Favorite King Short Story?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2012
I like short stories because you can get a good read, get a really good dose of story, in a short time. And, you can get more than one per sitting if you are reading for several hours straight. I loved 1408, Jerusalem's Lot, Return to Salem's Lot, Mr. Todd's Shortcut...so many good ones, hard to list them all. Grandma was creepy too. And the one about the giant rat. There are so many more that I love!

Dana Jean

Dirty Pirate Hooker, The Return
Apr 11, 2006
The High Seas
Short stories happen to be my favorite thing to read. I try to get America's Best.., The O'Henrys, Best Southern Shorts, and other collections every year. While I love a nice long 1200 page SK epic, I am equally thrilled with 30 pages or so that wraps up nicely and I can read in one sitting. A friend of mine found me an old, old copy of Guy de Maupassant short stories - what a treasure!
I love the collections of short stories also. I own tons of anthologies. I still don't understand why publishers would rather do a novel of an up and coming author than a collection of short stories. Short stories show an author's chops I think. They have very little time to build this world, so the writing has to be wicked tight. If I read a particularly good short story by someone I have never read before, I will THEN seek out their other work, the longer stuff.


There's petrol runnin' through my veins.
Jun 15, 2010
East Sussex, UK
All of them. I absolutely love his collections, all of them. I can't choose just one. Everythings Eventual is probably one of my most revisited books. I'm gagging for him to do another collection. "That Feeling That You can only say what it is in French" is probably an all time favourite. And the one that I forget the name off, about the travelling salesman who collected graffiti in a book, and is trying to decide whether to kill himself. I could go on and on and ON about the shorter stuff.


M e m b e r
Apr 11, 2006
UnParked, UnParked U.S.A.
I love the collections of short stories also. I own tons of anthologies. I still don't understand why publishers would rather do a novel of an up and coming author than a collection of short stories. Short stories show an author's chops I think. They have very little time to build this world, so the writing has to be wicked tight. If I read a particularly good short story by someone I have never read before, I will THEN seek out their other work, the longer stuff.

I agree!

Mr Nobody

Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2008
Walsall, England
My absolute fave is probably 'The Mist', though I have so many that jump around in my head like unruly kids going "What about me?" that it's unfair to have to name a single one.

And the one that I forget the name off, about the travelling salesman who collected graffiti in a book, and is trying to decide whether to kill himself. I could go on and on and ON about the shorter stuff.

'All That You Love Will Be Carried Away'? From Everything's Eventual?


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Oklahoma City
Short stories happen to be my favorite thing to read. I try to get America's Best.., The O'Henrys, Best Southern Shorts, and other collections every year. While I love a nice long 1200 page SK epic, I am equally thrilled with 30 pages or so that wraps up nicely and I can read in one sitting. A friend of mine found me an old, old copy of Guy de Maupassant short stories - what a treasure!

Gosh girl, help me out then. I am trying to find other short stories to read and having a hard time because they are soooo ....mmm what's the word? Boring? Predictable? Blech? Mr. King is really, really spoiling me--I'm having trouble reading anyone else.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2013
Heart of the South
Gosh girl, help me out then. I am trying to find other short stories to read and having a hard time because they are soooo ....mmm what's the word? Boring? Predictable? Blech? Mr. King is really, really spoiling me--I'm having trouble reading anyone else.
Pick up a copy of the Best American Short Stories - it comes out annually, and you can occasionally find an older volume. Every year they have a guest editor (Sai King was "it" in 2007), several great authors have taken a turn. I have been turned on to so many writers I would have never read by this series. The editors read them blindly so you end up with a collection that includes authors you know and some you've never heard of. And then there's a blurb by each author in the back of the book where they explain how the story came to be. I have the collection from 1993 forward.


Free spirit. Curly girl. Cookie eater. Proud SJW.
Aug 19, 2006
Kansas City
I have to say, too, that although I love shorts, I find horror and spec fiction shorts to be crazy uneven in quality overall. It's just a different form, and just because an author is great with novels, that does not necessarily translate to shorter works. And horror, especially, tends to be bad because (I think) writers cave to using some shortcuts that end up feeling like they are "dialing it in." But again and again, King knocks it out of the park. He's just Da Man.