Total eclipse of the heart

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king family fan

Prolific member
Jul 19, 2010
I don't know the answer to that. I had to download pictures from my phone camera to my computer and then bring them here. It probably depends on the phone???

I will tag FlakeNoir -- she is a wizard helping people with pictures.
thanks the two off my camera posting but the one of otis on the phone no luck. I can copy and paste but then it doesn't show for you guys, Puzzling, Thanks


I am whatever you say I am.
Feb 26, 2008
hmmm, I couldn't see a thing.
In her first post about it...

I tried copying and pasting them above.

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
thanks the two off my camera posting but the one of otis on the phone no luck. I can copy and paste but then it doesn't show for you guys, Puzzling, Thanks
Well, it isn't showing for some of us. And other's see it. I think a lot has to do with operating systems and the tilt of the earth.



Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2010
North Dakota
My mom was so excited about the eclipse - it was so cute. Everyone was out of glasses. Wish I would've had my act together and picked some up from the library before they ran out. She followed some instructions online and made pinholes in a box and when she put it on her head I told her that hopefully the aliens would show up to take her back to her people. ;;D

We were supposed to have 84% totality here, but it only got to about the size of a crescent moon. But it was upside down, though - which was pretty cool.

king family fan

Prolific member
Jul 19, 2010
My mom was so excited about the eclipse - it was so cute. Everyone was out of glasses. Wish I would've had my act together and picked some up from the library before they ran out. She followed some instructions online and made pinholes in a box and when she put it on her head I told her that hopefully the aliens would show up to take her back to her people. ;;D

We were supposed to have 84% totality here, but it only got to about the size of a crescent moon. But it was upside down, though - which was pretty cool.
We purchased our glasses at the science center weeks ago. As it got closer many places ran out and some charged way to much. It was on the news some vendors
were selling fake glasses.

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
My mom was so excited about the eclipse - it was so cute. Everyone was out of glasses. Wish I would've had my act together and picked some up from the library before they ran out. She followed some instructions online and made pinholes in a box and when she put it on her head I told her that hopefully the aliens would show up to take her back to her people. ;;D

We were supposed to have 84% totality here, but it only got to about the size of a crescent moon. But it was upside down, though - which was pretty cool.


Original Kiwi© SKMB®
Apr 11, 2006
New Zealand
I don't know the answer to that. I had to download pictures from my phone camera to my computer and then bring them here. It probably depends on the phone???

I will tag FlakeNoir -- she is a wizard helping people with pictures.
I'm going to disappoint, sorry... :blush: I haven't tried uploading to the site from my phone before. (I'll have to experiment)
Usually I move them from my phone to the laptop, or upload (privately) to FB and then copy and paste here, or download to my laptop if I am too lazy to look for my USB cord. :biggrin2:

king family fan
Lin... what kind of phone are you using?

king family fan

Prolific member
Jul 19, 2010
I'm going to disappoint, sorry... :blush: I haven't tried uploading to the site from my phone before. (I'll have to experiment)
Usually I move them from my phone to the laptop, or upload (privately) to FB and then copy and paste here, or download to my laptop if I am too lazy to look for my USB cord. :biggrin2:

king family fan
Lin... what kind of phone are you using?
it is my hubbys phone. Will have to get back to you. They loaded to my computer but can't get them to load on here. Even when copy and paste. The pictures show for me but not for anyone else.

cat in a bag

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2010
I heard this over the weekend. Did not catch what town it happened in though.

Someone called police dispatch somewhere in Wyoming and asked how Wyoming had been picked to hold the eclipse and why we all decided to have it on a Monday, and not the weekend instead.


Also saw an article that said Wyoming had a million visitors here that day. That's pretty cool. More people than live here! Some of the pictures of traffic were unbelievable. We'll likely never see that kind of traffic again!


First time caller long time listener
Jul 10, 2006
Indiana, USA
I heard on the news that some Mensa member (insert sarcasm) that they had put sunscreen on their eyes and thought it would be okay to look at the eclipse. The individual is being treated for corneal scarring... I bet it started out with here hold my beer.


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
I heard on the news that some Mensa member (insert sarcasm) that they had put sunscreen on their eyes and thought it would be okay to look at the eclipse. The individual is being treated for corneal scarring... I bet it started out with here hold my beer.
....I really wish you wouldn't put me out there like that! 'Specially when I can barely see to type!:a28:...