The Ballad of JohnD

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Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
Jul 10, 2006
that dollhouse at the end of the street
I really did not know him well. I just know that he welcoming to all that visited the board.

Once he asked me to make something for you because it was your birthday and I took you from your profile pic and put you on that motorcycle with Stephen and put a bandana on your head, lol. Sooo much fun. I think of that every time I see you. :smile2:


First time caller long time listener
Jul 10, 2006
Indiana, USA
Once he asked me to make something for you because it was your birthday and I took you from your profile pic and put you on that motorcycle with Stephen and put a bandana on your head, lol. Sooo much fun. I think of that every time I see you. :smile2:
I had almost forgotten about that....It was so awesome and sweet for someone to go to that much trouble for me.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio the short passage of time I "knew" John, he struck me as a true Man for All Seasons....a philosopher, musician, humorist, level-headed, impish, a romantic and a flirt....certainly I wasn't as privy to his personal side as some were, but we had enough discourse that I count him among my dear friends....JD left a hole in this Ka-Tet that no-one will ever fill, but some of us strive to honor what he brought to this Board by our good thoughts and unceasing love.....


Don't worry. I have a permit!!!
Feb 5, 2010
Wonderland Avenue
I didn't have an opportunity to get to know John very well. We only chatted a couple of times. He is definitely missed here. His passing changed this place in some ways. I know he is remembered fondly by all who knew him. :)
Maddie, thanks for sharing...that was great!
There is absolutely no doubt that the board was one thing when I came here, and something different the day he passed. It's still hella cool here, but a piece will always be missing. That's true for everyone that's been lost.

Scott's tribute to him at the first Kon was an emotional moment for all of us. Not a dry eye in there, including my friend Steve who didn't know any of you or John. Even he could see what he meant to everyone.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
There is absolutely no doubt that the board was one thing when I came here, and something different the day he passed. It's still hella cool here, but a piece will always be missing. That's true for everyone that's been lost.

Scott's tribute to him at the first Kon was an emotional moment for all of us. Not a dry eye in there, including my friend Steve who didn't know any of you or John. Even he could see what he meant to everyone.
....thank you my friend.....


Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
Jul 10, 2006
that dollhouse at the end of the street
He is singing the SKMB theme song.

"Someone else wrote the words for this and asked me to write the music. It's the only time I've ever done that on a song, and I was never very happy with it, but wothehell, archie, wotthehell, I thought I'd include it anyway.

Again recorded just with the webcam mike."
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