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New Member
Jul 17, 2017
I awaited each and every book in the Dark Tower series like a child waits for Christmas morning! Not every movie met with my expectations of how the character looked or what they did, but a black Roland doesn't even make sense ! Does anyone remember the racial issues ? How can you just delete that whole book? I'm very disappointed! In my mind Roland always made me think of Eastwood. I'm rereading the books and skipping this and any future Dark Tower movies!!


Just moseyin' through...
Oct 9, 2013
I awaited each and every book in the Dark Tower series like a child waits for Christmas morning! Not every movie met with my expectations of how the character looked or what they did, but a black Roland doesn't even make sense ! Does anyone remember the racial issues ? How can you just delete that whole book? I'm very disappointed! In my mind Roland always made me think of Eastwood. I'm rereading the books and skipping this and any future Dark Tower movies!!
Good idea. BTW, these movies are not of the books--they're their own stories. A new shuffle. But you do you.


New Member
Jul 17, 2017
Black/white/pink/orange. It does not matter.

What I want is a good actor giving it their best to bring Roland to life with the depth that the character deserves.

No idea if Elba is "the guy" to do it but he deserves an open mind from the fanbase.

There is so much more to the gunslinger than his looks. I'm more worried they'll make him into a comic book superhero type as hollywood usually does. Because he is anything but that...

carrie's younger brother

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2012
I soured on adaptations of SK books/stories long ago. I went against my better judgment and watched the travesty that was the Under the Dome TV series and learned my lesson (again). When I went to see War for the Planet of the Apes (excellent movie!) this weekend I saw the trailer for the Dark Tower on the big screen. My honest opinion? Although the story is quite changed and I probably won;t go see the movie unless diehard fans on this board say it's amazing, Elba brings it for real. He is Roland from what I can tell from the trailer.


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
I awaited each and every book in the Dark Tower series like a child waits for Christmas morning! Not every movie met with my expectations of how the character looked or what they did, but a black Roland doesn't even make sense ! Does anyone remember the racial issues ? How can you just delete that whole book? I'm very disappointed! In my mind Roland always made me think of Eastwood. I'm rereading the books and skipping this and any future Dark Tower movies!!
Hi and welcome.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
....Hi Gwendy and Jaka!.....


All-being, keeper of Space, Time & Dimension.
Jul 11, 2006
Spokane, WA
I'm wondering if the Doctor Who fan base is as up in arms about the next Dr. Who being portrayed by a woman as the Tower base is? The dynamics are going to be totally different in Dr. Who land now, pretty much the same as it will be in the DT mythos.


Just moseyin' through...
Oct 9, 2013
I'm wondering if the Doctor Who fan base is as up in arms about the next Dr. Who being portrayed by a woman as the Tower base is? The dynamics are going to be totally different in Dr. Who land now, pretty much the same as it will be in the DT mythos.
Some are flipping out, others are not. Too much time on their hands, if this is a hill someone is willing to die on (or even lose sleep over). The story will work or it won't -- simple as that. To steal blatantly from a former president, "It's the story, stupid." :)
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Just moseyin' through...
Oct 9, 2013
I soured on adaptations of SK books/stories long ago. I went against my better judgment and watched the travesty that was the Under the Dome TV series and learned my lesson (again). When I went to see War for the Planet of the Apes (excellent movie!) this weekend I saw the trailer for the Dark Tower on the big screen. My honest opinion? Although the story is quite changed and I probably won;t go see the movie unless diehard fans on this board say it's amazing, Elba brings it for real. He is Roland from what I can tell from the trailer.
I saw the trailer today, and it looked interesting. Not the same story as In the books, but it was never meant to be. And, yes, Mr. Elba rocked the Roland-tude.


Just moseyin' through...
Oct 9, 2013
I was watching Merlin with the kids last night, and it tied into this in a strange way. Arthur had to complete a quest: he had to go across the Perilous Lands and breach the Dark Tower (RIGHT?! My kids went nuts, yelling, "Waste Lands! He has to cross the Waste Lands to get to a tower!" I have raised geeks to be proud of) to collect a prize.

What struck me was this: the story made it very clear that Arthur could have help in reaching the tower (in this case, Gwain and Merlin), but he had to complete his quest alone. So. Since our Dark Tower is clearly based at least in part on Arthurian legend, it makes me sad that no matter how many times our Roland attempts the Tower (his Arthurian quest), whatever companions he has on the way will never be there with him at the end. He's the alonest man I can think of.