Stephen King Helped Save My Life

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Feb 4, 2013
Palmdale, CA
I posted on here about a year ago about the difficulties I was having in my life, & I'm pleased to announce that things are so much better than they were 18 months ago. In July 2012, I lost my home & was forced to live in my car. I lived there for a total of 564 days. As I spent more & more time in my car, I became extremely depressed & contemplated suicide. Then one day, I was going through all of my belongings (which I'd been forced to put into storage) & I spotted Mr. King's novel, Rose Madder. I had read it only the one time, when I initially purchased it, & I decided to grab it & give it another read. Rose's story affected me in a way that my initial reading of it hadn't. Rose's powerful tale was mesmerizing. She overcame her fears, her loneliness, her was utterly inspiring. I went back to my storage unit the very next day & grabbed the next 5 King novels I could find. I continued doing that until I'd re-read every King novel I owned (which is all but maybe 2 or 3 of them). Those few months of re-reading his books brought me joy that I hadn't felt in ages. I even discovered that I'd purchased Lisey's Story & never actually READ it, so imagine my delight at having a "new" King novel to read!

In March of 2013, I discovered I was pregnant. Nine days later, I lost the baby. I had lost one previously, so losing one again was extremely difficult, but because I was homeless (and on birth control!), I decided that maybe it was for the best. Bringing a child into the world in the condition I was in was not ideal. However, a short time later, divine intervention decided to bless me with ANOTHER pregnancy, & this one decided to stick. It was not without its difficulties, though. I was hospitalized 3 times, I developed gestational diabetes, I retained 21lbs of water, I somehow managed to get an infection in my finger that got so bad it almost had to be amputated, & my blood pressure shot through the roof. I also managed to vomit & poop myself on more than one occasion, so cleaning THAT up whilst living in your car is a real treat. Oh yeah, I was still homeless. I remained homeless for the entire duration of my pregnancy. But I didn't feel as helpless & as scared as I had before. I had the baby growing inside me to keep me company (and she let her presence be known quite often with horrible kicks to my ribs & bouncing on my bladder) & my boyfriend was doing everything he could to take care of me (he lived 100 miles away though, so visits were difficult). I jumped on my laptop often & came to this website (thank you, McDonald's Wifi!) & read tons of different stories & threads & opinions & news bits & everything else. The members of this site really put a smile on my face on days when I didn't feel like smiling, & I will forever be grateful for that. My boyfriend purchased Doctor Sleep for me as an early Christmas present, & I didn't even try to read it slow. I poured through it in 2 days & then immediately read it again. On January 17th, 2014, the day of my & my bf's anniversary, our daughter Madeleine Jane was born. She was a healthy 7lbs, 7oz, & she came out with an overabundance of hair. I call her my lucky baby. All those 7's on her day of birth, & the fact that her mother was in a less-than-ideal living situation, & she managed to come out perfect & healthy. My bf & I managed to find a place to rent a room, & here we have been ever since.

Did Stephen King LITERALLY save my life? No. He didn't jump into a body of water & save me from drowning, & he didn't run into a burning building & carry me out. What he did was write novels & short stories that made me laugh, angry, cry, think, & most of all, made me BELIEVE that things COULD get better. Is it weird to hope that vampires are real, because I'd love for one to take a chomp out of King's neck & make him immortal. That way, he could write forever & bless us with new, exciting & entertaining stories until the end of time.

My "tale" is finished. Thanks to all of you who took the time to read this, & a special thanks to Stephen King. I don't know if he'll ever read this, but I'm glad I got to share this story regardless. Thank you for saving my life, Mr. King. This Constant Reader is forever in your debt.


All-being, keeper of Space, Time & Dimension.
Jul 11, 2006
Spokane, WA
I, too, remember the first time you posted on here and how you described what you were going through. Your "tale" is NOT over, you have your whole life ahead of you and you now have a precious, precious child to love and take care of. You have so many great adventures ahead of you, you just don't even realize it! I am so happy that you have been able to make it throught the rough times and managed to keep a cool head. I am sure there were times when you just felt like giving up, but you didn't and I applaud you for that. You should be ever so proud of yourself- look at what you been able to accomplish! Life is going to be so much better for you- just you wait! Take care of yourself and your little one and keep in touch with us here at the SKMB!!!! PS- write everything down! Every thing you've gone through, everything you've felt- your baby will want to know what it was like for you someday and will thank you for keeping a journal(s) of what life was like in the 'beginning'.

Bryan James

Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2009
South Cackalacky

You are a stronger woman than I am.

Not that I'm a woman, but you know what I mean.

I've been through the wringer, and it's only going to get worse, but I do believe that for a lucky few...if you hit rock-bottom hard bounce.

Congratulations to you, and good luck to me.

Thanks for the inspiration,


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
I, too, remember the first time you posted on here and how you described what you were going through. Your "tale" is NOT over, you have your whole life ahead of you and you now have a precious, precious child to love and take care of. You have so many great adventures ahead of you, you just don't even realize it! I am so happy that you have been able to make it throught the rough times and managed to keep a cool head. I am sure there were times when you just felt like giving up, but you didn't and I applaud you for that. You should be ever so proud of yourself- look at what you been able to accomplish! Life is going to be so much better for you- just you wait! Take care of yourself and your little one and keep in touch with us here at the SKMB!!!! PS- write everything down! Every thing you've gone through, everything you've felt- your baby will want to know what it was like for you someday and will thank you for keeping a journal(s) of what life was like in the 'beginning'.
...Dude, this post is among the many reasons why I love you...


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio

You are a stronger woman than I am.

Not that I'm a woman, but you know what I mean.

I've been through the wringer, and it's only going to get worse, but I do believe that for a lucky few...if you hit rock-bottom hard bounce.

Congratulations to you, and good luck to me.

Thanks for the inspiration,
...Bryan, you've been a source of laughter and admiration to me...your wit is unparalleled, and you're writing the same..I know not of your personal struggles, and they are not for me to know...BUT what I do know, is you have one hell of a will and a there WILL be a way...much love bro...


All-being, keeper of Space, Time & Dimension.
Jul 11, 2006
Spokane, WA

You are a stronger woman than I am.

Not that I'm a woman, but you know what I mean.

I've been through the wringer, and it's only going to get worse, but I do believe that for a lucky few...if you hit rock-bottom hard bounce.

Congratulations to you, and good luck to me.

Thanks for the inspiration,
Good luck, Bryan!! (((BJ)))