Carrie Fisher

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Peripherally known member..
Nov 21, 2014
I really should, yes. I just did not get into watching these big name movies. I did not see many of the these big name movies much. The only one I did love very much was Goonies.
I loved the Goonies too! Yes,there are some great moments in Star Wars with Carrie,hope you take a chance and rent it..she was only nineteen when she filmed it,but she was assertive,brash,brave but still vulnerable..


Just moseyin' through...
Oct 9, 2013
I loved the Goonies too! Yes,there are some great moments in Star Wars with Carrie,hope you take a chance and rent it..she was only nineteen when she filmed it,but she was assertive,brash,brave but still vulnerable..
She was a princess who never needed anyone to save her--she took matters into her own hands and controlled her own life. As a girl who never learned to kowtow (lol), she was a role model as Leia. As an adult, she remained a role model as herself because she was honest and straightforward, and did so much to destigmatize mental health issues by means of her very honesty.


Nov 8, 2010
Under your bed
Mine too. I think I worried my kids--coming so soon after George's too much.

Sucks about George Michael, sure...and we were just talking about him at work last week, about how much we dig that Faith song with it's Bo Diddley beat. But hearing about Carrie just hit me right upside the head and choked me up. It's like hearing your favorite aunt died or something.


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2016
I had just seen a rerun of Big Bang Theory where both she and James Earl Jones played themselves. Sheldon had stalked Jones to his favorite restaurant and ended up spending the evening keeping him company. They go by Fisher's house and Jones tells Sheldon to run when he rings the bell, cause "she's crazy."

He rings the bell, runs, she comes out with a bat...
"It's not funny anymore James!"

Kudos to them both for laughing With us.


The Fool on the Hill
Apr 12, 2014
Star Wars sure but didn't you see her in Blues Brothers? She really tried to kill John Belushi in it...... And her mother, the amazing Debbie Reynolds, the day after.............. 2016 really sucked big time!


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2008
London, England
First spoiler should probably go first.

Hi Nadine,
I can remember when WHMS came out - couldn't tell you how many times I've watched it.
I loved it then and I love it still.

Now CF has left the building, my other cinematic heroes of the 80's - William Hurt, Kevin Kline, Meryl Streep, Kevin Costner (hold the hilarity), Jeff Bridges - seem real fragile now.:pudency: