Dynamic Duos

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Walter Oobleck

keeps coming back...or going, and going, and going
Mar 6, 2013
We met on the 19th...August of 95, a blind date arranged by fate. A Saturday, called her up and asked if she wanted to go estimating with me. So...I wore my goofball baseball cap. Guys at the lumberyard were allatime telling me I needed a propeller for it...cause it looks like the hat Donald's nephews wear. We make arrangements...I call her, get direction, get in the truck with my notebook for estimating...I think I tossed together a cooler with some drinks, beer and pop...and I go to pick her up at her apartment. She opened the door and there I was, in my goofball hat...I took a step back...cause she is gorgeous. I wasn't expecting that...reason why I wore my goofball hat.

After the initial...whatever...I asked if she was ready to go. I'd left the potential customer's phone number in the truck so I had to go get it, give him a ring, tell him I'm on my way. Guy who lived out Hermit's Cove, wanted a garage built. Ray, by name, widower, older man, worked for one of the auto companies downstate, retired now. Later, she told me she thought I was booking it, that I'd taken one look and that was it. Anyway, we head out down the highway...Hermit's Cove is out past Gay, on the road to Lac La Belle. I find the turn-off, find the driveway, a two-track, we pull in get out walk up to the door and the inside entry door is open, can hear music classical through the screen but though I knock nobody comes to the door.

I say well we could take a drive up the road, come back in a bit. We do. Head over to Burnett Park...a park named after a guy played for the Boston Red Sox...I think...on the big lake. We pull in there, sit and talk, the pop I had wasn't diet, but she drank one anyway. Blueberries were ripe and we picked some, skipped rocks into the big lake. She beat me, had a seven- or eight-bouncer. I had a three-bouncer. Later, we drove back to Ray's place, he met us at the door, told me what he wanted, I took notes, said an excavator will be contacting him, John, and we left. Drove up along the lake further into the Keweenaw and back again on the inland highway. And so it goes. We've been together since. Married a little over a year later. We've had our ups and downs but so far we're doing fine.

(I got the job, garage, and did more work for Ray over the years.)

I no longer have my goofball hat, alas. She tossed it about five or ten years ago.

carrie's younger brother

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2012
My husband and I are married for 2 1/2 years (since it was legal in NY), but we're really 21-years strong this year. We met like a lot of gay male couples met back in 1994... at a bar. Yes, it was a 1-night stand, but something really clicked for both of us enough to pursue it further. And here we are 21 years later, while my straight brother is on wife #4 in almost as many years. Go figure.

We really are a great couple. Yes, we argue like silly old married people do, but we get along like no one I know. We just "get" one another, even though we are quite different. He's put up with A LOT of CRAP from me and my family and I've put up with A LOT from him and his family. But in between in it's been great and I wouldn't change a thing! It's pure love in every sense of the word!


The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
...Tracy and I have been friends for almost 40 years...she had a thing for me in high school, but given I'm about as dense as concrete-never picked up on the signs...and I liked here quite a bit, but was to chickensh*t to ask her out....years went by, she married/divorced as did I...and after my first marriage hit the pooper, I happened to be in town and went to the store where she was working...got to talking-knew she had had a rough divorce etc. etc.-but I couldn't get her off my mind...went to a girlfriend of hers and said I wanted to ask Tracy out, she said "go for it"...so I worked up my nerve-she agreed and 21 years later, somehow she has tolerated me and I love her with all my heart....


Feb 3, 2015
Old Dominion
And no I am not referring to Batman and Robin. I am referring to you! =D
I like stories and I know a lot of you on here are married or(and? ;;D) have significant others. How did you meet? How long have you been together? What is YOUR story?

Married. Met on line playing spades on a gaming site called MPlayer (I was there to goof off on-line while drinking beer and smoking cigarettes, not meet men, but......) Have been together (dating - present) 16 years. Married for 12. It's my only marriage, but, I do have 2 kids from prior relationships.

Flat Matt

Deleted User
Apr 16, 2014
A little over 16 years ago, I was in the pub with my friend having a drink and minding my own business when a woman approached me and started babbling on about something or other. She's still babbling on now, but in a less flirtatious manner.


"Have I run too far to get home?"
Sep 25, 2011
Met my wife at a mutual friend's house during a party in early 1995. Said party consisting of a bunch of early 90's Grunge types(myself included), blaze heads, and other trustees of modern chemistry. I remember her walking by me and mentioning something about Pearl Jam but at the moment the music was too damn loud and I didn't hear her or didn't think she was talking to me. I was wearing my ever-present Pearl Jam hat at this party. The Pearl Jam hat was my staple, worn backwards, for the most part only taken off optionally while showering.

