Steve's Explanation For Loser's Sex Scene

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Dec 27, 2017
West Coast Canada
Like others have stated, I was more creeped out by the Patrick and Henry because that scene depicted abuse. I was't disturbed by the losers having sex, as it seemed like sacred ritual to bond them, using the most powerful force they could call upon.

I can deep dive into a fictional world, yet I don't believe there is an evil force that lives under Derry, so I don't worry about the fictional depiction of sex influencing anyone. As SK points out there are many murders of children in the novel and no outcry about that.

A related puzzle for me is how many SK characters seem too young for the situations they are in. Jake, Jack, the losers club, stand by me kids..... I've often thought they are too young, they should be older. But then I realize the power of childhood belief and in the moment thinking and how that wanes at puberty. SK's ability to capture the feel of childhood is incredible.


Aug 25, 2017
As for women that 'holding sex over him'....that's not abuse.
Yes it is. If you are manipulating a man emotionally or physically, then it is abuse. Sorry, but not everyone who visits this forum is a white knight feminist. There is so much abuse that women get away with it isn't even a funny joke anymore.

TRUTH. And King writes about abusive women all the f'ing time. Annie Wilkes is a great example.
I am specifically talking about sexual abuse. It is very rare to see a women who sexually manipulates or abuses a man, boy, or girl. Yet for the opposite gender there are countless examples.

This is of course setting aside the fact that A. I have no problem with pubescent teens having sex and B. I have no problem with any guy finding someone like Beverly attractive. What matters is how the male handles his feelings. Oh wait... That is how adults are supposed to treat each other anyway right? But no... let's just keep using this stereotype about men, as well as claiming all sex involving pubescent and post-pubescent girls is harmful. That sounds like a very good idea. /s
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Say hello to my fishy buddy
Apr 12, 2006
Bremerton, Washington, United States
as well as claiming all sex involving pubescent and post-pubescent girls is harmful.

Excuse me, I'm not clear on this, Sai. Are you saying that some isn't? Are you saying that it's sometimes not harmful to have sex with pubescent girls? In reality, not a work of fiction. I just want to understand your meaning.


Aug 25, 2017
Excuse me, I'm not clear on this, Sai. Are you saying that some isn't? Are you saying that it's sometimes not harmful to have sex with pubescent girls? In reality, not a work of fiction. I just want to understand your meaning.
That is indeed what I meant. Work of fiction or not, it is only hysteria that makes people think it is always a bad thing. If what happened in the sewers occurred in real life, I would not be upset. And I certainly wouldn't be calling the police until I heard what the participants had to say about it. ✌️


Aug 25, 2017
an underage
Funny how that phrase works. For Americans it is 18. For Hungarians it is 14. It seems nobody can settle on what "underage" means, yet Americans have the audacity to tell others what is right or wrong. Also, homosexuality is a completely different discussion. I am talking about normal (as in the majority) biological behavior. The experience in the sewers wouldn't have worked if underage sex is always harmful as you seem to believe.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
Funny how that phrase works. For Americans it is 18. For Hungarians it is 14. It seems nobody can settle on what "underage" means, yet Americans have the audacity to tell others what is right or wrong. Also, homosexuality is a completely different discussion. I am talking about normal (as in the majority) biological behavior. The experience in the sewers wouldn't have worked if underage sex is always harmful as you seem to believe.'s my opinion/feeling, and by "man"-I mean someone well beyond whatever societies determination of age of majority might be...I am a Registered Nurse in a male correctional facility that daily has to deal with the dregs of society and an overwhelming amount of which are pedophiles well past mid-life...this tends to color my feelings, if that helps you understand my issue with children as "prey"....

Robert Gray

Well-Known Member
Yes it is. If you are manipulating a man emotionally or physically, then it is abuse. Sorry, but not everyone who visits this forum is a white knight feminist. There is so much abuse that women get away with it isn't even a funny joke anymore.

Please count me among the White Knight Feminists, or at least a wannabe. :) All due respect, you sound like a rather angry, bitter guy. Can you enlighten us on what you think all these women are getting away with? Inquiring minds want to know. As for your other comments and posts, I'm not going to take them on one by one (my normal style) because well I'd want to reach for my rhetorical sledgehammer. Long story short, what is underage is defined by culture and our norms and morays in this country are pretty damn clear. I don't care what they do elsewhere, it doesn't excuse sexual predators.


