The Ka-tet Cantina 2

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cat in a bag

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2010
I don't need to remind you of that loan for me do I?:greedy_dollars:


Well my card worked. :biggrin2: Didn't do too bad, either! I had about half the stuff already, put up from last year. Stuff that was on the lists but the kids ended up bringing home unopened. That helped!

We still need to go vote but waiting until the lunch hour rush gets over with.

Out of Order

Sign of the Times
Feb 9, 2011
New Hampster


Well my card worked. :biggrin2: Didn't do too bad, either! I had about half the stuff already, put up from last year. Stuff that was on the lists but the kids ended up bringing home unopened. That helped!

We still need to go vote but waiting until the lunch hour rush gets over with.

Excellent use of the broke smilie, CAT..........:biggrin-new:


Prolific member
Jan 8, 2009
Have a great Tuesday!!

Hope all have a wonderful day, mine is almost over and two workdays left before my three days off starts. I can't wait.
This Saturday we celebrate Juho's birthday, he turn 30 end of this month, but we celebrate it earlier. It's a suprise birthday
for him, he doesn't know anything about it and I have plan the birthday and invited his friends so I start to be nervous here
that all goes well, but thankfully that all people who is invited is coming and I have got some help from them too. Everything
is ready for the party.

Been cold and rainy here lately yuck, forecast says that heat and sun return to us end of this week. I really hope they are right about that.
No rain for us on Saturday.

Take care be well and stay safe!!

(((all in need or not)))


Happy to be here!
Feb 18, 2012
Have a great Tuesday!!

Hope all have a wonderful day, mine is almost over and two workdays left before my three days off starts. I can't wait.
This Saturday we celebrate Juho's birthday, he turn 30 end of this month, but we celebrate it earlier. It's a suprise birthday
for him, he doesn't know anything about it and I have plan the birthday and invited his friends so I start to be nervous here
that all goes well, but thankfully that all people who is invited is coming and I have got some help from them too. Everything
is ready for the party.

Been cold and rainy here lately yuck, forecast says that heat and sun return to us end of this week. I really hope they are right about that.
No rain for us on Saturday.

Take care be well and stay safe!!

(((all in need or not)))
Good luck with the surprise party! Those can be so much fun! It's been hotter than %^&# here. I'd be happy to send some humidity your way! Take care, Jojo!


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio


"Have I run too far to get home?"
Sep 25, 2011
Oh my gosh. I know!!

I just went through everything again and called them. They said they are working on it and not to do anything about the stuff that has disappeared, so I don't get charged twice. But, I already did re-pay one thing. And found another thing missing, that was posted yesterday. That is 3 bills total. Jeez what a mess.

I am half afraid to even use my debit card today. I may just put off the school shopping until tomorrow. Hopefully they have it all fixed by then.

It makes me uneasy, though. I mean what is causing this? Just a computer problem or is it a security issue? It really is scary, how dependent everything and everyone is on computers.

Definitely scary. If anyone ever comes up with an EMP pulse that knocks out everything electrical, we're going to be using frog skins and mined gold for


Carry on
Jun 19, 2016
Derry, NH
I've been fondly remembering "octopus, octopus!" from Popeye. I even had an image of two bottles of olive oil at a bar. It's just that I'm a little off center today. Work is fine.
Remember Robin Williams? Is that all I need to say? In the unlikely event that anyone has ever taught in a school where a student has committed suicide, let me put parenthesis around this topic for a bit.
Dogs need to be fed. Work break over. DOG, (((Dante))) and cats need feeding.
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#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Good morning,

Another busy day today. :confused:

It is primary day, so need to go vote. We are one of those backwards states where the delegates choose the Presidential candidate, not the voters. But there are state and local things to vote for.

Need to go get school supplies. I am pushing it, we start on Monday. It is always such a circus. I am dreading it.

Our bank has had some major problems the last few days with their system and I have had things post and then disappear and it is causing problems with bill paying. Because to the payee, it is looking like the payments have bounced. But they aren't. They are just disappearing. Poof! Ugh. Already called them yesterday, going to have to call again. THAT will be fun. :glare:

Hope you all have a good day. Sending positive and calming vibes to everyone. Big hugs, too. :love_heart:

Have you tried
keeping your cash in a sock underneath your mattress? Almost sounds less complicated at this point


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Well I just came back from that "Weight Watchers" place (AKA FLDC or the Fat Ladies Donut Club) and I am happy to report I lost half a pound!

Hey - I will take it! At least I did not go UP this week :biggrin2:
Yes, I.V.'s are gone, thank goodness :) I ate a piece of bacon on Sunday, it was sooo good. Still on baby
food and soft foods now (Don't think they meant bacon). Things are looking up!

Alexandria - I almost feel guilty typing the above (about my silly half pound down thing).

You are doing great - advance your diet slowly and the pounds should creep back on gradually - so glad to hear you finally go the IV's out!

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
The rest of the state is flooded. And our house burned down. Outlet lit up the sofa, and that's all she wrote.
We lost just about everything in the house, two cats and a bird.
Gonna be a long couple of days. Weeks. Months?
WHAT!!!??? I am so sorry. This is just awful, horrible. Where are you living?

Doc Creed

Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2015
United States
The rest of the state is flooded. And our house burned down. Outlet lit up the sofa, and that's all she wrote.
We lost just about everything in the house, two cats and a bird.
Gonna be a long couple of days. Weeks. Months?
That is devastating news! I'm very sorry this happened. I hope you are safe and able to find your bearings. Have you considered a Gofundme account? Praying for you!
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