something you don't like

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Not completely obtuse
Nov 14, 2013
Poconos, PA
Agreed. But I still want to pull out the popcorn and the beanbag chair when you and Hoss go at it hammer and tongs--lol. You'll never agree (and both are too far to either ends of the political spectrum to represent me), but it's entertaining :)
LOL. Hoss is a pussycat compared to the Europeans I go up against when I sometimes post in a US Politics section of a European website. They don’t think I’m the devil... they know I’m the devil. I make on little comment and then am expected to do battle with scores of socialist crazies. Needless to say I don't post there often. :)


Just moseyin' through...
Oct 9, 2013
LOL. Hoss is a pussycat compared to the Europeans I go up against when I sometimes post in a US Politics section of a European website. They don’t think I’m the devil... they know I’m the devil. I make on little comment and then am expected to do battle with scores of socialist crazies. Needless to say I don't post there often. :)

That would be fun to see! I'm fascinated by politics (in fact, my degree is in pol sci), but even more in the sociolo/psychological underpinings of why people think and vote the way they do. It's interesting to me how involved people can get in debate, but have no real intent to participate. Or they champion extremes that have no chance of succeeding in a centrist society, but scorn those who compromise to actually accomplish part of what's needed. And everyone thinks THEY'RE immune to manipulation, when the whole political world revolves around manipulation of facts & emotions... I'm getting my 'political scientist' hat on here, so I'll stop--lol. Suffice to say that I'm a pragmatic realist with no real ties to either partyline. Whatever gets what needs to be done, done.


Not completely obtuse
Nov 14, 2013
Poconos, PA
That would be fun to see! I'm fascinated by politics (in fact, my degree is in pol sci), but even more in the sociolo/psychological underpinings of why people think and vote the way they do. It's interesting to me how involved people can get in debate, but have no real intent to participate. Or they champion extremes that have no chance of succeeding in a centrist society, but scorn those who compromise to actually accomplish part of what's needed. And everyone thinks THEY'RE immune to manipulation, when the whole political world revolves around manipulation of facts & emotions... I'm getting my 'political scientist' hat on here, so I'll stop--lol. Suffice to say that I'm a pragmatic realist with no real ties to either partyline. Whatever gets what needs to be done, done.

LOL... I think there you would be considered a manipulative extremist who uses suspect centrist logic to influence others into having them believe your far right policies to be legitimate. :)

I on the other hand am considered a reincarnation of Dick Cheney with a functioning heart, who deserves to be locked up in the Hague for thought crimes against humanity. :)
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Just moseyin' through...
Oct 9, 2013
LOL... I think there you would be considered a manipulative extremist who uses suspect centrist logic to influence others into having them believe your far right policies to be legitimate. :)

I on the other hand am considered a reincarnation of Dick Cheney with a functioning heart, who deserves to be locked up in the Hague for thought crimes against humanity. :)
HAHA! Semantics ;)


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2010
The Twilight Zone
Hi guys! I'm curious, is there something you don't like in SK's work? A character that you dislike? ... (not in the way you dislike the bad guy, because most of them are awful) a theme, an idea, a description? something?
When he uses French sayings and gets it wrong. I know in some places it's meant to be gotten wrong by the character but other times not and as a French native it makes me cringe a little.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
...the only thing that King has done that ever really grated on me, and this may harken back to an earlier post-is what I felt was the over the top "nasty" 'Detta Holmes....way to much stereotyped slanguage and carrying on...the point could have been made without so much vileness...


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2013
Somewhere over the Rainbow
OK, as a writer (nonfiction) I have learned not everyone likes your style or agrees with you. While some scenes make me cringe, I think that's the point. Make us think, scare the hell out of us and plainly gross us out. No one is perfect and as writers we strive for perfection, but sometimes we goof up. However, I think King does less of that than many writers.


All-being, keeper of Space, Time & Dimension.
Jul 11, 2006
Spokane, WA
His depictions of homosexuals through the years has gotten a bit better, but they are usually depicted negatively in his books. His use of gay epithets is usually cringe worthy as well. In order to enjoy his works for the past 40 years, I have had to ignore this and just chalk it up to a bit of ignorance on his part. Hey, I deal with it day in and day out in the real world; I can take it.

A close second are his alarmingly bad and laugh-out-loud sex scenes. At this point though, I have almost come to look forward to them for the comic relief aspect! :biggrin-new:
He did pretty good with his gay character that was in Cell. Heck, we never knew he was gay till about halfway thru the book this time. I think he was sympathetic to the two gay characters in the opening pages of It. That scene was based on a real life incident of gay bashing in Bangor and he was very, very upset about it. His daughter Naomi is gay and he loves her so very much and I don't think it's anywhere in his heart to disrespect gay folk. I'm not going to comment on his sex scenes other than to quote Peter Straub from years ago- 'Steve has yet to discover sex (in his books).' ;-D


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2014
The sex in Stephen King books hasn't bothered me, but I possibly haven't read enough to say. I thought he handled it well in The Dead Zone, with enough allusion and emotion. I don't need graphic description or soaring romantic prose to put me there.

When he gets to stereotypes, it can be offputting. I hadn't noticed it for gay characters, but I can see that happening. I winced at Rat-man in The Stand. I thought Rainbird was over the top in Firestarter, although to be fair, the character was meant to be larger than life.

When it comes to political discussions, I like to encourage thoughtful exchange rather than attacks on the person or a range of political views in general. But thatt apparently makes for boring, unfruitful political discussion.

carrie's younger brother

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2012
He did pretty good with his gay character that was in Cell. Heck, we never knew he was gay till about halfway thru the book this time. I think he was sympathetic to the two gay characters in the opening pages of It. That scene was based on a real life incident of gay bashing in Bangor and he was very, very upset about it. His daughter Naomi is gay and he loves her so very much and I don't think it's anywhere in his heart to disrespect gay folk. I'm not going to comment on his sex scenes other than to quote Peter Straub from years ago- 'Steve has yet to discover sex (in his books).' ;-D
You are right about Cell, but there are plenty of other instances that are opposite to that portrayal. As for Naomi, I had no idea. But she is his child and a woman. I still, overall, get a bad vibe from SK towards gay male characters. Just my opinion though.


The Fool on the Hill
Apr 12, 2014
I can agree about his sex scenes but then most authors have problems with that. I almost always think they are i dont know, awkward in most books. The worst example Auels books. Kings sex scenes are so much better. Hers is just a parody of themselves. And not the reason you read King anyway. Otherwise it is that i have problems with some books, not some genaral theme


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
And, me, being afraid to come out of the closet and admit to being bi till almost a year ago on here. That was so silly being afraid that folks would not like me anymore.
...sheer silliness to have worried that we would ever look down on the beauty that is you, inside and out....hell I even think KRF is a cutey-patootey....


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2006
Atlanta GA
He can't seem to keep his Mercedes's straight, and thinks revolvers have safeties (some older ones do). A while ago I began to suspect at least some of the "mistakes" are intentional, a kind of game similar to encouraging 19s and characters who's initials are RF.

As for
him including himself in DT, I loved it. I don't disagree with those who don't like it. I just don't understand the problem.