(This idea started as a simple photo "shoot" but after seeing some interest in Mini Stephen King I had an idea for group participation- don't leave Mini SK hangin'.)
So let's get to it shall we? You are cordially invited to attend a Costume party at our Mini house hosted by Mini Stephen King.Details below.
This weekend (10/17 or 10/18) Mini SK will be having a costume party.So dig out your toys or your kids old Barbies,Action Figures,ect.(or you can get a Barbie or action figure for a dollar at the dollar store,Goodwill,ect- scale doesn't matter). What YOU decide to do with it is up to you but remember this IS a costume party.Some figures will pass on their own but some might need a tiny mask or a bottle of ketchup dumped on them.( heh heh). After you see the Costume party pics posted( this weekend).You will have until Halloween to post your picture(s). On Halloween Mini SK will announce the name of the member with the best costume(if your figure is already masked for Halloween-setting counts too.It's all about creativity and/or imagination).That member will receive a RAOK ("little" SK themed something) in the mail from myself.( provided they are comfortable providing a mailing adress via private message.Even if you do not wish to share your adress I hope you will still participate). Since I am pretty new to all of you there won't be any chance of "favorites" being played here
So put your thinking caps on and let's see what you come up with!
-----No need to RSVP