I noticed her several times throughout the night, mainly because she looked much healthier and was much better dressed than any of us locals were at the party. Finally, a couple of hours later as I watched a couple of other guys hit on her, I started getting a little pissed off.....Why you ask? Good question. I couldn't figure that one out either which got me thinking maybe I should try talking to her. We ended up sitting beside one another for a while and I noticed the whole time she wasn't partaking in any of festive smoking or drinking. I got a bit nervous thinking she might be a narc or something, back then that was very real concern of mine:). Anyway, we started talking and she told me she was there with a friend just kind of tagging along for the night. I asked her if she'd like a beer but she politely declined on the grounds she was in nursing school and had an exam coming up. Wow, at this point, I'm thinking, good looking, sober, and has a career path mapped out? At this time in my life I was trying to do my best impression of Jim Morrison, my mentality on most things being "If one is good, eight is probably a lot better." I had a lot of issues and she seemed way out of my league, but I sure as hell enjoyed talking to her that night.

A couple of hours later, I guess about 2 or 3am the party started to break up and I began to hear that same old voice that has always screamed at me not to ask girls out on the basis of back then I didn't deal with rejection very well, not violently or anything, just would get very depressed if I got shot down. I've never been one of those guys who chalks it up to "Oh well, her loss." I ALWAYS saw rejection as something wrong with me. My self-esteem issues are deep rooted and over the years I've come to see they are impossible to get past. So, Gina is starting to get ready to leave with her friend, I'm doing my best impression of a faithful terrier pup following her around, helping her with her jacket, trying, and I mean TRYING HARD to work up the nerve to ask her out. She just finally says, "Well, I've been waiting all night to see if you're going to ask me out, I don't have a boyfriend or anything if that's what you're worried about." It wasn't what I was worried about, but holy crap, what an out she gave me. I just stood there for a few seconds, stunned, and told her I'd really like to go out with her.

That was the start of our twenty years together. She has always been able to read my mind from the very beginning. She has always told me no one she has ever known has ever made her feel as safe as I do. I think through all the relationships I ever went thru, all the drugs, the drinking, and self destructive behavior, all I really needed was someone to tell me that. A few months after we started going out, all the earrings, the hair wraps, the one length long hair, I ditched all of it, because it just wasn't me anymore. I started thinking long term instead of about the next day's high. I have no doubt whatsoever, that had I not met my wife when I did, there would be no ghost19 typing this long winded narrative. There was no way to maintain the type of lifestyle I was living at the time and not eventually suffer the repercussions one way or the other. She's my mojo and always will be.


Feb 3, 2015
Old Dominion
Met my wife at a mutual friend's house during a party in early 1995. Said party consisting of a bunch of early 90's Grunge types(myself included), blaze heads, and other trustees of modern chemistry. I remember her walking by me and mentioning something about Pearl Jam but at the moment the music was too damn loud and I didn't hear her or didn't think she was talking to me. I was wearing my ever-present Pearl Jam hat at this party. The Pearl Jam hat was my staple, worn backwards, for the most part only taken off optionally while showering.

I noticed her several times throughout the night, mainly because she looked much healthier and was much better dressed than any of us locals were at the party. Finally, a couple of hours later as I watched a couple of other guys hit on her, I started getting a little pissed off.....Why you ask? Good question. I couldn't figure that one out either which got me thinking maybe I should try talking to her. We ended up sitting beside one another for a while and I noticed the whole time she wasn't partaking in any of festive smoking or drinking. I got a bit nervous thinking she might be a narc or something, back then that was very real concern of mine:). Anyway, we started talking and she told me she was there with a friend just kind of tagging along for the night. I asked her if she'd like a beer but she politely declined on the grounds she was in nursing school and had an exam coming up. Wow, at this point, I'm thinking, good looking, sober, and has a career path mapped out? At this time in my life I was trying to do my best impression of Jim Morrison, my mentality on most things being "If one is good, eight is probably a lot better." I had a lot of issues and she seemed way out of my league, but I sure as hell enjoyed talking to her that night.

A couple of hours later, I guess about 2 or 3am the party started to break up and I began to hear that same old voice that has always screamed at me not to ask girls out on the basis of back then I didn't deal with rejection very well, not violently or anything, just would get very depressed if I got shot down. I've never been one of those guys who chalks it up to "Oh well, her loss." I ALWAYS saw rejection as something wrong with me. My self-esteem issues are deep rooted and over the years I've come to see they are impossible to get past. So, Gina is starting to get ready to leave with her friend, I'm doing my best impression of a faithful terrier pup following her around, helping her with her jacket, trying, and I mean TRYING HARD to work up the nerve to ask her out. She just finally says, "Well, I've been waiting all night to see if you're going to ask me out, I don't have a boyfriend or anything if that's what you're worried about." It wasn't what I was worried about, but holy crap, what an out she gave me. I just stood there for a few seconds, stunned, and told her I'd really like to go out with her.

