Quoting Steve

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The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
...."Hey Shemp, play Hey Jude...whoop, whoop, whoop!"....


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2013
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States
Why can't Idris and Matthew just swap characters??

Regardless.. I love both actors .. I love SK ... I love DT. I will watch the movie with NO expectations of it being anything like the books.
However.. I hope SK knows this is not well received by his CR's.

Speak for yourself. I'm perfectly fine with the casting. I was worried that Roland being black would alter his relationship with Susannah, but the director specifically mentioned that issue in his interview and said they were addressing it. So I'm okay with it.

sam peebles

Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2008
Reading Raggedyman79's post and the link within has given me a glimmer of hope.

The Gunslinger was the first King book I ever read, at the age of ten, as it was fairly short (in comparison to others by Him) and had a couple pictures. For the next year I always had either Drawing or Wastes clutched at my side. By the time Wizard came out I was a bit more mature and plowed through. Wizard still might be my favorite DT novel to this day, but it's hard to choose just one.

Then I waited...and waited...

Me and my writing partner (still, even to this day, though we're amateur), in late high school, exchanged floppy disks (once known as HARD disks) of a supposed prologue to the next DT novel's prologue. Nothing was official and it must've been sixty dense pages long, but by this time I'd read at least twenty King novels, him even more, and we knew by the prose it was real. It was a nerve-racking, tension-ratcheting tale of the Ka-Tet coming to the Calla, a farming community beset by outside mysterious forces that did desire the Ka-Tet's "aid and succor".

Wolves was probably the first book by King I detested...

But I digress...just some back history for me and the DT. I recently read in another thread that the film was only ever intended as a standalone, with a sequel if it's successful (standard op for Hollywood as far as I'm aware). I don't mind Elba as Roland. I accept that there will be deviations. But the editorial that Raggedyman posted of potential sequels and the rough description of the screenplay has sated my ten year old self, who on some other level of the Tower is just now completing his first King book, closing the page with Roland waking from a long sleep, the man in black reduced to a cloaked skeleton. I think that child is happy that there's a movie that might be able to capture not only the tone of the book(s), but the maternal relationship with the Gunslinger and Jake, and I think he'll sleep soundly tonight...

As Andy Dufresne said: ...Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.

Patricia A

Jul 10, 2006
Puget Sound
Exactly. I pretty much said this in another thread on this topic. Millions and millions of dollars are being poured into this movie; it has to have a wide appeal, not just to fans of SK. In the end, it's big business and the bottom line is to make back the investment and reap tons of profits. And most times that means retooling a property to fit the zeitgeist of the day. Right now, Mr. Elba is a hot property and people are clamoring for starring roles for African Americans in Hollywood productions (and rightfully so). If I were a Hollywood hotshot, this would be my call as well. It's a no brainer from a business point of view.
I'm not disagreeing. It is a slippery slope when art is created on a for profit basis. If the creative minds involved put their hearts, along with their bottom line into the project I have to believe it can be done. Not all artistic pursuits have to suck because they are making money.
Is Elba is a hot property? Yes he is. Does being the actor of the moment automatically make him a hack who couldn't possibly understand the depth of Roland's character? Is he the wrong choice because he can't act?
Is there anyone who could possibly be the Roland all of us who are familiar with the Dark Tower Mythos know and love?
There is no actor I can think of who is "my" Roland. I don't think there is one, because he's mine. He only lives in my head.
If I made the movie I don't know who I'd pick. But if I did, if I finally made up my mind as to who to tap to play the part, I'd wager my watch and warrant that I'd p!ss off about a thousand-millionty people. Just that.
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