't be a direct adaptation, but looking at it apart from the novels and as a standalone product it should be entertaining. Anyone know how much of the story this initial film will encapsulate? I can't get a grasp of how far into the story this will go, from what I have read online it seems to include aspects from multiple parts of the story (albeit, out of order if that is the case).
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All Hail The Crimson King

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
Le Casse Roi Russe
Having kept an open mind since King's "Last Time Around" tweet and knowing that this served as closure to the books, I have mixed feelings now that I've seen the trailer. If I hadn't read the books, I would definitely be interested in watching this film. It looks like a really well-made action flick with a fantasy element.

As someone who is heavily invested in the books though, it appears my worst fear has come true: the producers took the lazy way out and totally dumbed-down the mythology of the books to make an action film. Even friends of mine who didn't read the books (but know of the story from listening to us King fans talk about it) were disappointed by the trailer: they expected something better. This plays like yet another run-of-the-mill apocalypse film with a kid sidekick. I'm still interested in it because of the two lead actors and yes, Roland's tricks with his guns look just as amazing as described in the stories. As excited as I was to finally hear The Gunslinger's Creed spoken aloud, I need one more trailer to convince me.

As a fellow Tower Junkie I hear you loud & clear. I am hoping & believe that the trailer is designed to be captivate non-Tower Junkie audiences with bits thrown in for life long fans such as myself who have been waiting between each books.
On the one hand I am excited to see this movie & I have enjoyed the heck out of the trailer watching it six times now. On the other hand I am going in with very cautious, low, expectations.