Short people

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And Crazy Housewife
Dec 3, 2014
Fernley, NV.
My mom is about 5'4, and I'm close to being 5'8. (especially when I stand up straight!)

She got to calling me "Giraffe" when I was around fourteen or so, and always called me to get stuff off the high shelves.

The best story I have is when we were out shopping one day. Mom was looking for something, I forget what exactly, but she couldn't find it to save her life. So she had me go look, and in about ten seconds I'd found what she wanted. I brought it to her, and she asked how I found it so quickly. When I replied with "I looked up." my poor little mom almost smacked me.

She never did have an appreciation for good sarcasm. :biggrin2:


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2013
Heart of the South
Tiny petite women here. I'm 5'9" and a half, maybe 5'10.
I'm so envious! My youngest daughter is already 5'6" at 12, she's going to be tallish.

Not really--she's much closer to my height of 5'2".
I thought that photo looks like how the Ogre and I stack up next to each other - he's 6', I'm 5'2" but never without 2" heels, so I pass for 5'4".

I'm 5'4". Is that short?
I'd be happy to be 5'4" naturally, I fake it and it hurts my feet.