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I am whatever you say I am.
Feb 26, 2008

Just curious.

What are some reasons you think people are narcissistic? Do you think it's innate, learned or a bit of both?

Do you have some interesting real-life examples of people you know or have run into that fall into this category?

What's the best way to deal with a narcissist when he/she is affecting your life negatively?

Thanks for your thoughts.



Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2006
Atlanta GA

Just curious.

What are some reasons you think people are narcissistic? Do you think it's innate, learned or a bit of both?

Do you have some interesting real-life examples of people you know or have run into that fall into this category?

What's the best way to deal with a narcissist when he/she is affecting your life negatively?

Thanks for your thoughts.
I love this post more than I love myself.


Dec 19, 2007
Lair of the Great Kentucky Nightcrawler
I love this post more than I love myself.
No we don't:couple_inlove:

My ol' pal, Dead Ed, well he was just, Ed, but now he's dead, so....
Oh he was a piece of work, and a world class pathological liar, think maybe most are,.least ways just terrific at it.
Such a pain in the azzzz, infuriating, maddning, but also probably the funniest human beings I personaly knew, lordy could he make me laugh.
Occasionaly, and occasionaly quite often, I just had to take him off at the knees, whole riot acts right up in his grill, and then he would cool his jets for a while.
But it wouldn't last of course, he couldn't help it, and of course he knew what he was and I think that's one of the things that helped kill him, the anxiety and stress that came with it, that is, dropped dead of a heart attack at 50, deader than a doornail before he hit the ground.
He truly was a funny as hell monuMENTAL pain in the keister, and I'll always miss he still owes me some major Ducats, guess he wins:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2014


Chillin' since 2006
Nov 30, 2006
Red Stick

Just curious.

What are some reasons you think people are narcissistic? Do you think it's innate, learned or a bit of both?

Do you have some interesting real-life examples of people you know or have run into that fall into this category?

What's the best way to deal with a narcissist when he/she is affecting your life negatively?

Thanks for your thoughts.
There's a difference between conceit, arrogance, ego and true narcissism. All but the last are learned behaviors, to a degree, though some people seem more predisposed than others. Those can be dealt with in assorted ways, like setting boundaries, communication, counseling, etc.

But if you're dealing with a bona-fide narcissist, the only way to deal with them is not to. They will never change. The first step to change is admitting the need for it, and no narcissist will ever admit that they're doing anything wrong.

If your egotistical, arrogant, or conceited friend refuses to respect your boundaries or change, walk away.

If you're dealing with a narcissist, run.


Waiting in Uber.
Jan 3, 2010
In your mirror.
There's a difference between conceit, arrogance, ego and true narcissism. All but the last are learned behaviors, to a degree, though some people seem more predisposed than others. Those can be dealt with in assorted ways, like setting boundaries, communication, counseling, etc.

But if you're dealing with a bona-fide narcissist, the only way to deal with them is not to. They will never change. The first step to change is admitting the need for it, and no narcissist will ever admit that they're doing anything wrong.

If your egotistical, arrogant, or conceited friend refuses to respect your boundaries or change, walk away.

If you're dealing with a narcissist, run.

What Lepp posted.


is just that. A personality disorder.

It is not a mental illness or *issue*. Medical insurance will not cover it. (Personality Disorders will not be covered but a lifetime, debilitating dx of schizophrenia will be covered. Imagine that! There is some *hope* in treating schizophrenia as opposed to NPD. )

The best a therapist can do is try to educate the client. S/he will never understand/internalize the behaviors/emotions but they can learn how to interact with others.

I must say, there are some professions that are PERFECT for NPD's.



Richard Bachman's love child
Nov 28, 2006
They are emotionally stunted. We are all narcissistic when we are young, to a certain degree, but we grow out of it. The narcissist personality does not seem to. They have this inflated opinion of their own importance....just check out Facebook....lots on there lol.


Dec 19, 2007
Lair of the Great Kentucky Nightcrawler
There's a difference between conceit, arrogance, ego and true narcissism. All but the last are learned behaviors, to a degree, though some people seem more predisposed than others. Those can be dealt with in assorted ways, like setting boundaries, communication, counseling, etc.

But if you're dealing with a bona-fide narcissist, the only way to deal with them is not to. They will never change. The first step to change is admitting the need for it, and no narcissist will ever admit that they're doing anything wrong.

If your egotistical, arrogant, or conceited friend refuses to respect your boundaries or change, walk away.

If you're dealing with a narcissist, run.
What Lepp posted.


is just that. A personality disorder.

It is not a mental illness or *issue*. Medical insurance will not cover it. (Personality Disorders will not be covered but a lifetime, debilitating dx of schizophrenia will be covered. Imagine that! There is some *hope* in treating schizophrenia as opposed to NPD. )

The best a therapist can do is try to educate the client. S/he will never understand/internalize the behaviors/emotions but they can learn how to interact with others.

I must say, there are some professions that are PERFECT for NPD's.

Yeah that's about right, Ed wouldn't cop to nothin'.
I suppose I was his therapist in a manner of speaking, though our 'sessions', they were only about how he had to act, or not to, in order to interact with me...didn't have anybody else left but one brother, rest of his family done quit on him, including his son who his ex packed off across country to get them as far away as possible..,guess that's that run away part.
Eh, I found him useful, great salesman, not so very much of a friend if it wasn't about Ed, but then I knew that..and damn was he funny, I mean we all got somethin' to bring to the table, his was being a bona fide hoot, mostly even on purpose.
But ya know somethin', holy gee whiz I'm already plumb wore out just thinkin' about him, small doses even though he's dead, um, Ed.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2006
Atlanta GA

Just curious.

