Have any of you ever had a dream featuring Stephen King?

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Deleted User
Feb 18, 2013
I've had two (that I can remember). The first occurred when I joined this website and it shows how insecure I am. Stephen King, his wife, my mother and me are sitting in Mr and Mrs King's kitchen. Everyone looks 30 years younger-except me. The kitchen has brick walls the way they strip it back to the original. There's an old 1910's type stove and one of those old kettles on top. There's a rough wooden table.
'Would you like another cup of tea, Mrs Hammarstrom?' asks Mr King.
'Yes, I really like how you have done your kitchen,' my mother replies.
'Mr King, you know how in the Salem's Lot-'
'Would you like a piece of chocolate cake?' Mrs King asks my mother.
'Oh yes, thank you Tabitha.'
'Mr King, you know in Christine- '
'How long are you staying in Maine?' asks Stephen.
'Oh, about another two weeks.' My mother takes a bite into her cake.
'In the Shining-'
'How's Carl going Melva,' asks Mr King.
'For Christ Sake!' I get out of my chair, go over to the kettle, pick it up, and throw it against the wall.
'Your son is a very immature person.' Mr King says.
'Yes, he's not half the man his father is,' my mother replies.
'You can all go and get ****ed!' I say leaving.


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2010
The Twilight Zone
That must have a really frustrating dream!
Stephen actually often makes appearances in my dreams. I remember a dream I had ages ago which I had shared on the old forum. I was a character in one of his books and I was trying to find SK so he could tell me what was going to happen next so I could be prepared for it. I remember at one point I walked into a bar and all the customers were SK but at different ages, and I was really confused which one to ask. Wish I could find the thread again.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2006
Atlanta GA
I've had two (that I can remember). The first occurred when I joined this website and it shows how insecure I am. Stephen King, his wife, my mother and me are sitting in Mr and Mrs King's kitchen. Everyone looks 30 years younger-except me. The kitchen has brick walls the way they strip it back to the original. There's an old 1910's type stove and one of those old kettles on top. There's a rough wooden table.
'Would you like another cup of tea, Mrs Hammarstrom?' asks Mr King.
'Yes, I really like how you have done your kitchen,' my mother replies.
'Mr King, you know how in the Salem's Lot-'
'Would you like a piece of chocolate cake?' Mrs King asks my mother.
'Oh yes, thank you Tabitha.'
'Mr King, you know in Christine- '
'How long are you staying in Maine?' asks Stephen.
'Oh, about another two weeks.' My mother takes a bite into her cake.
'In the Shining-'
'How's Carl going Melva,' asks Mr King.
'For Christ Sake!' I get out of my chair, go over to the kettle, pick it up, and throw it against the wall.
'Your son is a very immature person.' Mr King says.
'Yes, he's not half the man his father is,' my mother replies.
'You can all go and get ****ed!' I say leaving.
Stick around. This place is therapeutic. Believe me.

That must have a really frustrating dream!
Stephen actually often makes appearances in my dreams. I remember a dream I had ages ago which I had shared on the old forum. I was a character in one of his books and I was trying to find SK so he could tell me what was going to happen next so I could be prepared for it. I remember at one point I walked into a bar and all the customers were SK but at different ages, and I was really confused which one to ask. Wish I could find the thread again.
That's wonderful! Obviously, the dream answered your question.

I've had only two dreams which featured him, both of which were very pleasant, unthreatening. His presence calmed me. I find that telling on a personal level since he is after all Stephen King, a person it's safe to assume the world thinks of in a scary context.


Comfortably Roont
Nov 19, 2011
Behind you
I had a dream not too long ago. I was at a book signing. (I have never been to a book signing)

There was some sort of ruckus. People were rushing him.

I was in the back.... I just remember calling out.. SKMB! SKMB!! I am one of the good ones!

I would never ever do that in real life.

Ms. Mod came and got me... she was like an angel ~ And I was safe. And SK smiled at me.

Stop judging me ... it was a dream.... :blush::facepalm_smiley:


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
That must have a really frustrating dream!
Stephen actually often makes appearances in my dreams. I remember a dream I had ages ago which I had shared on the old forum. I was a character in one of his books and I was trying to find SK so he could tell me what was going to happen next so I could be prepared for it. I remember at one point I walked into a bar and all the customers were SK but at different ages, and I was really confused which one to ask. Wish I could find the thread again.