Your Favorite Movie Soundtracks

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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2017
osnafrank , helloo Frank :smile: should these be only ones that were written for the films or also can be ones that were used in the films though not written for them?

for both maddie...for both


Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
Jul 10, 2006
that dollhouse at the end of the street
That Tarantino movie with Kurt Russell as 'Stuntman Mike'. I bought the soundtrack on CD. It is most excellent. This was the first soundtrack I ever bought except for 'Flash Gordon' by Queen on vinyl when it first came out (although I never saw the movie).

Yes that's Excellent mal ! Its so good to see you back here by the way!!! and I love that one too! this is my very most favorite one from it 'Chick Habit' such clever lyrics!

Beware to typical Stuntman Mikes! :cool:

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Beatle Groupie
Jul 12, 2006
Here, there and everywhere.
I ditto "The Godfather," it's by the same guy who composed my absolutely favorite original score, "Romeo and Juliet," the 1969 Franco Zefirelli version.

And here's the beautiful, beautiful R & J score:

Wow - the goosebumps never stop coming with this one.

As for soundtracks featuring songs by other artists, I'll have to think about that one some more. I know "The Graduate" and "Almost Famous" are on the list.

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
I ditto "The Godfather," it's by the same guy who composed my absolutely favorite original score, "Romeo and Juliet," the 1969 Franco Zefirelli version.

And here's the beautiful, beautiful R & J score:

Wow - the goosebumps never stop coming with this one.

As for soundtracks featuring songs by other artists, I'll have to think about that one some more. I know "The Graduate" and "Almost Famous" are on the list.
Good ones!


Speed Reader
Sep 3, 2016
probably Footloose. speaking of soundtracks, i miss the days when they'd get a lot of artists together to make songs just for a movie. today it mostly seems to be licensing existing songs, which, don't get me wrong, can lead to great soundtracks as well, i just like getting some new music with my movie.