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Rebel Rebel, your face is a mess.
Apr 4, 2008
I've learned a method over the years that helps me sort out if someone is self-absorbed or truly a narcissist.

We all do stupid, thoughtless, hurtful things from time to time. No one is perfect. But when you have one person in your life who's causing you to have a conversation like this with yourself, you've got trouble and the only way to fix it is to move on without it:

Did he mean to do that? He can't have meant to actually just do that. Everybody just saw that, right?

Does she realize what a terrible thing she said? She knows that stuff hurts me. She didn't say it in a mean way, but she can't have NOT known, could she?

Every time he says he's going to do something for me, he doesn't. And then he acts like we never had a conversation about it in the first place. Is he really forgetting all that stuff?

In other words, if someone's baffling behavior is causing you to question whether they truly intend to be a giant poomonster, then yes they are a giant poomonster.


Feb 3, 2015
Old Dominion
The best way to deal with anybody you don't want to deal with is:
1. Get rid of your mobile phone. 2. Change your e-mail address. 3. Change your name( it costs about $100) 4. Hire Mike Hammer 4. Have a 'pen-camera' in your top pocket recording when you meet that person so you can get recriminating evidence. I had a girlfriend in the 80's who wouldn't let me access her trust account, and sadly, she slipped on a banana peel. No, but I knew this girl in the 1980's and she kept on saying 'do you really think I'm beautiful?' She kept looking at herself in the mirror, combing her hair. Wanted me to comb it. I have boderline Narcissism myself. Sometimes I go up to the shopping centre dressed in a pin-striped suit, and with a black toupee. I paint a pencil moustache.

.... unless you happened to marry one

Out of Order

Sign of the Times
Feb 9, 2011
New Hampster

Alexandra M

Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2015
Kelowna, B. C., Canada

Just curious.

What are some reasons you think people are narcissistic? Do you think it's innate, learned or a bit of both?

Do you have some interesting real-life examples of people you know or have run into that fall into this category?

What's the best way to deal with a narcissist when he/she is affecting your life negatively?

Thanks for your thoughts.

From what I was taught Narcissism is a personality disorder. My initial thought is walk away; who needs or wants one's life affected negatively. You can TRY talking to the person about it
if he or she means a lot to you; but good luck with that.


Not completely obtuse
Nov 14, 2013
Poconos, PA
Advice? Well, I don’t know much about being a Narcissist because I’m not perfect (although I’m so darn close it’s scary at times ;))

Seriously though, when I do converse with someone like that, I usually display an uninterested attitude and appear distracted. It pisses them off. :)


Waiting in Uber.
Jan 3, 2010
In your mirror.
It seems, lately, I've been noticing several people around me who just seem to take over conversations just to hear themselves prattle on.
Also, some are very quick to judge and see things from only their point of view. They don't seem to have that little voice inside that rejects feelings for only themselves and really makes them stop and think about a sense of entitlement they didn't earn.
At a teacher training last week, a new girl had been hired, and it was her first time to meet the faculty. During the activities, she just took over, without really knowing the group and its dynamic. Some may say she's just a "leader;" most of us saw it as rude and invasive.
She just seemed to be silently screaming, "LOOK AT ME! I'M HERE AND HAVE IMPORTANT THINGS FOR YOU TO NOTICE!" Very revealing.

Hey, danie!

They USED to have that little voice inside but it got frustrated and ran away. xD



Chillin' since 2006
Nov 30, 2006
Red Stick
My ol' pal here I'm palaverin' about, he seemed to get worse as he got older.
We met when we were twenty, and through our lives there were extended periods we never saw or spoke to one another.
Life in it's quirky way would bring us together, and every time his behavior would drive me batsquat nuts quicker.
Suppose it could have been me
maybe being less tolerant, but I really don't think so.
I don't think so, either. Sounds like he's been off-kilter the whole time.


Dec 19, 2007
Lair of the Great Kentucky Nightcrawler
I don't think so, either. Sounds like he's been off-kilter the whole time.
Oh yeah he was,.but when we first met he was what we all thought was just a little oddball arrogant...he
joined a comedy group I started with eight or so others, so a lot of it we first figured was either him just being a character, time went on and it was obvious it Was his character.
Further time goes on, as it does, and it just seemed to keep magnifying til he was almost unsufferable, the lying almost constant, and oh my word they got whopperesque.
Here's the thing, though he wouldn't get him to budge on admitting a damn thing, if you knew him well enough you could tell he knew he had a problem.
Now may could be he might have lied to his own self what that might have been, but he knew something wasn't right...course out loud it had to be everybody else what had the problem, and that's usually the conversations where we had to have a 'session', and could be it was the fear of a a good ol' fashioned asswhipin' that would straighten him out, least for a bit, but I like to think he at least thought about it...hey Ed wasn't stupid, wayyy far from it, and he had a real good education, so I'll keep believing that.
I mean hey, for what ever he was, a pain in the butt, and noggin', and not just a bit of an expensive date, he was still my pal, and a pal's a pal's a pal, and we all need 'em, even narcsissists, well you know, even if the crazy bastards would never admit it if their heads were on fire:biggrin2:


The Fool on the Hill
Apr 12, 2014
Eh... I actually have no experience of narcissists. I mean, i have met arrogant and bossy persons but that does not mean that they are narcissistic, does it? But as to what it is i don't think you can cure a narcissistic person, possibly, with luck, help her/him adjust to the rest of humanity. It is, as somebody pointed out, a personality disorder. But i think it exist many people who arent so intelligent when it comes to how other people react to their actions. They can be very intelligent in other ways. That does not mean that they can't, if someone points it out, see that they may have done the wrong thing. A narcissist, of course, would never see that.