Random Thoughts

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Waiting in Uber.
Jan 3, 2010
In your mirror.
Cilantro tastes like soapy parsley. gahh.

I could bathe in Basil.


I think that's Basil. Let's see, "Basil? Is that you?!" *Chicken doesn't say a peep.*


Deleted User
Jun 29, 2016
I've been a huge fan of Star Wars since 1977. I had a friend who was also a long time friend. But, he's color blind, and never knew Yoda was green until he saw Revenge of the Sith and heard Palpatine during his fight with Yoda say "My little green friend". Then he said "Yoda's green?" It took many years to realize that Yoda was green because of his color blindness.

I often have a good laugh at that. But, unfortunately now we aren't really friends anymore.

I still think under other circumstances Yoda could have won a fight against him.

Also what most people don't seem to notice is that Elvis Presley died the same year.

And thinking of that it reminds of a little run in I had when I was going to college many years ago. I had a run in with this girl who claimed she had the psychic ability to read past lives. So i challenged her on it and she said I was the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler and Elvis Presley.

Now, you want to know what the huge problem with that claim is?

Elvis Presley was born on January 3rd, 1935.Hitler was Chancellor in 1938.

And that i was alive when Elvis Presley was.
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