What are some reasons you think people are narcissistic? Do you think it's innate, learned or a bit of both?

Do you have some interesting real-life examples of people you know or have run into that fall into this category?

What's the best way to deal with a narcissist when he/she is affecting your life negatively?

Thanks for your thoughts.
Why do you ask, danie?


Dec 19, 2007
Lair of the Great Kentucky Nightcrawler
They are emotionally stunted. We are all narcissistic when we are young, to a certain degree, but we grow out of it. The narcissist personality does not seem to. They have this inflated opinion of their own importance....just check out Facebook....lots on there lol.
My ol' pal here I'm palaverin' about, he seemed to get worse as he got older.
We met when we were twenty, and through our lives there were extended periods we never saw or spoke to one another.
Life in it's quirky way would bring us together, and every time his behavior would drive me batsquat nuts quicker.
Suppose it could have been me
maybe being less tolerant, but I really don't think so.


Richard Bachman's love child
Nov 28, 2006
My ol' pal here I'm palaverin' about, he seemed to get worse as he got older.
We met when we were twenty, and through our lives there were extended periods we never saw or spoke to one another.
Life in it's quirky way would bring us together, and every time his behavior would drive me batsquat nuts quicker.
Suppose it could have been me
maybe being less tolerant, but I really don't think so.
It is hard to take. They do not really listen to others...they are too busy thinking up what they are going to say next. I find this kind of behaviour very tiring and not worth the waste of precious time.


Dec 19, 2007
Lair of the Great Kentucky Nightcrawler
It is hard to take. They do not really listen to others...they are too busy thinking up what they are going to say next. I find this kind of behaviour very tiring and not worth the waste of precious time.
You weren't talkin' to me were ya, yeah didn't think so:m_cool:

Oh classic Ed:rolleyes:
(I always hear you sweety, but then you scare me so, rrrowwww:beauty:)


Deleted User
Feb 18, 2013

Just curious.

What are some reasons you think people are narcissistic? Do you think it's innate, learned or a bit of both?

Do you have some interesting real-life examples of people you know or have run into that fall into this category?

What's the best way to deal with a narcissist when he/she is affecting your life negatively?

Thanks for your thoughts.
Narcissism, is a result of DNA, upbringing, and learned behaviours. Narcissism is Capitalism at it's n'th degree. A true Narcissist will often have been a nice, kind, very friendly person who has had a corn pone stuck up their clacker once too often. They crack. They either end up in the looney-bin, or seek election to a public office. If you visit someone's home and ask to use their toilet, a narcissist will try to find an excuse so you can't. They also use body moisturisers, and hand creams. They also have a mirror in every room of their house.


Deleted User
Feb 18, 2013

Just curious.

What are some reasons you think people are narcissistic? Do you think it's innate, learned or a bit of both?

Do you have some interesting real-life examples of people you know or have run into that fall into this category?

What's the best way to deal with a narcissist when he/she is affecting your life negatively?

Thanks for your thoughts.
The best way to deal with anybody you don't want to deal with is:
1. Get rid of your mobile phone. 2. Change your e-mail address. 3. Change your name( it costs about $100) 4. Hire Mike Hammer 4. Have a 'pen-camera' in your top pocket recording when you meet that person so you can get recriminating evidence. I had a girlfriend in the 80's who wouldn't let me access her trust account, and sadly, she slipped on a banana peel. No, but I knew this girl in the 1980's and she kept on saying 'do you really think I'm beautiful?' She kept looking at herself in the mirror, combing her hair. Wanted me to comb it. I have boderline Narcissism myself. Sometimes I go up to the shopping centre dressed in a pin-striped suit, and with a black toupee. I paint a pencil moustache.
Last edited:


I am whatever you say I am.
Feb 26, 2008
Why do you ask, danie?
It seems, lately, I've been noticing several people around me who just seem to take over conversations just to hear themselves prattle on.
Also, some are very quick to judge and see things from only their point of view. They don't seem to have that little voice inside that rejects feelings for only themselves and really makes them stop and think about a sense of entitlement they didn't earn.
At a teacher training last week, a new girl had been hired, and it was her first time to meet the faculty. During the activities, she just took over, without really knowing the group and its dynamic. Some may say she's just a "leader;" most of us saw it as rude and invasive.
She just seemed to be silently screaming, "LOOK AT ME! I'M HERE AND HAVE IMPORTANT THINGS FOR YOU TO NOTICE!" Very revealing.


I am whatever you say I am.
Feb 26, 2008
The best way to deal with anybody you don't want to deal with is:
1. Get rid of your mobile phone. 2. Change your e-mail address. 3. Change your name( it costs about $100) 4. Hire Mike Hammer 4. Have a 'pen-camera' in your top pocket recording when you meet that person so you can get recriminating evidence. I had a girlfriend in the 80's who wouldn't let me access her trust account, and sadly, she slipt on a banana peel. No, but I knew this girl in the 1980's and she kept on saying 'do you really think I'm beautiful?' She kept looking at herself in the mirror, combing her hair. Wanted me to comb it.
This made me laugh so very out loud!