Happy 20th Scott and Tracy

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The idiot is IN
Jun 15, 2007
Cambridge, Ohio
...first of all...KFF, bless your sweet heart for thinking of us...it was a lovely, lovely surprise!...second, yeah-she is one of a kind in her endurance of my decidedly sick and juvenile sense of humor, but she has learned to riposte like a champ and I love having her zing me, and hearing her laugh...Walt, the honeymoon is always ongoing in my heart...Deb, our fantastic friend-we love you too, and miss you like hell, and the all the rest of my family?...you should know how dear you are to me....now, if you'll indulge an old fart for a minute, and allow me to have a RARE lapse into seriousness-Tracy is an incredible woman...she is an outstanding Mother and Grandmother, a fiercely loyal friend and defender...and she is my rock...period...she will always have my heart...I must confide though, I have let this woman down, hurt her and disappointed her SO many times over the years-I don't really know why she stays with me...I have a dark side-one that creeps out more than it ever should...don't get me wrong, I've never EVER abused her physically...I don't gamble, womanize, do drugs etc...smoking and cursing are my biggest vices...but I HAVE made a mess of things more than I can ever atone for...my temper is quick, I internalize stressors and they come out in inappropriate ways and the laundry list of my faults is execrable...her heart is as big as the sky, and I just hope-that despite my multitude of failings, somewhere/somehow I make her happy...she of all people, deserves that...Tracy, I'm a schmuck and I don't deserve your beauty, but my God I love you so...please know that, and forgive me my failings if you can...the old Giant isn't always happy-go-lucky folks, but that's my confession for what it's worth....


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2013
Heart of the South
@GNTLGNT What precious words up there, friend! Ask a priest to describe to you what marriage is someday. The short version - it's an eternal and daily sacrifice of ourselves to our spouse, a constant forgiving of each other and pouring out of ourselves to and for each other. And when one is failing, the burden belongs to other - we're only human. And what a gift when you actually make this happen the way it's supposed to - you have this bond for life. You're both blessed.


"Have I run too far to get home?"
Sep 25, 2011
GNT, due to all the random bad **** that happens to people, anyone who is happy go lucky all the time is most likely clinically insane. What makes you cool is you have a very good way of expressing yourself even when you are not being happy go lucky. You're a good guy sir and you obviously have a good woman to stand beside you and help tow the line. It takes someone special to spend twenty years with. I'm in the same boat. I couldn't tie my shoes correctly without running it by my wife. Congrats on 20 years and here's to at least fifty more for the both of you.


This is my favorite place
Mar 26, 2008
The woods are lovely dark and deep