Reality Shows Are Real - Real Fake

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Vampire Goddess & Consumer of men's souls.
Jul 25, 2013
New Jersey

So, I watch some reality shows but not a whole lot. I know they are fake. I've known that for some time now. But I had no clue how fake until this weekend.

My husband is in a punk band that's led by the lead singer and his wife, both from France. Someone is interested in doing a reality show about the band. So this producer lady wanted us to meet this weekend. We met at a filming of another reality show about two swimwear designers in the Hollywood Hills.

First of all, she wanted to meet us there because they were filming a part scene and needed more people at the party. So we stood outside in the cold talking about this reality show for an hour and a half.

Here are the weird parts:
- No one lived in the house. It was used exclusively for filming and in this case was supposed to be a "friend's" house where the party was being held. There wasn't even power in half of the house.
- At one point, one of the party-goers was to walk away so the others could "talk sh*t" about her. They sent her over to our group to make it look like she walked away so they could talk bad about her. She KNEW this. Awkward.
- Some guy who seemed important to the show was there earlier than we were. But they filmed his "entrance" over and over again about an hour after we arrived.
- Once they were done filming, they actually called cut and then an ACTUAL party started.

And then, while we were talking about the band's reality show, the producer kept asking about drama. Who's dramatic, who's interesting, who has a temper. She clearly thought the band was boring. When we said that no one really caused drama she asked if we could pretend. Um....

I already knew I had no interest in being on a reality show, but now I am just disgusted by the idea. It was a really, really strange experience.

This is us with the producer lady.

two gun Dan

Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2013
When my younger sister hit 9th grade she did a report on what was called "Sublime Seduction". This was about the time when everyone found out that when you went to the movies, just before intermission they would start inserting single exposures of a cold coke. You didn't remember seeing it but by the time intermission came you were thirsty. Anyway, she had gathered up a ton of magazines and started looking. I remember one womans magazine had a photo of a woman bottle feeding a baby. She was wearing a gold satin blouse and in the shadows of the wrinkles of her right arm was the word SEX. Once I saw it I couldn't unsee it. But we were looking for it. But for those that don't look for it, they would just think is was an exciting picture but wouldn't know why.


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2012
It's even worse than that. Do you realized that when you see a news story about some new miracle drug on the news that it can be a story that the drug company produced and paid the network to run? I was appalled to find out that the network news programs run stories that are given to them to air for money. I read about this practice a few years ago in a book called, "Trust Us, We're Experts." I think it's best to assume that most everything on TV is staged.

I never dreamed that the networks were running ads dressed up as news stories.
It's often obvious who wrote the script.


On his shell he holds the earth.
Interesting first hand story about reality shows. Thanks.

And I'm curious how people handle the shoe situation when they don't wear real animal products. Canvas and vinyl?

All of my "leather" shoes say "All Man Made Materials." I have no idea what it actually is and I'll probably die of foot cancer but at least I saved animals!!!


Not completely obtuse
Nov 14, 2013
Poconos, PA
All of my "leather" shoes say "All Man Made Materials." I have no idea what it actually is and I'll probably die of foot cancer but at least I saved animals!!!

Thanks, I had to look it up shoes of man made materials. I was completely unaware that so many shoes and boots these days are now made of man made materials, usually PVC’s, which as you implied are toxic. I did read the glue they use in them usually contains some animal products, and it seems extremely hard to find any shoes that do not have some form of animal in the construction. But those made of man made materials do come the closest to being animal free. Now I will need to check the labeling on my shoe purchases more closely, and I’ll switch over to canvas sneakers.


On his shell he holds the earth.
Thanks, I had to look it up shoes of man made materials. I was completely unaware that so many shoes and boots these days are now made of man made materials, usually PVC’s, which as you implied are toxic. I did read the glue they use in them usually contains some animal products, and it seems extremely hard to find any shoes that do not have some form of animal in the construction. But those made of man made materials do come the closest to being animal free. Now I will need to check the labeling on my shoe purchases more closely, and I’ll switch over to canvas sneakers.

FINALLY! After 13 years of animal rights I FINALLY have a convert. You made my day.

I do have leather shoes that are old from when I wasn't trying to be as vegan as possible. I still wear them because, really, what good would it do to throw them away? I tend to try to repair those shoes as well so I can get as much use of them as possible.


Not completely obtuse
Nov 14, 2013
Poconos, PA
FINALLY! After 13 years of animal rights I FINALLY have a convert. You made my day.

I wouldn’t say "convert," but if acceptable alternatives from man made materials exist, why not switch and decrease our reliance on animal products, the vast resources needed to support their growth which could be put to better use, and the methods used to bring them to market? If someone could save the needless loss of life of a few animals over one's lifetime by making a few simple changes to your lifestyle, why wouldn't you want to? One step at a time is good, right?

I do have leather shoes that are old from when I wasn't trying to be as vegan as possible. I still wear them because, really, what good would it do to throw them away? I tend to try to repair those shoes as well so I can get as much use of them as possible.

That got me thinking. I have a question regarding footwear and vegans & animal rights attitudes. Where I come from there are there are multitudes of deer hit by cars lying on the side of the road every morning. On my trip just this morning, I counted four new deer, including a baby fawn, on the side of the road. The carcasses are just left to rot on the side of the road or dragged into a field to decompose.

Do you think it would be acceptable to animal rights activists to wear footwear made solely from deerskin where no animal was raised or hunted for their hides? Would it be okay and supported to not let an unfortunate loss of animal life go to waste? A company could pay unemployed people per hide to go out every morning and gather up fresh carcasses, then turn the leather into fashionable shoes and boots? The byproducts could also be turned into fertilizer. The company name would be prominently put on the man made sole of the footwear to prove the authenticity of a humane product (you could call the company something like "Honor Bound Footwear"). Do you think there would be a market for such an endeavor, and would consensus animal rights people be willing to pay a premium for hand-made fashionable shoes and boots like these, and where supply would be limited and often made to order only when the raw materials are retrieved?

And if you get the right set of interesting "characters" (ala Duck Dynasty) running the company and gathering the carcasses, it might also make for a good reality show.
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