Why i dont 'like' your posts

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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2010


Ghee -Wish i hadnt started now - ve never had so many of the little buggars in my intray over night !!!!


And Crazy Housewife
Dec 3, 2014
Fernley, NV.
I try to only "like" posts that I either agree with, laugh at, or that touch me in some important way. The trouble is, most of the posts on here are funny or kind or thoughtful or whatever, and if I "liked" every post that I like, I'd seem like a suck up. (In my own mind) So, I try to keep a happy medium.

And like others have said, when I go to the trouble of writing something out and hitting that "post reply" button, it's nice to see that someone took the time to read what I wrote. Because, if I'm just talking to a brick wall, what am I doing here? I can go to FaceBook and get ignored by family! ;;D