Who will die tonight? Tyrese
Who will get seriously injured/maimed? Daryl
Eugene will, live, die, coma, brain damage etc.? Live, concussion
Will Gabriel go to he11? Ha! Gabriel is in hell
Will Morgan show up? yes
Will there be a square off with Abe and the others? (Will Rosita square off/kill Abe?) No
Will we see any of the Termites tonight? No
Will the core group be together? Yes
THE cliff-hanger will be: Judith in peril
Other questions to consider:
What will be coolest zombie kill tonight? zombie will be killed with a defibrillator
Will we see arm pit hair on any of the females? Ever? Yes, on Judith -- being a walker baby has its side effects.
Will alcohol be consumed while watching tonight's episode? no
Poor Judith!