I go Boo.....
Mar 20, 2019
Funny how that phrase works. For Americans it is 18. For Hungarians it is 14. It seems nobody can settle on what "underage" means, yet Americans have the audacity to tell others what is right or wrong....

This actually comes from the CDC, I can track down the link to the full article later but for now here's an excerpt..

"The rational part of a teen's brain isn't fully developed and won't be until age 25 or so. In fact, recent research has found that adult and teen brains work differently. Adults think with the prefrontal cortex, the brain's rational part."

So yeah, I'd say Hungary is in the wrong since a 14 year old has at least 11 more years to go before their brain thinks fully rationally. However, the US didn't set the age of consent laws to 18 because of scientific facts, not sure why those laws were put in place. Oh, and for the record, not every state in the US has the same age of consent laws, in some states it is younger.

As for women abusing men with sex, I'm not even going to touch that one.

Hill lover35

Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2017
Alberta canada
This actually comes from the CDC, I can track down the link to the full article later but for now here's an excerpt..

"The rational part of a teen's brain isn't fully developed and won't be until age 25 or so. In fact, recent research has found that adult and teen brains work differently. Adults think with the prefrontal cortex, the brain's rational part."

So yeah, I'd say Hungary is in the wrong since a 14 year old has at least 11 more years to go before their brain thinks fully rationally. However, the US didn't set the age of consent laws to 18 because of scientific facts, not sure why those laws were put in place. Oh, and for the record, not every state in the US has the same age of consent laws, in some states it is younger.

As for women abusing men with sex, I'm not even going to touch that one.

The us and Canada also have what is called a Romeo and Juliet clause so if you have a 14 g
Dating a 17 year old and they have sex willing it is not considered abuse

I am tired of the discussion this sex part of it brings up. People like to twist it into something it’s really not.... I am shure king wishes he never wrote that part now that he is older. I have read that part and it’s really not a big deal


The Fool on the Hill
Apr 12, 2014
Feels like this subject has been discussed, not one too many times, but a hundred too many times to hold much interest any longer. Also i cant help feel that if it still shall be discussed can we at least keep it to the scene in the novel and not spring off on tangents about what underage implies in different societies and cultures and so on. The context that to me is relevant is the IT-universe.
And by the way, i think it was a good scene. It made, to me, sense. Could it have been excluded? Of course but then something else would have had to take its place.

César Hernández-Meraz

Wants to be Nick, ends up as Larry
May 19, 2015
Aguascalientes, Mexico
Twelve years age of consent is definitely WAY too young in my opinion. And it happens to be the actual age of consent in the state I live in... Can someone raise it at least a little bit, please?

As for older people (like 14, 15 or 16), I think it is okay for SOME individuals, making the age of consent around that age would make some sense. But not as a general rule to be applied to everyone, "no questions asked".

What I mean is, A FEW 15 or 16 year olds may be ready for things like this, but that does not mean one turns 15 and is magically ready. Just the same way some people at 20 or more are not ready yet (I wasn't at that age, but I did not even look for sex then).

In countries with lower age of consent, I think things should still be applied in a case-to-case basis. Even if the law says it is okay does not mean it will be. But I also think not all cases with someone of that age are abuse from the older person. I even think a very precocious 15 year old could actually abuse a late-developmental-bloomer in his early 20s, for example.

Also, if the law says the age of consent is 18, then that's it. Whether or not a specific individual is ready, if he is younger than the age of consent, it is illegal and should be avoided.

And to be clear, I believe the percentage of teens below 18 who are ready to handle the emotions and consequences of sex is very low. But I believe they exist.
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César Hernández-Meraz

Wants to be Nick, ends up as Larry
May 19, 2015
Aguascalientes, Mexico
Also i cant help feel that if it still shall be discussed can we at least keep it to the scene in the novel and not spring off on tangents about what underage implies in different societies and cultures and so on. The context that to me is relevant is the IT-universe.

Sorry! :sadface:

I was already typing my wall of text when you posted that. :saddd: