The unused X-Files episode script

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New Member
Oct 30, 2019
If anyone remembers the X-Files episode that King wrote called Chinger, I recall reading years ago that he wrote another script that was rejected because the producers wanted something a bit "more Stephen King" meaning I guess scarier and closer to his famous works. He wrote the script about the doll as a result, but does anyone know what the FIRST episode idea was?


Uber Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just north of Duma Key
If anyone remembers the X-Files episode that King wrote called Chinger, I recall reading years ago that he wrote another script that was rejected because the producers wanted something a bit "more Stephen King" meaning I guess scarier and closer to his famous works. He wrote the script about the doll as a result, but does anyone know what the FIRST episode idea was?
Moderator might know the answer.


Ms. Mod
Jul 10, 2006
If anyone remembers the X-Files episode that King wrote called Chinger, I recall reading years ago that he wrote another script that was rejected because the producers wanted something a bit "more Stephen King" meaning I guess scarier and closer to his famous works. He wrote the script about the doll as a result, but does anyone know what the FIRST episode idea was?
Moderator might know the answer.
It was titled "Molly" and it also features the doll, and it features some of the same characcters as well. The story was a bit more like Firestarter than Chucky.

DKSKFan has the gist of it from what I remember. It's been quite a while since I read the first script.

Edward John

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2019
If anyone remembers the X-Files episode that King wrote called Chinger, I recall reading years ago that he wrote another script that was rejected because the producers wanted something a bit "more Stephen King" meaning I guess scarier and closer to his famous works. He wrote the script about the doll as a result, but does anyone know what the FIRST episode idea was?
How about a US state growing spider legs and walking across the continent?
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