Favorite Comic Strips.

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Jun 23, 2007
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Hi Neesy, I hope those two girls aren't after Dino just for his money. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! All the best, mal.


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2014
Got this framed animation cell from one of the cartoons, with Dilbert trapped in Accounting Hell, as a gift long time ago. I know of Dilbert, but never read any of the comics or seen the cartoon shows. But I am quite familiar with accounting hell. :)


I get Dilbert for free every day by email. I usually don't read it there, because I look at it with the rest of the comics. But if I'm remote and not getting a paper, or miss reading the paper for some reason, I gots me my daily dose of Dilbert.

Patricia A

Jul 10, 2006
Puget Sound
This is my all time favorite Dilbert comic strip. I had this in a small frame on the wall of my cubicle at the police department. It's perfect. The admin division was always sending out surveys to all personnel wanting input on "how administration could better serve the police department employees". The surveys would come to your police department email and you had to submit them back as an email. There was always a disclaimer that the surveys were "completely anonymous" but anything coming to YOUR email can be tracked back to YOUR email, especially when the proprietary email system software is owned by the police department...lol. Anyway, sometimes during the year when the Chief spoke at a get together or at the yearly employee banquet when one of the other admin captains spoke they would make reference to the positive input about how things were going at the department and that the survey feedback about how things were ran was generally very positive. A rueful chuckle would run thru the crowd when these comments were made and I don't know if admin honestly believed we were all being honest on these surveys or if somewhere in the back of their minds they knew that we were all just telling them what they wanted to hear in order to not get hassled...lol Anyway, the day I came across this Dilbert strip, I saved it right off the bat.

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Priceless! ;-D
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