Colbert appearance

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#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
GNT, you are correct. I can understand most not agreeing on this. I am glad that others enjoyed it even though I did not. Sometimes when I don't enjoy something, I feel embarrassed for it -- a good example is Insomnia, I really felt that wasn't such a great book; yet, I always feel good when I find someone who liked the book, because then I feel that at least someone found value in it and could see what I couldn't see.

On the Trump joke: at first I wasn't sure who they were referring to, but then I did realize. DiO'Bolic's twist on that made me laugh, though. Actually, that should have been the punch line to the actual joke -- they should have said at the end they meant her. (I wonder if that was a planned routine.)

In reference to another comment: as far as I know, he is not doing the Colbert-conservative thing any longer, but honestly, it seems as if he still at least has allowed the voice and demeanor of that character to remain intact, which makes things very confusing. Although, I really didn't watch his other show, so perhaps someone who has might argue that he actually is different and this is simply the real him. Hard for me to figure out, to be honest. I wish him well in his show, but I truly hope he becomes more like Letterman in terms of interviewing top guests like King and, say, someone like Bill Gates (imagine him being silly with someone like the latter; that would be a waste of time).

I loved the stack of books as well. An entertaining visualization of his literary activity.
Now if only he could have gotten Stephen King to sign them all! (Poor guy would have writer's cramp!) :friendly_wink:;)


#1 fan (Annie Wilkes cousin) 1st cousin Mom's side
May 24, 2012
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
I thought maybe it was just me, but I found him to be quite gaunt looking.
Leland Gaunt?

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The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
He did choose to lose weight after his accident to lower pressure on his injuries.

I felt that he was a little on the light side too the other day and will be baking him fattem-up's henceforth.
...this makes sense, and I could learn from it myself dammit, all the extra adipose tissue I'm lugging around...more weight causes increased load on joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons...


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2014
I thought the interview was fine....Sure, someone could make an argument that it may have been a little forced: From what I can tell from the few SK orations I have heard (including "LTs Theory Of Pets"), King has a natural wit but it is usually very very dry....I mean, like, Sahara dry!

This exchange was very schtick, but SK did a good job not sounding contrived and thats what made it work ;-D