~!*~ Stephen King Trivia ~*!~

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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2013
Heart of the South
Hey Lin, I think I may have messed up the ref... it was from L.T.'s Theory of Pets. There was a Siamese cat, Screw Lucy and a dog., was it Frank? I forget his name., anyway.... i think he was the one that puked in the slippers. In my above post I thought it was Screw Lucy that did. Now I'm not sure which one it was. LOL
Someone 'splain this to me please!


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2013
I just answered this question in SKC on FB. ;) What sets Stephen King apart from other writers? The fact that he has endeared his readers to him. He made us feel special, like he was talking to us personally, directly. The term Constant Reader is ours and ours alone. To be a Constant Reader is to be a Stephen King fan. He takes us into the dark, takes us by the hand and keeps us safe. We are scared while we're in there but we know that he will eventually bring us out into the light again. Maybe he changed us while we were in those scary places, but maybe changed us for the better? Maybe he made us see a different side, a different perspective, a different world? Also, he can create some kick ass characters! Why is he my favorite writer? Because of everything I've written above. No other writer out there impacts me like Stephen King does. The excitement I feel when a new King book is published is unlike anything else. I must get it that day. I must immediately start reading it. And I must try to savor it so I don't read it too quickly. I couldn't do that with his 2nd to last book, Joyland, however. I started it around 2 in the afternoon and finished it by 11 pm. I was in that amusement park with Devin, sweating in his Howie the Happy Hound fur suit, I was flying that kite on the beach with Mike, and I was riding the Carolina Spin with a smile on my face. King brings me into his worlds and makes my real life worries disappear if only for a moment, but also makes me care for the characters. You cheer when they live! And you cry when they die. That's how real they are. After the book is finished you almost expect to run into them at the supermarket or on a beach with a free standing door ready to take you away.

You put it just right. I tell that people all the time but mostly I got a "you have no idea what you are talking about" response. It's sometimes so frustrating. :down:


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Okay Walter if I am up next here is my question

From the book Rose Madder:
Gert, the black lady from the Women's shelter who taught self defence to Rose and the other women, does something to Rose's husband Norman Daniels when they are fighting by the women's washroom at Ettinger's Pier and Amusement Park. What does she do to him which surprises him so much?

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Walter Oobleck

keeps coming back...or going, and going, and going
Mar 6, 2013
Okay Walter if I am up next here is my question

From the book Rose Madder:
Gert, the black lady from the Women's shelter who taught self defence to Rose and the other women, does something to Rose's husband Norman Daniels when they are fighting by the women's washroom at Ettinger's Pier and Amusement Park. What does she do to him which surprises him so much?


If you haven't read Rose Madder, you probably don't want to open the spoiler.
Oops...when I went to post, the spoiler opened for me...I was going to use that same image...she tells him that Rosie left him a little message from her kidneys, by way of my kidneys....ah, sweet relief. Gert peed on him...she water-boarded him, in other words. page 346 in my U.S.A. paperback.


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
If you haven't read Rose Madder, you probably don't want to open the spoiler.
Oops...when I went to post, the spoiler opened for me...I was going to use that same image...she tells him that Rosie left him a little message from her kidneys, by way of my kidneys....ah, sweet relief. Gert peed on him...she water-boarded him, in other words. page 346 in my U.S.A. paperback.
You got it right Walter - sorry - I forgot that it would be a spoiler for those who have not read that book yet. Good thing you put a spoiler tag on it! It's your turn now! (Did my monkey pee smilie remind you of this?) :welcoming:

Walter Oobleck

keeps coming back...or going, and going, and going
Mar 6, 2013
You got it right Walter - sorry - I forgot that it would be a spoiler for those who have not read that book yet. Good thing you put a spoiler tag on it! It's your turn now! (Did my monkey pee smilie remind you of this?) :welcoming:

No...I didn't intend to open the spoiler because I figured that had the answer...but when I hit "reply" it was open in the box where I type my reply...I'd have used it if you hadn't. Looked through the story until I found it...couldn't remember. Norm was upset about all manner of things, hey? ...question coming up...and I probably need to put the answer in a spoiler, too.

Walter Oobleck

keeps coming back...or going, and going, and going
Mar 6, 2013
In Desperation, when John Edward Marinville walks back out of the desert to his Harley where the cop is standing, the cop acts all giddy, knowing that this is thee JohnEdwardMarinville who wrote...what? There are two titles that the cop knows Johnny wrote...what are they?

answer is in spoiler...do not open to check until you have confirmed the answer...remember, if you cheat...the library policeman will know and will enforce the rules:
Delight & Song of the Hammer
Hint: it's early on in the story...within the 1st 100 pages or less