That was the start of our twenty years together. She has always been able to read my mind from the very beginning. She has always told me no one she has ever known has ever made her feel as safe as I do. I think through all the relationships I ever went thru, all the drugs, the drinking, and self destructive behavior, all I really needed was someone to tell me that. A few months after we started going out, all the earrings, the hair wraps, the one length long hair, I ditched all of it, because it just wasn't me anymore. I started thinking long term instead of about the next day's high. I have no doubt whatsoever, that had I not met my wife when I did, there would be no ghost19 typing this long winded narrative. There was no way to maintain the type of lifestyle I was living at the time and not eventually suffer the repercussions one way or the other. She's my mojo and always will be.


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2014
I saw her sitting in the rain, raindrops falling on her. She didn't seem to care. She sat there and smiled at me.

Oh, wait. That's a different story.

Here's the real story. It's copied-and-pasted from elsewhere in the forum.

It was at a party for high schoolers in Nina's basement when I first saw this enchanting blonde, back to the wall, smiling at her conversation partner. I wondered how a pretty creature like that could have wandered into a place that would have someone like me. With my pathological shyness I didn't talk to her that night, but now I had extra motivation to go to another party.

My friend Curt urged me to that next party, and I had the driver's license and he didn't, so you could say I was the ride, but it was effectively Curt towing me along. The blonde was at that party too. I still didn't talk to her. She was simply out of my league. I sat on the bottom step to the party room, staying quiet, listening to the music, watching the partygoers dance, until finally a gregarious redhead came up and engaged me. She was cute, but terribly annoying because she kept talking, and I was working up my courage to ask her to dance just to scare her off, if nothing else, and the blonde girl kept walking back and forth in front of us.

I was just opening my mouth to say the magic words, assuming I could get them out, which was no sure bet, when the redhead pointed to the blonde and said, "I think she wants you to ask her to dance." I was dumbfounded. Here I was, on the brink of asking Red to dance, and Red was diverting me to the Unattainable. The blonde came back around, and the redhead said to her, "Hey, he wants to ask you to dance," pushed us together, and we danced.

So it was a good night. One night in the following week found Curt and me in his basement, a favored hangout. I told Curt I wanted to ask the blonde out. He had her phone number. I paced, went to pick up the phone, left it alone, paced again, went to the phone, walked away, and paced. Curt talked me through it. He said, "The worst she can say is no," which was kind of like saying, "The worst she can do is completely shatter your psyche with a single word."

But finally at his urging, and just before he got annoyed enough to shove the phone up my - never mind. Anyway, heart in throat, I finally picked it up, dialed the number (and this is when you actually did dial), got her, talked to her, asked her out, and she said yes.

Now, it wasn't easy from that point on. There were peaks and valleys, drama and bliss, separations and dates with others, and all the stuff that goes on with young love, but we got settled in finally, and a few states and a foreign country and a brace of kids and grandkids and four decades or so later, here we are.

So thanks, Curt.

And sure, the redhead played her part. But it was really Curt.

There's a song that I consider our song, or at least a few verses of it. Summer Rain by Johnny Winters.

She stepped out of the rainbow
Golden hair shining like moon glow
Warm lips soft as a soul
Sitting here by me
She's here by me

She wants to live in the Rockies
She says that's where we'll find peace
Settle down, raise up a family
To call our own, yeah.
We'll have a home

The snow drifts by my window
North wind, blowing like thunder
Our love's burning like fire
And she's here by me, yeah
She's here with me
Let tomorrow be


Not completely obtuse
Nov 14, 2013
Poconos, PA
I'd like to point out the irony that the responses on this thread are mostly from men, and, quite involved and romantic (lovely and loving) .... especially in light of the recent Men Rules and Women Rules threads .... just sayin' .....
Okay than...

While working for Perry Ellis, I was having drinks with my boss after work one day. Suddenly this fine looking girl (who would later become my wife) walked in and sat down at a table with a few of her girlfriends. I perhaps had one too many drinks, but gazing upon this girl's beauty, an urge overcame me and I immediately turned to my boss and said, "ONE DAY I’M GOING TO MARRY THAT GIRL, and if not her then that one over near the door, or the one at the end of the bar, or maybe the one coming back from the girls room..."

misery chastain loves co.

MORE Count Chocula please.....
Jul 31, 2011
I'd like to point out the irony that the responses on this thread are mostly from men, and, quite involved and romantic (lovely and loving) .... especially in light of the recent Men Rules and Women Rules threads .... just sayin' .....
hahaha! So true! I think two women responded(you and annamarie) with a paragraph and the men have written romance novels. Love the stories guys! Gushing about your guy/gals just the way you should be. They've trained you well :boxing:
Thanks for sharing everyone.


Feb 3, 2015
Old Dominion
hahaha! So true! I think two women responded(you and annamarie) with a paragraph and the men have written romance novels. Love the stories guys! Gushing about your guy/gals just the way you should be. They've trained you well :boxing:
Thanks for sharing everyone.

It makes sense. If the weren't in love with their wives, they wouldn't be here. They'd be on Match.com!